Graphs stored on boat during winter

  • milacsgal1
    bloomington mn
    Posts: 4

    Wondering does it harm them if they freeze during storage if they are mounted in dash when stored?

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Probably didn’t/won’t, but it’s not a good idea, apparently the liquid crystal ones seem to be the touchy ones, Though I have a unit or two I know has seen a couple winters, (not by my choice or doing mind you). I have “heard” of unit going bad over winter, but I’ve never know or heard of one first handed (from a source I trust), personally.

    Posts: 1957

    Not sure if it hurts or not? 20+ below zero can’t be good though. I always pull all my electronics and keep them in the closet. Rather have them in a controlled environment, pretty expensive to leave out in the bad weather when it only takes a few minutes to pull.


    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    Storage temp on Lowrance units is 25 degrees. Anything less can cause damage and is not covered under warranty.

    bloomington mn
    Posts: 4

    Was wondering looking at buying a boat that graphs were still on the boat during storage. 110lcx @x85

    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 129

    I think I would check them out before buying, if I were you. Winter storage is not kind to electronics. I have left them out in unheated conditions in the past and have found them to have “issues” come spring. A good way to justify “an update”, with the spouse, but from an economic standpoint,(dumb move) not good.


    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    They are probably just fine, about all you can do is turn them on and see if the screens appear normal, maybe if you can hear the transducers “clicking”. I wouldn’t put a lot into actually hearing them “click” because they may be just fine and you just can’t hear them, and it will not indicate that the transducer are 100% ok either, but it’ll tell you the unit is sending the signals to the transducer.

    Yeah the 110 went for about $2,000 new (give or take) I know mine sleeps in the bedroom with me all winter, no kidding, I rather not leave it in the cold.

    Still I think they will be fine, I had my 337 on my wheeler on some pretty cold days on the ice, it hasn’t seen any ill effects from the sub 25 degrees, not yet anyways

    Check out Lowrance’s simulators, you can download a LCX 110 simulator and play with it on your computer, kind of neat I think, otherwise you’ll either not use it to it’s ablilties or spend a lot of time on the water playing with it.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    I guess why take the chance, I always store mine inside in the Winter!!

    Definitely check to see if they work before you buy!

    Posts: 387

    NEwer ones shouldn’t have a problem, Tft’s and what not. Being they advertise the 334’s as the ice machines it would be pathetic if u had to be worried about it freezing in your truck overnight

    Ive had an older eagle LCD freeze and break on me over winter, probally 6 years ago, they replaced it no questions asked.

    lowrance/eagle is the only way to fly

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