I’ll ring in on this.
My favorite wife and I both had Cingular for years (AT&T before the first merger) and had wonderful servive from every aspect of the ordeal.
I was especially impressed by how many times I had service when at a “off the beaten path” place, no one else did using other providers. I’m talking nationwide. I also thought the “roll over minutes” was a great thing and came in handy some months.
So–they dropped us as I was using to many minutes (percentage-wise) out of their own network areas. They paid ALL our fees to switch to another provider…now Cellular One. (Cell One is one of the few that would sell us a contract based on the north end of Mille Lacs)
In the end, I thought Cingular was fine. Sure, there was a few spots we lost the signal. But more times than not, I had the best service of the bunch I travel with.
4 months with Cellular One? No problems…yet.