Favorite fish to eat

  • chomps
    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    I’d have to say bluegills with the skin on. If you have time, scale a small walleye, that is also yummy. Skin on can be grilled with butter and lemon pepper.

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    Poetched Halibut!!!

    Waterloo, Iowa
    Posts: 351

    Perch…although beer batter musky is hard to beat (just kidding). Second the neoprene glove idea. That is a must when dealing with cold fish especially.

    Posts: 565

    Boiled eelpout with butter is the best I’ve had.

    Bluegill or perch would be my next choice.

    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 3213

    What is wrong with the 11″ or so inch crappie havent seent hat mentioned yet either but eelpout might be my top choice boiled and in butter yum yum yum!!!!

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    Boiled Pike with drawn butter! YUMMY nothing better

    Lake Minnetonka area
    Posts: 233

    Top 3 would be:
    1. Perch
    2. Blue Gills
    3. Walleye

    But I like them all

    Melrose, WI
    Posts: 265


    but I’ve never seen/been shown how to take the Y bones out. Can someone explain or is it just easier to be shown?

    There are many links that show how this can be done. There was even a video posted on this site a few weeks back, but I couldn’t find the thread. Anyway, here is a link that shows and explains the steps. http://www.onthelake.net/fishing/ybones.htm

    Oh yeah, it would be Perch or Walleye out of the Lake Oahe for me


    New Richmond, WI
    Posts: 1359

    Yeah, I grew up in the Green Bay area and Friday Night Fish Fries (always perch) was an every-week affair. Just can’t seem to find anything like it out here – guess it makes sense because of the perch from the Bay and all…

    I’d have to say walleye, batter-fried, is probably my favorite but I won’t pass up a plate of panfish fillets (gills and crappies) but the best fish I’ve ever eaten was the deep-sea fish we caught in Mexico (red snapper, yellow-fin tuna) that we brought back to the resort. They baked some, fried some and served it with a garlic-tequilla sauce that was phenomenal!

    Posts: 973

    Relative to Sunfish and Walleye Crappie are just to soft for my taste.

    Posts: 3835

    I’d walk a mile for brook trout.

    West Salem, WI
    Posts: 427

    Thanks WalleyeHunter!

    Now I can eat Northern instead of bass after a day of tip-ups. j/k

    Crosslake, MN
    Posts: 92

    Trout comes in close and so does winter caught catfish.

    On the Water
    Posts: 368

    Crappie & Eyes!!!!!!!!

    Posts: 6

    1. perch
    2. blugill
    3. walleye and sauger

    i think perch are the easiest fish to clean a good sharp knife pushes right through the ribs, and they skin just by pushing the knife without any sawing type motion.

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