Here is my take….
I have been a member on FM for some time and have recently joined IDA.
My first impression with IDA was “quality” and FM I look as “quanity”. This goes for members and forums.
IDA has excellent fishing reports from serious anglers, many posts on FM are either negative, or terribly repetitive, “how is the bite?”, where are they biting?”, at times there is not much for content.
Fm has become an infomercial in many ways, pimping products. I was once moderated and told that FM was not a money maker for those involved, righttttt. 
IDA comes across as passionate and hardcore anglers. IDA also comes across as fun and light hearted, mostly fun!!!
I’ll never forget when FM asked its users about how when opening there home page a video would automatically would load and how we felt about it. Well many of the dial up people suggested to kill it because it was killing their loading of the page and many others suggested that if they really wanted to see it they would click on the link. Well, they basically blew everyone off and decided to leave it as is, it is a “take it or leave it” atmosphere. From what I understand many people have decided to leave it as they become informed and experienced.
Pay for FM classifieds?? Has anyone else noted how few classifieds are the site for as many users as it has? Either drop the charge or do away with them all together. I may change my tune when I attempt to sell my fish/ski boat this year, but I imagine IDA will do the trick.
I have met some neat people on FM, many of them are no longer around on that site either, many are here or just no longer available.
I have to thank Kooty.
He welcomed me to the site and from phone conversations and private messaging is a quite the guy. I have seen it with others this site also from there commentary on topics. Looks like a bunch of good guys. I just hope I can find my fit in here also. My reports are lacking, but I am hoping to make up for it this summer and fall chasing fish in the west metro. I am not much of an ice fisherman, it is pretty new to me, unless you need some insider info on 3″ perch and 5-6″ sunnies and crappies.
Take care guys and thanks for this great web site.