Crazy dad thows kid!!!

  • ederd
    Northeast Iowa, Randalia
    Posts: 1536

    I got this link from an e-mail, I think he’s a little to involved with this match!!!
    Crazy dad throws kid


    Byron, MN
    Posts: 1013

    This went around the wrestling board I’m on a couple weeks ago….amazing isn’t it? I know as a wrestling father (and longtime coach) that it is an incredibly passionate sport, but I have never seen a father/coach lose it like this (and I have been wrestling/coaching for 33 years)

    Annandale Mn.
    Posts: 1260

    The guy was lucky it was not my kid he threw…

    Montrose Mn
    Posts: 2101


    The guy was lucky it was not my kid he threw…

    That about sums it up for me.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    The smackdown and royal rumble would be childsplay, if it was my kid

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    Realisticly, I dont see how the guy could walk out of that place. I seen that on the news the day it happened. I am really surprised he wasnt immediately confronted by an angry mob of parents throwing punches/kicks.

    As others have said, it wouldnt have been resolved so peacefully if that were my kid.

    I can tell that match wasnt in Minneapolis

    Posts: 22

    How would that be any different than what this guy did then? I mean it was not right, but stooping to that level would’nt help either! It would just be on the news that you were no better than he was.

    This is a sport and like most, parents should’nt be allowed to watch if they can’t take a loss in an adult manner. I’m sure the kids let a loss go faster than the childs parents and thats sad. I have done some coaching, the parents in most cases need to be coached more than the kids!

    W & E Wi
    Posts: 78

    My 6-year old had a tourney in Oshkosh last weekend and they had security like crazy. There were bouncer like guys at every corner of the gym and police walking thru the halls and parking lot. This was the first time I had seen this much security. I would have to believe this had something to do with it.

    Posts: 973

    How silly, you sound just like the dad that was involved.

    Your comment does remind me of the way parents react oftentimes during hockey games. That get back, don’t let them out of the rink attitude without some time of response always seemed to cause more problems then produce solutions whether it involved officiating, coaching or playing time.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    The guy got some of what he deserved he will not ever be able to coach again, if it was up to me he would never be allowed anywhere near another wrestling match again. I have to admit if that was my kid I would have a hard time controlling myself from losing it

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