• robstenger
    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Jack maybe it was his boat.

    Just kidding.

    I also noticed that in 2006 the winning bags were a TON more weight than in the past?? Perhaps a trend?? In past years with double digit weights on both days this would get you well in the money @ the Wacker. This past year you needed about 12.5 lbs per day to maybe get into the money. 2005 was 8 lbs per day to get in the money or 16 lbs total.

    What will happen this year with all the 18-19″ fish in the system??? It almost seemed you needed to boat a Piggy to get in the money last year.

    St Cloud MN, Leech Lake
    Posts: 416

    Come on guys! knock it off about bobber fishing…Your ruining this perfectly good thread about ripping on FM.

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    this is all fascinating.. but I think Im going to go watch the guardian…. lol.. so just keep bob bob bobbin along…..

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Anyone watch 24 last night?
    I love that show……

    Sure wish Rescue Me would come back, cause that “Dirt” show sucks………

    Looking forward to The Shield coming on in a month or 2……..

    I ain’t watching American Idol!!!!!!

    Posts: 2294

    The biggest difference is the time of year the tournament is held. All tournys after the slot change in mid July were taken by much bigger weights. It’s not just the larger slot, but also that its not till mid-late July that the bigger(28+) really strap on the feed bag and can be patterned for catching somewhat consistantly.

    As for this year, in regards to the PWT, 2 big fish in 3 days will put you right where you need to be if you have the right slots, same with the Wacker. Of course, thats all dependent of the weather also. One of those famous major cold fronts can throw all that right out the window.

    I personally will be trying to put a limit of 19″ers in the box each day and if I find a bonus big fish… , if I don’t, not a big deal. You will always cash a good check on Mille Lacs with consistant limits of 19″ers.

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872


    Anyone watch 24 last night?
    I love that show……

    Sure wish Rescue Me would come back, cause that “Dirt” show sucks………

    Looking forward to The Shield coming on in a month or 2……..

    I ain’t watching American Idol!!!!!!

    Jack Bauer is my Dad.

    Dirt needs to be buried under about 2 tons of it…

    The Shield rocks da house!!!

    As for Amer. Idol….Gary’s just bitter because his audition didn’t go well…. He tried to sing Britney Spears’ “Oops I did it again.”

    Alma Wi
    Posts: 1303

    I went over to that site to see what all the fuss was about.By the time I got done reading all the rules I was to tired to try and register. Not for me.

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001


    They gave me the boot when I complained that the “pro staff” was changing my post to give it the complete opposite meaning of what I posted, without adding that they had edited it. This site is a lot friendlier and does not have such a snotty atmosphere. I really like it.

    Really, that is a low down thing to do. There is no point in even posting if your message gets drowned out in self serving politics.

    I do not know much about FM but if even half of the things said here are true you guys have found a much better home. Good riddance, I say.
    My two cents.

    Posts: 507

    WOW, I just payed my first visit there, and my 1st impression was not very good. Tough to navigate for a first time visitor.
    I have to say that everyone here realizes just how nice we have it on IDA. Have you all seen how much money they get for their classified ads? At least when compared with IDA it is a lot. You can pay for an ad, then pay $10 more for each picture you want to post in that ad. The few rules here are pretty easy to follow, and hopefully James and the gang will be able to continue to provide a great site and service to all for free

    Posts: 525

    I quit contributing to FM after a few dust-ups with some of the moderators and admins. (My user name on FM was ‘eyehunter, since Viking names there were a dime a dozen. ) It wasn’t the rules themselves that bothered me; it was the heavy-handed, arrogant, and arbitrary way some of the staff enforced those rules that I found irritating. (I too was scolded for posting the name of another outdoors site…it wasn’t even a “competitor”. )

    I met some good people on FM, had a good time at last year’s FM Backwater Brawl, got a lot of good information, and would like to think I gave some good input, too. However, after one straw too many, I decided I could no longer contribute to a site where some mods and admins (not all) took themselves too seriously.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1394


    Hmmmmmm funny you should say that Bill look where takes you to.

    That’s pathetic….


    Tough to navigate for a first time visitor.

    I agree. I have gone there a half dozen times in the past. Readability is poor and navigating the site is difficult for first timers. I’m sure there’s great info and accomplished, intelligent people there but in my opinion this is the place to be.


