I am looking for someone to make me some big logo’s for my boat and truck. If any of you know anyone that can help me, please give me a contact # to reach them.
Walley4- I own a sign company. Just how big are you thinking? I can do die cut vinly decals and digital printing as large as you want. Call me. Chris Boland 612-382-9769 signsmiths.net Sign Smiths web page link
Tom “Blue Fleck” does a great job. He made this logo for me recently. I just wanted something simple. He was great tot work with. Shoot him an email at the link James provided.
Thanks guys and I will weigh all options here cause I will need to get a design together and I will need pretty good sized ones for my boat. Whoever can give me the best deal, will need to be able to make all kinds of decals for me with this same design.