oh no doubt, but right now i don’t have the money for a bigger tank, by the time i do, they will be ready to move. they should be allright until then…there is plenty of room in there.
January 26, 2007 at 3:07 am
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » General Discussion Forum » another pointless post
oh no doubt, but right now i don’t have the money for a bigger tank, by the time i do, they will be ready to move. they should be allright until then…there is plenty of room in there.
Wanna check out a cool fish site go to
Monster Fish keepers tell them Mac sent you.
I have a 100 gallon tank, I bought crappies for it first. Three lived till they were over a pound, one was 1.9 pounds. After that I went with bass. They both grew to over 3 pounds apiece. I feed them minnows, waxies and worms. When they were hungry, they would catch 5-6 minnows at a time. Swimming around with just the minnow tails sticking out of their mouths. They then would chase other minnows and try to eat them also. They would open their mouths and some that were already in there would swim out. The bass would get really mad when that would happen.
I did learn some things about fish and their behaviors when the weather changed.
I had a great time raising them. They did cost a lot to keep, they can really go through the food when they get big.
Good luck and have fun,
thanks for the input. i am hoping they last a while. when i picked them, i got them because no body i knew had walleyes. i like to be different
You are 100% correct, fish will not freeze there growth because of the size of there environment. It may slow there growth which as you stated will make for a very unhealthy environment. Plus with having multiple agressive species only the strong survive. Not a pretty site when you are trying to raise them as pets. You need plenty of shelter and room for these fish to have there time away from each other without bumping into each other and having there own space.
I am a owner breeder of African & South American Cichlids,Although the Africans are a much more agressive fish they can live in harmony with the South American the less agressive in the right environment. Meaning BIG tank alot of caves and of coarse the real pain in the alot of live plants.I have one fish that I have been offered a couple hundred dollars for and still wont part with him…
These game fish resemble alot of the same agressiveness of the cichlids meaning they will continue to eat anything in there territory whether hungry or not when confined in a small tank. DO NOT OVER FEED THEM! Or all you will have is dead fish! As mentioned above add a variety to there diets,not bait shop minnows! Feed them slow sinking Omega One Natural Protein granules along with the Rosey Reds, Also once in awhile give them Bloodworms but thaw them out first the frozen ones can cause harm to there digestive systems.
But cb2 make sure you stay focused on getting that bigger tank,these fish will outgrow that tank within months if in a good healthy environment.
oh don’t worry, the tank is up there in the priority, right next to the alignment on my car
Great topic, I’ve personally kept and helped other keep a variety of native with a varying degree of success. If anyone is serious about keeping native long term, I highly reccomend spending some time on monsterfishkeepers.com.
yeah i just got a membership there today, someone else posted it and told me to say that he sent me.
Hey Glenn,
I have some south americans that would tear those africans in half for fun. What species is the one you mention? I sold all my expensive fish off save two a Veja Regani (very beutiful fish) and a very nice pig of a Flowerhorn. I think the flowerhorn is out the door though a guy has a 400 gal sting ray tank he doesnt use might trade him for it. Wouldn’t that be sweet
It is a rare OB peacock.. Beautful fish with attitude rules the tank kinda like the peace maker of the tank. Keeps all them in check..
I did not know it was worth anything until I showed a lady him and she asked where I got him at and told her Petsmart she said he should never been in there batch..
cb2, if you would like I have a 30 gallon and a 40 gallon breeder tanks I could let ya have real cheap to get those fish in some more room til you save enough money to get your big tank? $20 and you can pick which one you want?
Or better yet, make me a pizza some time and we’ll call it even!
I have not authoritized cb2 to swap pizzas for anything…
But yeah Chuck I think we could work something out for one of those tanks for your fish. I will authorize a credit tonight in the computer at the pizza shop for Hardhitter here to get his normal order for free for swap of the tank of your choice..
Now this is not because I am your friend either Chuck this is for the welfare of the fish..
sounds like a good idea, i will have to get some more rocks and stuff, if glenn is serious, then sure i guess
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