New TV??

  • brian_peterson
    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 2080

    So after my many ice fishing expeditions this year, I kinda bartered with the wife and told her if I could make one more run up to LOTW we could get a new tv. We do need one, so here’s what I’m throwwing around. 42 inch something that hangs on the wall. Plasma? LCD? What does everybody suggest? I’m looking to spend around 2k. Help me out fellas!! The tv tech at Sam’s Club was talking mumbo jumbo so that tells you how much I know about tv’s. Thanks!!

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    take a look at the Panasonic 42″ plasma. around 1600 bucks at Best Buy or Circuit City. I am going to wait until after the Super Bowl. I am counting on prices going down dramatically.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12240

    I am no expert by any means and someone can correct me if I am wrong but from what I understand that in 2008 the FCC will come out with a mandatory tuner for all TV’s. Right now there are different tuners for different brands of TV’s. When the new tuner comes out there will be allot of TV’s out there that will not work without adding a converter box like the one that comes with digital cable. So for now I am holding off on getting an expensive TV until after this new tuner comes out. I will try and stop by Best Buy one of these days to see if I can confirm this.

    Northern MN
    Posts: 323

    Well . . . if you purchase a new 150hp+ E-Tec you can get a “free” LG flat screen

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 2080

    Do you think they would take my 140DF Suzy on trade??

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    take a look at the Panasonic 42″ plasma. around 1600 bucks at Best Buy or Circuit City. I am going to wait until after the Super Bowl. I am counting on prices going down dramatically.

    I would look at Tiger Direct before I bought anywhere local. I do a fair amount of business with them on computers, memory, monitors, etc., and their prices are usually pretty tough to beat.

    I’m not sure if this is the same panasonic 42″ plasma that SteveO recommended but I think this link might be worth checking out >>> Panasonic – Plasma 42″

    And FREE shipping. At a saving of $600.

    I ordered a $1200 Gateway PC from them on monday this week. I received it on wednesday. After rebate the whole pc cost me $670 which included a 19″ wide screen flat panel.

    I’ve seen refurbed 42″ plasmas on that site, name brands, for $799 w/ free shipping.

    Worth checking out anyway.

    Sartell Eye Guy
    Sartell, MN
    Posts: 624

    Brian, I have two good friends that work in the T.V. industry and when I finished my basement and made my “man room” I went to them for advice. They both said to by as much screen as you can afford. I, like you wanted to hang my T.V. from the wall (Plasma or LCD), after talking with them, I went with a 52″ Samsung DLP(Digital Light Projection). They also both said that DLP was the best and most RELIABLE system on the market. With a plasma or LCD, if the picture goes bad your out of luck, with the DLP you just replace the bulb. Do what you want, but the guys I talked to both work for T.V. companies that sell against DLP and still, both recommended it. I LOVE the one I have, wish I could have gotten the 62. Just my .02, Adam

    Posts: 4

    I work for a cable company and if you want to purchase a TV that doesn’t require a cable box I suggest purchasing one that has an ATSC (digital cable) tuner built in. Then all you should have to do to begin watching digital cable is call your local cable provider and ask for a cable card to activate the service. If you move to a new community with a new cable provider simply return the old cable card to the old provider and ask the new provider for theirs.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    I’d rather step in front of a speeding bus then deal with Best Buy. They probably have great pricing and everything but personally I can’t deal with 16 year olds trying to sell me something while the car stereo department is thumping out the rap tunes.

    The noise and all the distractions just create a poor buying enviroment for me.

    I will always try and buy from a smaller ma & pa type place. But, hey that’s just me.

    Good luck and let us know what you find.

    Posts: 61

    Happen to be a member of costco?

    42″ No Name 1080p LCD $1299

    True 1080p resolution = one kickass computer monitor at 1920 x 1080 resolution

    The 37inch version I use as a monitor.

    Before anyone turns this into a brand name flamefest – I will offer you this:

    In 5 years from now when 80inch lcds are $200, if you were to bring this into your local store in original box with receipt from purchase online? = They will refund you for the full purchase price.

    This is known throughout the internet that costco’s return policy is subject to abuse.

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603

    Nice monitor and tower.

    No chance on your return theory.

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603

    Thats a little more reasonable.

    Sams and Costco have always had the best return policys they have a huge advantage and leverage with retailers because of the volume they buy.

    NE Minneapolis
    Posts: 126

    I went thorugh the thing a few weeks ago and ended up buying a Vizio 32″ LCD w/integrated tuner from Costco for a bedroom I just finished remodelling. 32″ for $699 sounded good to me. I had not heard the brand before so I was a little apprehensive even after some positive feedback on some internet research. Anyways I couldnt be happier with the TV, picture is awesome, never knew what i was missing with out an HDTV. Still cant beleive the picture quality of HD television.

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    that’s a nice website James. thanks for sharing. bought myself a digital camera. prices are unreal

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    that’s a nice website James. thanks for sharing. bought myself a digital camera. prices are unreal

    My experiences with their service has been good as well.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12240

    Well our TV took a crap today so now I am in the market as well, I stopped by Best Buy today to see if I could get some of my questions answered. After leaving there I have more questions than when I went in


    They also both said that DLP was the best and most RELIABLE system on the market. With a plasma or LCD, if the picture goes bad your out of luck, with the DLP you just replace the bulb

    Can you get a flat screen in a DLP and how much are the replacement bulbs? They guy at Best buy told me depending on what brand you get the bulbs can be anywhere from $250 to $400

    them thar hills, SW Nebraska
    Posts: 173

    I have both an RCA and Sony. The picture on the Sony is slightly better than the RCA and the menu is easier and quicker to navigate on the Sony. Both are dlp and I love em.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12240

    I hear alot of good things about Sony, how big is the screen on your Sony.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5432


    Can you get a flat screen in a DLP and how much are the replacement bulbs? They guy at Best buy told me depending on what brand you get the bulbs can be anywhere from $250 to $400

    I can not find a flat screen DLP, But I have not looked hard.
    As for the bolb replacement, here is a good link for your questions: DLP bulb replacement

    New Richmond, WI
    Posts: 1359

    you gotta go with DLP (rear projection)… I got the 62″ 1080p Samsung. Un-F’ing-believable! The picture on that baby blows away any LCD or plasma out there.

    Shop online – get a quote from Amazon, TigerDirect, whatever… print out the best price you can find and take it to Circuit City. They may not match it completely but I got them to come down to within $150. I was willing to pay the few extra $$’s to know that I had a local vendor to go back to if I had any problems….

    (ps: if you go with a rig like that, you’re also going to want to upgrade your surround sound system… go with a 7.1 HTIB like the one from Onkyo (HTS790))

    Central MN
    Posts: 2853

    Brian, I am not on the up and up on the newer tvs but I can say that 98% of my electronics are Panasonic and I’ve never had a problem with a single one, from my tv to my phone. Great brand

    them thar hills, SW Nebraska
    Posts: 173

    My Sony is a 54inch. We absolutley love it.Nothing like playing some x-box game against my son and getting my tail spanked. HIm laughing at me with the score a foot and ahalf tall blaring at me. Good times..

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22529

    I have always heard Mitsubishi is da bomb… when it comes to quality… don’t know, don’t have one yet.

    big g

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