a warm 06

  • mossydan
    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Ive seen a picture of what it looked like at the turn of the century in n.e. iowa around the megreggor area on the miss. This was a picture of a blufftop that was void of trees because the early residents of this area heated with wood and they were cut for that purpose. Now this same blufftop is covered with trees that are around 75 years old so being conservative with burning wood was happening in a small portion of area here but probably because they started burning more coal and fuel oil to heat thier homes. Just for curiositys sake I went to a site about burning firewood to see what happens to the atmosphere because i use wood to heat my house and found when burning wood that its only replacing the co2 that it took to make that tree during its life, this same thing happens when it just lays on the ground and rots and isn’t burned. So it sounds to me like burning wood is ok and really dosen’t throw off the balance of nature if its not done alot and on a huge scale. I also seen a program a couple years ago about the amount of charcoal that is being burnt, a wood product, in large areas of quite a few mideast countries that so noticeable that its clearly visable from satelite imagery. What this means to me is at this time were just replacing the amount of co2 in the world that it took to make the trees here and in the developing mideast countries including china. I think some of the things possibly happening here is the amount of co2 that has been released and is being released over the last 100 years even though some of these same areas have new tree growth so whats the culprit, not enough new tree growth or is it the larger population thats here on earth now that still burns wood? I don’t know myself but does excess co2 in the atmosphere make it possible so that more sun gets through the atmosphere to heat things up. I know they say it creates a co2 lid that encircles the earth and that when heat tries to escape into the upper atmosphere so it can cool it isn’t able too because its kept under this co2 lid and this is why theres global warming. Are the oceans in a partial warming trend? if they are plankton will be multiplying again and giving off more oxygen into the atmosphere of the future because they are a plant. They use as an example what the co2 lid is by giving the example of a cloudy night over the warmer ground temps and say that because of this cloud cover it holds the heat in the lower atmosphere so it dosen’t escape so this keeps the heat closer to the ground and they say this is what happenes with excess co2 amounts in the upper atmosphere creating this lid. Im not a genius in what gasses do but isn’t co2 a heavy gas, like argon and many heavy dense gasses used in cooling that air conditioners use so im asking the question whats all these heavy gasses doing in the upper atmosphere along with helium and hydrogen, i thought all these gasses have heavier specific weights and will hang closer to the ground. Is the co2 density so concentrated that its now in the semi to upper atmosphere and the lighter gasses higher than these? I can see where a co2 lid would keep cooling down when it come to the earth cooling but wouldn’t heat just escape right through this co2 lid because of conductivity, transfering the heat right through this co2 layer. I know that these scientists are educated and know what thier doing but im not completely sold on global warming because of excess gas build up. When they tell me that the ozone layer is being destroyed by gasses like freon, when its a heavy gas and because its a heavier gas it would stick closer to earth instead of ending up in the upper atmosphere i tend to believe it could be something else causeing global warming besides what thier saying it totally is. Has anyone done a study or know of one thats kept track of major eruptions from volcanos in the last two centuries. I know these volcanos throw major ash into the air and they say it causes cooling because it shades the earth from the suns rays and it sounds like this scenario does happen. Im not playing devils advocate but i need some answers telling me why these heavy gasses are ending up in the upper atmosphere destroying the ozone layer when thier specific gravity weights say they would stay closer to the ground. Also why the heat from the earth is retained so close to it instead of being transfered by conductivity to the upper atmosphere so it can escape and cool down. Co2 being a heavier weighted gas to me would be able to conduct more heat so it could escape, but also because its a heavier denser gas would retain more heat and maybe thats whats happening. I know that co2 and argon and some other gasses are negetivly conductive gasses and maybe this is why the heat isn’t transfered to the upper atmosphere, i would like to know if its the density of these gasses or is it thier conductivity of these gasses they say are holding the heat in, if its these and this is whats happening its got to be a pretty dense lid. I think i could understand whats going on if a professor told me how it works but as of now i’d have to hear it from somebody like them and as they told me they would prove it and why it happens this way.

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