Epidural injections for back problem??

  • jldii
    Posts: 2294

    I have been out of work since right after Christmas with back problems. I’ve been to doctors (osteopath and neuro surgeon) hospital ER’s, had an MRI and am finishing my 3rd week of physical therapy, and its now been suggested by my physical therapist that I think about having an epidural injection of steroids along a nerve root in my low back, as well as in the SI joint of my left hip. (I still have to see the neuro again before I decide).

    Have any of you had any epidural injections and if so, what do you think of having it done? Side effects?

    This sounds like it could be either a one time thing, or a life long process depending on how it works for me.

    Davenport, Iowa, USA
    Posts: 293

    I had the series of three done. Zero side effects, however the shots didn’t help at all. I did the chiro, PT, shots, and what finally worked for me was accupuncture, I was very leary of some voodoo crap, but after 3 visis it was better after 8 visits, I was 100%. I couldn’t sit, stand, sleep, nothing. I haven’t had any pain for 2 years. Good luck I hope you find releif some how. Ron Lamar

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    I had the same problem. I was out of work for about a year with a L1- L5 and S1 disc problems. The only thing that helped me was the Northwestern Chrio. college. When it happened I was only 19. That was 10 years ago now. But the guy I saw put me through a stressfull and painful re-hab thing I guess you would call.

    Thank god for that guy! I thought I would never be able to walk sit stand sleep without pain. Today I have not had a back problem for over 7 years! Knock on wood. But I aslo changed my life stlye a bit…………..

    mn Dodge co.
    Posts: 1133

    I have had my share of back trouble, 3 sugery’s & looking at the 4th very soon. I’ve had these shots a couple different times. The last one being 2 weeks ago, They don’t feel the best either. It did calm my pain down, But it’s still there. I feel Your pain!! Trust me I do! If ya want to talk more PM me. Doug

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    I’ve had shots in the neck that didn’t do alot nor last. I had no side effects. I do my exercises for my neck, see my chiropractor every third week, and take meds for muscle relaxation [muscle spasm problems] and meds for nerve pain. I’ve had two back surgeries for the L5 and have needed another surgery for the same area for a couple years now but the Docs won’t go in there a third time so it narcotic pain meds for back pain. Also have several more bad disk in my back too. Add degenative disk disease and arthritis in my injuried areas and I live with it. ALL from work injuries which also includes permenant carpol tunnel in both wrist/hands as both surgeries didn’t correct the problems due to the nerves too badly damaged. I’m getting closer to the time when I will have to have the neck surgery. Docs are holding off as long as we can. With all that said which gives my experience with this stuff if I were you I’d try the shots if you want to see if they work. If they don’t then I’d even consider trying the needles since our friend here said it worked for him. If nothing works then have the surgery and be very carefull afterwards as you could still have more problems too. Its kind of a coin toss I guess. The first ways I mentioned were the more conservative way. Depends on how much time you have to get the problem fixed. Having the surgery first is a quicker way to get rid of the pain. And of course you could try the other two if the problem would occure again later on again after having the surgery. What does your Doc say? What does your employer say? All these things influence your discission. What did the MRI show?

    Thanks, Bill

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    It all depends on what the problem is.

    My wife was in a nasty car wreck 3.5 years ago. She has 6 hearniated disk, right in a row. Yep, 6!!!

    They tried heavy doeses of cortozone via oral, but it didn’t work. They were talking about giving her an epidural but felt it was too risky. She still isn’t right.

    Point is, we have a really good doc who is helping her and I can give you his name if you like? He is up by United Hospital. I highly recommend 2nd and 3rd opinions on this prior to doing so. If I understnad coreectly, you can only have soo much of this cortozone that they shoot in your back.

    Hey Bill……..Pal, you need a lawyer!!!!! Holy crap!

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    I have done it also, three times. I had a herniation on the L5 disk. I could not even put my socks on without major pain. The injection aloud my back to relax so the bulge to slid back into place. Those shots and physical therapy, I was back to my normal routine in a few weeks. I still visit the chiro a few times a year though.
    If you need more info just ask.


    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100


    Not been there, never done it. But I will say this… One practive that doesn’t hurt is prayer. If not, I will do so for you.

    Good luck!

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941


    My mother has been getting these for the past few years in order to ease her pain. She’s had degenerating disks for years and actually just had surgery 6 weeks ago to fix the problem.

    For her they were a only a temporary fix to a more serious issue. She now has all kinds of rods and screws in lower her back, but she is pain free – all for a lowly $70k. (thank god for insurance)

    Posts: 12

    I almost tried cortizone shots for a herniated disc in my neck, but instead kept up the exercises and picked up an inversion table. I haven’t had any major issues since I started hanging upside down for a couple minutes per day. I’d say the shots are worth a try. I’m guessing if therapy doesn’t work, your only other option is to endure the pain or surgery.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    I’ve did the hanging upside down for awhile way back in the past. A TENS unit helps when I work as it helps to block some of the pain signals from my neck to the brain and home neck traction from a unit I have at home helps too for the neck if anyone out there has neck problems. I am more than willing to share anything I’ve tried for my injuries if it can help someone else. Just hollar.

