Cold Fronts

  • dave-barber
    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100

    So, when a cold front comes through… my past experience is that it does not always turn off EVERY species of fish. In fact, I recall many times when a cold snap hits, I have gone to a couple local lakes and still been able to pick up a few. Most noteably, It was -10 degrees and -35 with windchill. I hit a local lake for some pike action. After the first flag on a tip-up though, I pulled in a pike… and within seconds, was frozen to the point that I couldn’t even pull the hook out. At this point, I cut the line, packed up and went home.

    So, what is your “go-to” fish when the weather turns?

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    I don’t have a go-to fish when the weather turns cold, but I have done very well through the ice in my area fishing for Walleyes and Sauger. I can recall many times freezing in my old sled wind-break and catching many nice sized fish.

    Maybe I’ll get a chance to test that theory this weekend. It looks to be a peach of a weekend.

    Posts: 22

    I also agree. Was at the Pond 2day. Went out of Hunters and did very well this afternoon. So well that we were able to have a few cocktails at Hunters by 4:00 ..Was nice enough out to fish outside and hole hop.

    Sartell, MN
    Posts: 317

    I guess I’m just not that hard up for fish that I would ever go sit on the ice in a portable in these temps . The big house is not a problem in these temps, but nobody ever wants to go out in these temps. The fish generally become very inactive, and I just don’t want to freeze the arce off!

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