a warm 06

  • waterfowler99
    Posts: 1514

    If it felt like you didn’t have much of a winter at the end of last year, it’s because you didn’t. Apparently the same was true for the beginning of 2006 because NOAA (the federal weather agency) recently stated that “average annual temperature for the contiguous U.S. was the warmest on record and nearly identical to the record set in 1998.”

    NOAA stated:
    > Seven months in 2006 were “much warmer than average, including December, which ended as the fourth-warmest December since records began in 1895.”

    > “Based on preliminary data, the 2006 annual average temperature was 55 degrees F – 2.2 degrees F above the 20th Century mean, and 0.07 degrees F warmer than 1998.

    > Five states had their warmest December on record – Minnesota, New York, Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire – and no state was colder than average in December.

    Why? “The unusually warm start to this winter reflected the rarity of Arctic outbreaks across the country as an El Niño episode continued in the equatorial Pacific,” the agency stated. “A contributing factor to the unusually warm temperatures throughout 2006 also is the long-term warming trend, which has been linked to increases in greenhouse gases.

    “It is unclear how much of the recent anomalous warmth was due to greenhouse-gas-induced warming and how much was due to the El Niño-related circulation pattern. It is known that El Niño is playing a major role in this winter’s short-term warm period.”

    More on the whole global warming thing:

    > “U.S. and global annual temperatures are now approximately 1.0 degrees F warmer than at the start of the 20th century, and the rate of warming has accelerated over the past 30 years, increasing globally since the mid-1970s at a rate approximately three times faster than the century-scale trend.”

    > “The past 9 years have all been among the 25 warmest years on record for the contiguous U.S., a streak which is unprecedented in the historical record.”

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1290

    I just watched a thing on CNN about 2-3 weeks ago. One of the nations top meterologists was just saying were in a trend. Yeah global warming is a big deal but he said something like 50-60 years ago we had a few years were we got a ton of huricanes/tornados and then we had warm winters for a while. I bet it wont be long before we are going to get a true minnesota winter

    Brooklyn Center MN
    Posts: 181

    Thanks hookinfinger, I was going to say something similar.

    I give very little thought to this global warming thing. but that is just me.

    I live for a good old fashined Minnesota winter.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    “true Minnesota winter”? I’ll believe it when I see it. We’ll all know whats going on eventually after many years of living through it but I am with the global warming camp because there’s science to back it up and I see the weather changing with my own eyes. Sure I hope it changes back but I dont think it will. I think it will get worse and things will change.

    Hastings, mn
    Posts: 125

    They put to much hype into that Global warming. Yeah there may be Science behind it but look at the past to. There Are trends going years back where it was warmer then it is suppose to be. I don’t believe in Global warming. I think it is just an excuse.

    Dave G
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 631

    Global warming is directly related to the CO2 created by us humans in the last 50 years. I recently saw the DVD “An Inconvenient Truth”. It pretty much sums up what I have read on the subject. It addresses the warming & cooling stages of the earth from thousands of years ago, and then shows what has happened in the last 20 years. There has never been anything like what has recently happened to the CO2 in our atmosphere.

    I would strongly encourage everyone to see this movie. This message it delivers is staggering. After seeing it, you just may alter the way you live and what is important to you. There is hope, but time is quickly running out if nothing is done.

    Dave Gulczinski

    Dubuque, Iowa
    Posts: 1030

    I just have trouble buying into the whole global warming thing. For one thing we haven’t been keeping weather records long enough to know if this is a normal trend or not. Now if we had say 1000 years of accurate weather records then we’d have something to base the patterns on. As it is we are lucky to have 150 years of accurate weather records. There have been warming and cooling trends throughout history as well as droughts and floods. The El Nino years seem to be generally warmer and drier at least here in the upper midwest. El Nino is something that has been happening throughout history. The greenhouse gas theory makes sense but when one erupting volcano spews more fluorocarbons into the atmosphere in a day than humans do in a year it makes it difficult to buy into. There is nothing wrong with man cutting their emissions of greehouse gasses as every little bit helps but to think it will reverse the current trend is highly questionable. I believe that warming and cooling trends are part of a natural cycle and have happened since the very beginning.


    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    I have yet to see anything solid on global warming due to human activity. It is all theory.


    Wouldn’t it be logical to believe the earth has been warming since the mini-iceage we had in the dark ages?

    They say the ice-cap is melting due to global warming. But isn’t the ice-cap on Mars melting too? Isn’t there solid proof the sun is growing and getting hotter?