    And YES prayer does help. Thats where your strength comes from. Remember ”Footprints in the Sand”? Some days you walk and some days HE carries you. HE is where your strength comes from.

    Thanks, Bill

    Ted Wedul
    holmen, wi
    Posts: 765


    I am a chiropractor and was hoping to throw in a few thoughts after reading all of the comments. Cortisone shots help with inflammation. This is a fact. A word of caution about these shots is they break down the protein bonds in the supporting tissues. What that means, in a nutshell, is it weakens the ligaments and tendons that support that area of your spine. Medical doctors will rarely order this procedure more than 2-3 times due to this factor. Ligaments or tendons could tear or rupture as a result.

    Herniated or bulged discs do not slide back in after the pain goes away…no matter what any chiropractor, P.T., or medical doctor says. Inflammation goes down and takes pressure off of the nerve that exits the spine at that level. Go have a MRI and the herniated disc will still be there, it just isn’t placing enough pressure or stress on the nerve root exiting at the involved segment to trigger a sensory nerve response(pain response).

    Surgery, in my opinion, is a last option. Surgery is permanent. Once they fuse spinal segments, you are 3 times as likely to have additional back surgeries in the future. The spine was built to move. When you fuse it, the spine still needs to move. The segments above and below the fused area will be the next to go. These areas take on the additional work load needed for function to occur.

    If you are interested in finding a chiropractor, I would be happy to try and help find a good one for you. There is a difference between chiropractors just like medical doctors. Also, chiropractors are different than osteopaths. The philosophy and what they look for differ. Try acupuncture, prayer, weight loss, increased water consumption, exercise…to name a few. All will improve your health.

    I am not trying to ruffle any feathers. Just making a couple points to try and help. Ted

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Bone Mover;
    What you said is a mirror image of what my wife’s doctor told her! He is a spinal Neurologist at the Noran Clinic in Minneapolis.

    He stated that her back will never heal (the herniated disk) and it is a matter of finding a “comfort zone” or acceptable pain threshold that you are willing to accept.

    Posts: 973

    My Ex could barely walk as a result of pain in her back and had three shots in her spine several years ago. The pain subsided and she has been OK since.

    My neighbor had an epidural shot a few weeks ago and claims he is finally able to get some sleep at night. He had heard the shot was painful, but said he could barely feel it.

    I doubt it makes a difference, but both are in their mid-50’s.

    Posts: 2294

    I appreciate all the responses so far. I’m coming to the conclusion that I’m basically going to be playing the odds with this decision and hoping for the best.

    What I’ve dealt with has been severe sciatica in my right hip and leg. The problem is that the MRI I had done a couple weeks ago shows there is a bulge in the disc at the L4-L5 level on the left side that is putting mild pressure on the nerve root, but there is nothing on the MRI to indicate what is causing any of the problems on my right side. The MRI does show decreased disc space between the L4-L5, and L5-S1 and a mild grade 1 spondylolithysis (spl?)at the L5 level. I have had some soreness and stiffness on my left side and tightness in my buttock and hamstrings, which everyone is attributing to the bulging disc. The only thing anyone can figure about my right side problems is that thru time my muscles have been bracing that area and I have possibly separated my SI joint on that right side and maybe pinched a nerve in the joint. I am having some hip X-Rays scheduled next week, and another consultation with the neurosurgeon on the 27th before I decide what direction I should take. When I get a spasm, as I refer to them, on my right side, the pain is much more debilitating than anything I’ve dealt with on the left side. I can’t stand erect, walk, sit or even lay down without severe pain in my front hip flexors, deep groin area, and right side of my sacrum. I can’t even lift my foot more than an inch off the floor. These usually last for about 5 minutes. One time when it happened, it was so bad both my legs went limp and I collapsed in the bathtub and was taken to the ER.

    My treatments with the PT have been very helpful in that I am not dealing with the spasms and sciatica on my right side as much, but as I increase my movement in the hip area, I’m dealing with added discomfort on the left side. I have been told that I probably am not a candidate for surgery at this time since my problems don’t include bowel or bladder dysfunction!! Hooray for small miracles!

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    I feel your pain man! I have been there and it is not fun! Wish I could give or tell you something to make it a little easier!

    I would not wish what your going through on anyone.

    Burlington, WI
    Posts: 1417


    its now been suggested by my physical therapist that I think about having an epidural injection of steroids along a nerve root in my low back

    I had the same injections about four years ago while suffuring with a herniated L5. I never felt ANY improvements following the shots. About the only experience I got to take home with me was the trauma of the doc jamming a MONSTER needle into my spine.

