Who knows how to get RID of box elder bugs?

  • Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    I know we’re all outdoors enthusiasts here….but I was hoping I might run into a few people who knew the answer to this question. I’m sick of em!! I live in my grandparents’ old house, so I know these bugs have been around for a while. Any tips would be great…we gotta do something.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5432

    Move to Minnesota and then they are only around for a few weeks.


    cassville ,wis
    Posts: 3053

    2 Tblsp dawn dish soap mixed in a spray bottle with water will knock em dead,

    Posts: 701


    I went to a hardware store and bought some stuff advertised to protect your home from bug infiltration. I can’t remember the name but I sprayed it about 2x much as recommended and kept them out of the house. They come out of the ground and come into your home.

    I sprayed the ENTIRE foundation paying a lot of attention to the windows, stairwell, etc.

    It really did help last fall and through the winter.

    I think it was $10 for a gallon or so, I’ve used it 3-4 times and still have some left.

    Posts: 1025

    One of our home remedy book says to fill a spray bottle with dishwasher soap 1 ounce to 1 quart water and add a drop of peppermint oil to the mix and spray the peramiter of the house or anywhere they are getting in. I have not tried this butit is in our bug terminator book!

    Posts: 5130

    One of the first things to do is look for any boxelder bushes, if you have any, remove them. Then about all you can do is use an insecticide and do a perimeter control program. I used to be an Orkin man and that was 2 of the best options we recommended. Also, if you have any firewood or any other type of things stacked tight to the house or nearby, move them as well. Those types of areas are hiding and breeding areas for many types of pests.

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022


    One of the first things to do is look for any boxelder bushes, if you have any, remove them. Then about all you can do is use an insecticide and do a perimeter control program. I used to be an Orkin man and that was 2 of the best options we recommended. Also, if you have any firewood or any other type of things stacked tight to the house or nearby, move them as well. Those types of areas are hiding and breeding areas for many types of pests.

    Wats is correct. My buddy is a pest control tech. He told me to remove the box elder tree in my front yard..

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    I got one for you, but it is nasty. you need some tobacco juice, 1/2 cup, 1 cup lemon dish soap and a 20 gallon hose end sprayer…..2 treatments of that and they will be gone. you can see as you spray them they pretty much die on contact. The tobacco juice eats through there shell and the lemon dish soap kills them . also to make the tobacco juice take 3 pinches in a nylon and boil about a gallon of water with the nylon about 1 hour. stinks but works great. don’t forget to let it cool before you use it.

    don’t ask me how. I jsut know it works. but if you are dieing to know PM me.

    also no pesticide or anything involved. nothing that hurts the house or animals.

    I will double check recipe to make sure it is correct.


    Cedar, Min-E-So-Ta
    Posts: 1482

    Tobacco Juice for Sale–

    Varying quantities produced daily, comes in attractive 20oz pop bottle container. Prices vary based on volume and the quality of the tobacco used (Sometimes Grizzly, sometimes Kodiak).

    Buyer pays shipping.

    PM me if you are interested.

    Posts: 24

    Brian, I will attach a link of some spray I used last fall that worked very well for me. http://www.cattlestore.com/pc-429-57-tempo-sc-ultra-premise-spray.aspx
    After spraying the foundation,doors and windows the next day I had to sweep the dead bugs off my deck. I found this at my local farm co-op and it will take care of all your bug problems including asian beatles. This stuff is the real deal.

    Good Luck, Jeff

    Posts: 701

    Just remember B in some parts of Nebraska Box Elder bugs are called “Democrats” so be careful with your lexicon…

    BTW, if you’ve never eaten box elder mushrooms which grow on box elder trees, they are to die for. They are much like a portabella and are in season right before pheasant time.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    Took longer then I thought to get a post like that.


    Montrose Mn
    Posts: 2101


    Move to Minnesota and then they are only around for a few weeks.


    Wish we could say that about you.

    Cedar, Min-E-So-Ta
    Posts: 1482


    Took longer then I thought to get a post like that.


    I was in a meeting….

