In most inland lakes within Minnesota, Mille Lacs, Winnie, Leech and the like, you don’t need to go to confession for killing/keeping a big walleye….if your concern is the well-being of the resource.
In MANY cases(most small walleye lakes), there is very little, significant natural walleye reproduction going on anyway. So putting back a big one allows it to either be caught as a bigger fish or allows it to die of old age. But does very little for the future of the walleye population. (DNR studies provide info in this regard via the “lake survey” records)
Even in the cases where the walleye population is primarily based on natural reproduction, such as Mille Lacs, “big” walleyes lay many eggs, but have very little actual reproductive success. The significant “spawners” are ranging from 18″ to 24″. At this lattitude, walleyes growing old enough to be 26″ on up are “over the hill” in the making kids department. Yes…they are loaded with eggs. Yes they lay the eggss. And no, the actual hatched egg rate is not a big factor…compared to the smaller, younger fish.
So….nothing wrong with releasing a 27″-30″ walleyes. It’s commendable! But it most likley adds up to maybe someone else having a shot at a trophy or allowing a fish to die of old age…..not impacting the future population of the walleyes.
I throw them back too, at Mille Lacs! As I like to eat smaller fish….and want to be able to have shot at a big one in a tourney, NOT because I worry about the spawning bio mass. But at smaller lakes that don’t get much fishing pressure anyway, I usually keep them since they will definately die of old age…all the while not playing a role in the overall size of the population.
My two cents…