Stratos Boat Question

  • chrossa
    Arcadia, WI
    Posts: 111

    Hey Fellow Fishermen,

    Anyone running the Stratos 175XT? Just wondering if its any good. I really like the lay of the boat. I wish you could test drive boats, just like a vehicle. Does anyone know of any dealers that let you take them out? If I do get one I would like to put a 75hp Honda on the back. Just looking for some feedback. Thanks.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Give Al’s Specialty Marine a call they may be able to help you out

    Al’s Specialty Marine
    Visit Our Website to Browse our Online Inventory of New & Used Boats!
    Ph. 507-282-5532

    Posts: 145

    I’ve been running a Stratos bass boat for the last two years. A great hull, it rides fine. Unfortunately, the rest of the boat is a piece of crapola. Very, very poor workmanship. I have three pages of problems or complaints and unfortunately, the dealer is unable and unwilling to fix things. Not to mention the trailer recall, where the tongue cracked. The dealer told me I was out of luck, and out of warranty until I showed them the contract and threatened to bring in the lawyers. I will never again buy a boat from Statos. They do not back them up at all.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Before laying 100% of the blame on Stratos you should take a long look at your dealer.

    If all the issue’s aren’t getting relayed to Stratos by the dealer then they can’t do anything about it. My first call would be to Stratos to find out how much they really know.

    I’ve heard many good things about Stratos.

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    While a “true” Stratos bass boat might be alright….this boat is junk.

    I’m basing my assesment on the fact that our local Ranger Dealer has also picked up a few Stratos boats to sell, as Stratos is now under Genmar. We’ve had the 175XT at a few shows and I’ve had to opportunity to look this thing over on several occassions, and I feel it is poorly constructed.

    This has nothing to do w/my affiliation w/Ranger, just my honest opinion. Take a look around the console and you can see all the unfished edges – it just looks like it had been cut w/a exacto<sp?> knife.

    The back compartments are nothing more than plastic totes dropped into a unfinished cut hole in the back.

    This boat was made to compete with similar boats of the aluminum persuasion…..but take a GOOD look at it and you’ll see it is well under par.

    Bottom line – you can find better quality, both new and used for that price.

    or you can spend a few k more and buy my Ranger

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607

    FYI: The resins/gel coats used on Rangers are the same as on the “newer” Stratos boats. My Dad’s company provides it for them.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    It is what it is in my opinion. For 13K out the door, boat/motor/trailer what are you guys expecting?

    I pawed around in one at the boat show, thought it was a neat little entry level boat. Aint no Ranger, but for roughly the same price as many 16 foot aluminum with a 40HP tiller I’m not getting too picky on the fit and finish.


    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    Eyetroller, we arent’ talking about REAL bass boats….

    If you re-read my post, I said that the “real” Stratos bass boats are fine.

    Go to Holmen marine this weekend and look at the 175 and tell me they are the same as a Ranger or “Real” Stratos Bass boats. – They are not.

    Jon – I also stated that other boats in that price range are simply made better…but it does have its own little market niche

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    Just out of curiosity, what boat does the 175 compete with?


    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    -The Nitro 640
    -Any one of the Bass Tracker boats (Pro-Team 170 for example)
    -Any other aluminum brand of similar “bass tracker” style. I had an alumacraft w/a40 a few years ago that was well built.
    -Triton has several series of boats of comparison. The TS-18, the 176, the SP.

    That’s just to name some of the bigger names.

    Montrose Mn
    Posts: 2101


    I’ve been running a Stratos bass boat for the last two years. A great hull, it rides fine. Unfortunately, the rest of the boat is a piece of crapola. Very, very poor workmanship. I have three pages of problems or complaints and unfortunately, the dealer is unable and unwilling to fix things. Not to mention the trailer recall, where the tongue cracked. The dealer told me I was out of luck, and out of warranty until I showed them the contract and threatened to bring in the lawyers. I will never again buy a boat from Statos. They do not back them up at all.

    Gordon, If youve had this problem with a local Minneapolis dealer your not the first. Call stratos and tell them you want your service work moved to another retailer. I had problems with the minneapolis dealer and now purchase all my parts and accesories for my 201 from Warner Docks. Somone has already listed there web adress above. There great guys and will tell it to you straight.