    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 699

    Well it doesn’t feel much like global warming today. It’s cold out there.

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972


    Global warming is directly related to the CO2 created by us humans in the last 50 years. I recently saw the DVD “An Inconvenient Truth”.

    Don’t want to urine ya off Dave BUT…..
    This movie is a VERY poor thing to base the global warming argument on ….it a VERY biased movie with all sorts of exaggerations….typical hollywood stuff.
    While I do beleive that man has SOME effect ,to say this ALL our fault is not proven yet….
    Here’s just 2 sites that are better sourses..
    1- Pro …http://www.realclimate.org/index.php?p=105
    1- Con….http://www.john-daly.com/index.htm
    There are many more sites touting there own beliefs on this but just too many to list.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Here is an interesting story on Mars too, with it getting hotter. Don’t really know the legitimacey of the site, but it makes a person think.

    Mars ice cap is melting

    Posts: 1957

    Good topic! I just watched Inconvenient Truth last night, what an eye opener, I knew it was going on but never to this extent. Very good show!

    I’m surprised some of you guys think it’s not true! Open your eyes, really. I remember as a kid playing the cold and snow and I recall every season progressivly getting nicer and nicer, sorry, science shows this is a trend and there is a reason for it.


    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Birddog, here is some info on Kilimanjaro that I find very interesting. Being that the movie stated the ice/snow on Kilimanjaro is melting due to global warming, below is some more info that says different.

    This is the problem with all the hype of “global warming”. The problem being that “we” (you and I) really don’t know the truth. Proof has been made that many of these scientist are trying to “prove” global warming to save face.


    See, when “movies” and “politicians” try to give us “false” documentations, in my opinion they loose all credibility.

    I’m sure that human activities are effecting earth, we have to be. But I do not believe we are destroying earth.

    Posts: 1957

    Written By: James M. Taylor

    Published In: Environment News

    Publisher: The Heartland Institute

    Who exactly is James Taylor?? Or, The Heartland Institute??

    They lead one to believe it’s the deforestation, I believe it. Deforestation is a leading contributer to global warming. The only ting this article does is put a different spin on the cause.


    Posts: 1957


    Open this link, look at every graph on the right side of the page. Still don’t think global warming is real? Seems pretty evident. From Ice cap depths to the rise in temp over a span of time. It’s all there.


    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972


    Good topic!
    I’m surprised some of you guys think it’s not true! Open your eyes, really. I remember as a kid playing the cold and snow and I recall every season progressivly getting nicer and nicer, sorry, science shows this is a trend and there is a reason for it.

    Again…I mean no offence………..
    Why does it mean if we don’t beleive the things stated in this “movie” that our eyes are closed!!
    Like others I DO beleive the there is global warming,I don’t think you will find many scientists that deny that…. the difference is what is causing it.
    Our personal memories really don’t tell us that…very limited as far as time goes.
    Hell I have a hard time remembering last week!!
    Look at some of the opposing viewpoints…..

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1394

    Regardless, I think we might want to look into buying Canada for ice fishing in the future. Gary you want to do a lot loan for me? A really big one?


    Dave G
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 631

    To those of you who think humans are not responsible for the recent global warming, just watch the DVD “An Inconvenient Truth” then google some of the articles your self (there are tons of them).

    What scares many of the experts is that serious climatic changes can happen in a very short time (a few hundred years or even less). As the polar ice caps melt, then more of the sun’s heat is trapped by the extra CO2, causing even faster melting – it is a vicious cycle. It has already started, in the last 20 years the earth’s glaciers have quickly receded and the polar caps have dramatically decreased in size.

    It is this swiftness of this climate change that is of greatest concern.

    The consequences of global warming to our civilization may be the greatest challenge that has ever faced mankind. There just might be a strong possibility that the CO2 produced by humans is accelerating this climatic change. We can choose to do something about reducing the amount of CO2 produced, or do nothing and hope everything will be fine.

    Dave Gulczinski

    Posts: 1957

    So you believe Global warming is real but want to argue the cause of it? The link you provided doesn’t seem to hold a lot of substance. If were going to debate this subject and it seems we’re well on our way, lets use some links and sites that are accredited.

    Most of us realize somethings off as far as our global climate is concerned. Accredited Scientists have given us a perfectly logical explanation with all the science surrounding the subject. Take it for what it’s worth.