    Posts: 5130

    I will second the Tempo SC Ultra for boxelder and especially Asian Beetles. This stuff works excellent and is the preferred product of dairy farmers in this area. It has residual effects for up to 30 days. Once it is dry you can rub up against it and it will not harm you, livestock, or pets. We used it for fly control on dairy farms and other livestock operations. If you were closer I could come down and spray for you. I still have a spraying tank with a 300′ hose for when I did Asian Beetle control a few years ago. I should get that thing out and use it again sometime

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12240

    Thanks for the link Steelers

    Posts: 24

    Steve, I got mine at Greenway co-op in Kasson MN

    shane huskey
    holmen wi
    Posts: 56

    My parents live in northeast Iowa and they had a serious investation of box elder bugs and then asian beetles. the only way we were able to get rid of the both of them was by fogging the house a couple of times in the winter. the best is the spray fodders you can get at your local feed supply place. fog evacuate the house for an hour they return and vacuum for 8 hours. in the spring the outside boundary thing seems to be the way to go to keep them from reivesting the place. but you need to get the ones inside first. basement and all, start in the attic and work you way down. just make sure you were a mask and evacuate.

    Grand Island Ne
    Posts: 175

    Get a sack of red man and a plug of days work have your freinds over you should have a five gallon bucket in the course of a good poker game. (Ill be out of town so I cant play that night)

    Posts: 5130

    The reason the house was infested was because there was no control on the outside to prevent them from coming in. Typically in the fall of the year when the beans start to get harvested and the temps start to drop, the Asian Beetles are starting to look for places to winter. In most cases this is houses and warm barns. The key to keeping them out of the house is to chemically spray beginning around the end of September and into October. It is tough to time it just right if you only want to pay to have the house sprayed once. You also only need to spray around doorways, windows, and other areas where the bugs have an entry way to the inside. The spray is a contact killer. Once they crawl over the sprayed surface the chemical starts to absorb into the body and will destroy the nervous system. You wouldn’t beleive some of the infestations I have seen in Northern WI.
    If you do not have a barrier for the bugs, once they get in, it is too late. They will then be flying around the house all winter until the spring when they will then crawl back out and fly back to the fields. The Asian Beetles sole purpose was to control aphids in the farm fields. Little did we know how well they would adapt to our winters, be prolific breeders, and create havoc in households.

    Posts: 1009

    BUG MAX 365

    you can buy this a Menard’s! or most hardware stores! spray around your windows and foundation in July of each year! this is a 1 time application per year! kills lady bugs and boxelder bugs!

    I have an older house! was built in 1891 the first few years we lived here we were infested with them damn things! tried most all of them home made things but they only work if you spray each bug!
    I dont know about you but i dont have that kind of time!

    we got some bug max 356! theres not so much as a cricket to be found now! its great stuff!

    THIS WORKS!!! not only does it work but you can spray your house well before they show up and don’t have to keep applying the crap every time it rains!

    Posts: 5130


    don’t have to keep applying the crap every time it rains!

    Not trying to pick on you, but that is hard to beleive. I held a commercial applicators license for Structural and Farm for a few years. There is not a chemical out there for bugs that can withstand rain without breaking down. I know with Tempo it takes a heck of a rain before it is rendered useless.
    If you sparay in July for Asian Beetles or box elder bugs, you are 2 months ahead of the main migration to warmer hibernating areas. Sure, you are going to take care of crickets, spiders, and ants and do a great job. The other real pests are living out their lifecycle in the field eating other bugs.
    I may have to check out the Bug Max stuff to see what the active ingredient and effective lifespan is. Sounds pretty interesting

    winona mn
    Posts: 25

    I agree we use this also Spray once a year also good for asian beetles.Sweep them up by the 1000′ s

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1737

    I was gonna offer the same thing but in the form/scent of Redman or Beechnut

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Cool, thanks for all the input, guys!! I’m going to try a few of them…..I don’t have any bushes out here, but I do have two trees right near the house. They’re some sort of evergreen, but they don’t have needles or cones or anything, so I don’t know what they are. I suspect if they go, the bugs will go, but I’m not planning on getting rid of the trees anytime soon. When I’m near them, it’s not like I see hoards of bugs on them either, so I don’t know what the deal is. I’m gonna try a few of these things and see how that goes. Thanks again…..

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    you can also spray the tree. also do not worry about the tobacco as the soap helps wash your house also.

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