    Good luck

    (A VERY happy Stratos owner.)

    Covington Indiana
    Posts: 269

    What do you expect for 13k !!!! That is the same thing a dealer at the Indy boat show said …. I guess if it floats its good to go … I would stay with a tracker (FLOATING TANK)!!!!

    Eden Prairie, MN
    Posts: 119

    Stratos stands behind their boats. Simple Truth.

    If it is the Chain of dealers with Luke at the helm, they are rapidly losing customers since Myron is no longer running it.

    Warners Dock is the closest Stratos dealer that is not affiliated with them.

    I have purchased my last 2 boats from them, but when it is time to buy again, it will not be from C-P. I will go to Warners and I WILL buy another Stratos.

    The 176 is meant to compete in the rapidly growing market share that encompasses the Tracker Pro Team 175 and others of that size. All the Bass Boat companies are realizing that not everyone wants, needs or can afford a 21ft rig. That 50k+ note just doesn’t fly in this economy anymore, so they are going back to marketing the smaller boats more agressively. Look in B&WB mag at the ads. Most are targeting the smaller boats.

    If anyone has seen fit and finish issues with any Stratos boats, I would bet that the dealer let them sit out uncovered, or made non-factory mods poorly. If you cannot resolve your issues with your dealer, call Stratos directly and ask for Jim Porter. If it is a parts issue, ask for Dino. If these guys can’t help you, they will put you in touch with the right people.


    Posts: 1957


    If anyone has seen fit and finish issues with any Stratos boats, I would bet that the dealer let them sit out uncovered, or made non-factory mods poorly.

    I’m not so sure about that? I owned a Stratos, not a bass boat but the 386. Fit N finish was ok at best. I had problems with lids not fitting right, wiring stretched to the point of breaking, panels buckling and bowing out and the bow conversion bracket not fitting, just to mention a few of the fit n finish whoas. Someone else mentioned the rough cut holes, I had the same thing. It was a new 04, got rid of it spring of 05, if that says anything. I wasn’t impressed with ride quality or fit n finish. Now, 04 was the introduction year of the 386 and they’ve done a nice job “sprucing” up the new ones. I’ve seen many nice Stratos bass boats with nice fit/finish. Most of the problems I had were design but the things like wiring were just poor craftsmanship.

    It comes down to what a person wants to spend as I understand that my 04 386 was a “entry level” boat at the time. The more you spend the better fit/finish your going to get. If a guy wants to save money and get something that floats your going to lose out on fit/finish. At least that’s the way it seems, price dictates quality.


    Eden Prairie, MN
    Posts: 119

    I won’t argue that some boats have issues from the factory. Monday or Friday boats…LOL

    However, it is the dealer’s responsibility to check the boat over for things like that prior to delivery, and correct those items. Much of the wiring is done at the factory, but a certain amount is done by the dealer.

    That is where the large chain here in the Cities is falling down. They are more concerned with the pleasure boat market since Luke took over. He isn’t a fisherman, he is a skier and wakeboard guy. Myron was a fisherman.

    Like I said above, anyone with an issue with ANY brand of boat (and all brands have issues from the factory) should contact the factory for assistance. They will call the dealer and get them moving.

    I am on several board related to bass boats, and I am hearing the same quality issues with all brands, even Ranger. BUT, for every issue you hear about, there are probably 500 boats with no issues that you do not hear about. Just like with cars, trucks or any other consumer product.


    Posts: 13

    We carry the Stratos and Rangers in stock. The Stratos market is going against the catalog boat makers. They are all priced to fit specific $$ ranges with a certain motors to hit these goals. As a dealer if you do not like the Stratos boat we have the Ranger boat. This was done to help both the Stratos and Ranger sales. Now Stratos is under the Ranger people to create a playing fields with one gaol in mind.. To sell more boats to entry people than the other mass builders. Is it the Stratos that we had in the 90’ Is it less price–yes it is. Stop buy and take a look and then look at the other boats in the same $$ range and hp range and see what trips you trigger. I believe the resale will be better with these products than the mass builders!!

    Minneapolis, MN
    Posts: 1451

    I ran a 1993 219 for many years (bought from Al’s) and loved it. My dad has it now. We are both very happy with it 14 years later. That thing flew, as a few here can attend to!

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