    This movie is a VERY poor thing to base the global warming argument on ….it a VERY biased movie with all sorts of exaggerations….typical hollywood stuff.

    What’s the exaggeration? Yes it’s biased documentary, it’s intended to be, it’s intended to open our eyes to the science behind the subject. Again, all the science is there supporting the argument.

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    Well Birddog the cause IS the big debate here….
    To what extreams do we as a planet AND as a country have to go through to (if we possibly can) change this???
    And even accedited scientists disagree on this.
    As far as the substance of the web site (BTW..which one??? ..I posted 2,1 pro 1 con )there are many links and refrences listed on both.
    Science can-by definition-never be biased….thus my opinion of this movie.

    The Villages Florida
    Posts: 364

    Do I believe there is global warming? You bet, why if we were having this discussion 10,000 years ago most of us would be either under or ontop of a glacier. Thank heaven it has warmed up a little in the last few thousand years.

    Posts: 1957

    Ok, if greenhouse gases and fossil fuels aren’t the cause of global warming why on earth would EXXON recant after all these years of playing hardball?? Exxon has always been on the, fossil fuels aren’t the cause of global warming bandwagon. And have had MANY scientists on their payroll. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS$$$$$$$ These are the same “accreditied scientists” you speak of.

    If a company like EXXON finally waves the white flag and cuts ties with these scientists that are downplaying fossil fuels as the cause, what do you think that means??

    Here’s a link that you may find interesting, I urge you along with any other nay sayer to read it, it’s short and won’t take much of your time.

    Exxon Cutting Ties to Global Warming Skeptics


    Lincoln, NE
    Posts: 487

    Here is a look at what wikipedia has to say on the little ice age. The earth has been in cycles for millions of years. There is no doubt that we are in a warming trend, but I believe there are other natural factor involved not just CO2.

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    Again……And this is the last one by me….this is getting way too politcal….
    I quoted 2 sourses 1 pro 1 con which one is wrong????
    The “big oil” conspiracy thing just proves this point…
    Sorry I don’t beleive this….and my eyes’s are WIDE open.
    Later (when we can talk fisn’in) Jeff

    Posts: 5130

    “The sky is falling, the sky is falling” Run for your lives

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Global warming is real. The earth has been on a steady rise in temp since the last mini-iceage.

    Looking at a chart that has 100 years of temperature trends is not a scientific study and holds no water. It sure “looks” bad. But there is soooooo much more to it!

    The cause of Global Warming, if you search “NASA” and “GOVERNMENT” statistics, is undisputed. However NASA and GOVERNMENT scientist reasearch support documented studies that it is an earth cycle.

    There isn’t NASA and GOVERNMENT scientist that have documented studies that it is human cause. THESE ARE THEORIES.

    I’m not going to change your mind.
    I just highly suggest you research ALL of this info. Find “proof” of documents. Do not look at theories. Reason I say this is because the vast majority of “theories” are from extremist and enviromentalist.

    Push the media out of your research and push the extremist out of your research. Get that biased view out of the picture.

    I’m actually quite surprised that nobody responded about the “global warming” on Mars and responded about the sun getting hotter!!!!!! This is PROOF!

    Also, where there is currently ice caps melting, in other parts of the world, ICE CAPS ARE FORMING! How does that work?

    PLEASE do your own research on non-biased, extremist views/websites. You will be very surprised. The media is placing all the hype here!

    One last silly question……………remember the BIG HOLE in the ozone? What happened to that? I thought by now, all of our atmosphere would be gone?

    Dave G
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 631


    One last silly question……………remember the BIG HOLE in the ozone? What happened to that? I thought by now, all of our atmosphere would be gone?

    20-30 years ago some believed the ozone hole was caused by chlorofluorocarbon (CFC), some did not and thought it was a normal earthly cycle. But the USA and other countries did subtantailly reduce the production of CFC. Now there is hope that the size of ozone hole may decrease in future years.

    The past CFF/ozone scenaro sounds very similar to what is happening today with CO2/global-warming issue.

    Dave Gulczinski

    Isle Mn
    Posts: 953

    sorry guys but I am with gary on this one! There is NO scientific proof of global warming NONE, if you can give me one study that has scientific evidence, of human contribution I’ll jump ship today!

    Dave G
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 631

    Humans have polluted our land and waters over the years — we can see that devastation and the improvements when corrective action is taken. Some will continue to believe there are no consequences to polluting our unseen air; others believe corrective action should be taken.

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