    I feel for you man…I REALLY do!

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    I was working one time and had to lean way out to do something and i felt something in my lower back move. There was slight pain right then and by the time i left the deck it was bordering severe pain. I knew i had done something to my back and decided to go to the closest chiropractor and get there as soon as i could get there. By the time we drove up to the office i was in severe pain like i’ve never felt befor. My wife had to support me under my arm and my other hand was on the handrail up to the office to take all the pressure off the joints in my back and any pressure on the out of place lumbars was very intense. I had xrays taken and he put me on the table and told me i threw out my 4th and 5th lumbar and thats why it hurt so much. He massaged the area to bring the swelling down so he could slide those bones back in place. I left the office and i felt better but it still hurt. I went back a week later for an adjustment and when he worked me over i heard bones go back in place everywhere and he said you might have had bones out of place since i was a kid. I never felt so good in my life after he adjusted me so i know back problems hurt like heck. My wife presently has degenerative disc disease and were going to try weight loss and acupuncture and all other procedures befor surgery because we’ve heard it helps and it dosen’t sometimes. Anybody have any other courses that might be looked into, shes already had the cortazone shot treatments and they didn’t help at all,,,thanks

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Jack I have a good friend who has suffered with back problems for a long time. I emailed this thread to him and asked him to give us his 2 cents on this topic here is what he had to say.


    Here’s my situation: the doctors want to remove L5, fuse L4 to S1 and replace the disc between L4-L5.
    I’m 39 and play softball a lot and they tell me that I will need to stop for at least 2 years. Sorry, can’t do. Forgot, just bought a jet ski last summer. Can’t ride that for 2 years as well.
    By doing that they tell me that the pain that I have in my back, butt and left leg will go away. But, the down side is that once I go back to running and playing sports it is very (VERY HIGH) that I will need more fusions in the future. Life is short enough without going through all the surgery’s and pain. You can enjoy life, I think better if you are healthier and in shape.

    The 1 thing I have done is I stop helping people move (houses) or anything that is very heavy. I just won’t do it any more because it is not worth it.

    Let him know that exercise and strengthen your stomach and back muscles will help with the pain. Losing any extra weight that you are carrying will also help a ton. When I was 330 pounds 6’2″ my back hurt a lot. I lost 90 pounds and during that whole process my back never hurt at all. I have gained back about 40 pounds and my back is killing me. I have had many shots for the pain but they come and go (meaning , they only work half the time). With the extra weight back on my right knee hurts also. I started back excursing and all pain is slowly going away. When I was down to 240 pounds I felt great and nothing hurt.
    Since I was in great shape and I know what it fells like, trust me I’m going back to feeling like a million dollars. It is hard work and takes a lot of determination to succeed. But, you must tell yourself that the quality of life is better on the other side of the fence. If you have any children and married (or not) you need to think of them and do this. I do not have any children but I am married and that is the one thing that keeps me going.

    I have had a lot of people tell me to see a chiropractor or even a acupuncture person. I have not done either. I think I will go the old fashion route and get in shape again.

    Good luck…………..

    West Salem,WI
    Posts: 211

    We walk on 2 feet,so at one time or another we all will get some kind of back problem.For those of us that get it through injury,it can be a long healing process.Bone mover knows what he is talking about,and since you’re not a candidate for surgery,I would really look into chiropractic care.I’ve had acupuncture,and it relly helped.Also loosin a bit of my gut helped too
    Good luck!

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666


    I have been there. I had 5 “slipped” and “bulging” discs in my back. Mine were caused by playing college football.

    I eventually had to get the surgery as it got so bad that I could not feel my left leg for about 6 months. It had the “hit your funny bone” tingle for that entire time. I spent 2 years sleeping on the floor, with my legs up on the bed as that took pressure off my back.

    I went to a neurosurgeon, who removed the worst offenders in my back, but he did not fuse the vertabrate. He told me when they let me out of the hospital that he did not expect to ever see me again, unless I put on a bunch of weight. He said if that happened, I would be in for another surgery.

    That hit me pretty hard. In my football days, I was weighing about 265, but I dropped down to the 225 I weigh now, and I am not interested in putting on any more. My advise, lose as much weight as you can, and don’t do any heavy lifting.

    Back problems are the worst problems because it effects your entire body.

    Good luck

    Posts: 1564

    Great information guys.
    I have to agree with bone mover on this one.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    You need to increase the weight in your to equal out the weight from your beer storage container in the front.

    Posts: 2294

    You would know wouldn’t you?

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    The last time I witnessed this shot, I got weak in the knees and nearly lost my cookies, however my wife seemed rather pleased with the results. Don’t look at the needle!!!!

    Hope all turns out well for you buddy!!

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    I had one when I had kidney cancer. I don’t think Jack will be seeing the needle…

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