    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    Its kinda funny…I am a member of both that site, this site, and one or two “others”. To be perfectly honest. This site is pretty much about Mille lacs or pool 4 with a few other areas sprinkled in. While I lived in Lax I found a few tidbits about pool 7 and 8, but for the most part…its all about pool 4.

    On FM I at least can exchange info with others about the fishing in the area where I live. Since I no longer live in Lax and there is only 1 other poster on this site that post anything about lake superior or the very northeast corner of WI, I find it more useful to frequent FM. I find both sites useful but there are plenty of “holier than thou” personalities on both site.

    Hope this doesn’t land me over on FM beachin about IDA.

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100

    I have 4 sites bookmarked. I am registered to 2 others besides this one. I have a total of about 4 posts to my name on the other sites bookmarked. And, if I recall correctly, those posts were only related to “classified ads”. This site, and this site only, is the site I come to in order to read good information on fishing, hunting, traping, ads, reports, politics, sports, etc. I am thankful to James and staff for everything they provide here.

    To IDA/IDO… I say

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13408

    Going to take a lot more than that I would think to get the boot from hear. Not sure if I ever remember anyone ever getting offed this site. There has been a few that have gotten upset and left but cant think of many that have got the boot.

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022


    Its kinda funny…I am a member of both that site, this site, and one or two “others”. To be perfectly honest. This site is pretty much about Mille lacs or pool 4 with a few other areas sprinkled in. While I lived in Lax I found a few tidbits about pool 7 and 8, but for the most part…its all about pool 4.

    On FM I at least can exchange info with others about the fishing in the area where I live. Since I no longer live in Lax and there is only 1 other poster on this site that post anything about lake superior or the very northeast corner of WI, I find it more useful to frequent FM. I find both sites useful but there are plenty of “holier than thou” personalities on both site.

    Hope this doesn’t land me over on FM beachin about IDA.

    Thats funny, out of the last 20 fishing reports, only 4 were about Mille lacs and Pool 4.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    We boot / ban people so rarely that I’m not sure we currently have one person banned for every year IDA has been online.

    For those wondering, that would be 6.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    I have to agree with you Fish.
    IDA is not perfect. FM is not perfect. No web site that I have seen is, and I surf a lot. All sites can do is try their best to please everyone and with all the different personalities, it is truly a hard thing to do.
    Some areas are not covered very well BUT we are trying to expand our coverage.
    There is plenty of room for fishing web sites that cover the upper Midwest. I can think of five that cover just Mn.
    With that said I am proud to be a staff member on IDA,

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    Maybe I wasn’t clear. I was reffering to the reports in the forums. I don’t much read the “pro staff” fishing reports as much as I look for the “average guy” reports in the various area forums. Guys like me who get to get out mainly on the weekend, occasionally once during the week because we are working 8-5, mon thru fri and hit the lakes and rivers to catch a few for a nice meal and relax. I do my best to share whats biting and where, when I get a chance. Hopefully it will help out someone else who, like me, either is trying to catch a few for a meal, or maybe is trying to get their young child out and into a few fish to see the excitement on their face or hook them early on fishing to keep them out of trouble.
    I have never used a guide and don’t ever see it happening as I; a) I cannot afford it b) can usually find some action and a few keepers with a topo map and a few tips from those who have recently fished said body of water.

    I appreciate the inputs from the “pro’s”, but have found they don’t always tell the whole truth since they are trying to make a living catching or putting others on fish and don’t want the competition.

    Ive quit arguing about politics and a few other subjects on all the sites I belong to because it doesn’t do any good as very few people will chainge their views. Some folks just may never see the forest for the trees.

    As for being banned, I meant it in jest. Although I have been put in “time out” here and there.

    Burlington, WI
    Posts: 1417

    I bet 90%+ of the fishing reports you claim to be coming from “pros”, are from guys like you and me who work a 40+ a week to pay the bills.

    You should snoop around in the “Fishing Reports” forum. There is some real juicy info in many of them… .

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    As much as it pains me to say:
    I agree with D-nort.
    Most of the staffers are not guides, they work there butts off at a normal jobs. Who fish to relax like you do. There are those that fish tourneys and that can sometimes lead to secrets, but I have spots that I will not fish with others in the boat as well. Just because staffers are asked to write reports does not mean that we need to give out ever detail of our lakes. Many are small and can not handle the pressure that comes from fishing web sites like this one. One of my jobs is also to protect the fishery. Most if asked in private with a PM will give out much more detail of fishing locations and lure presentations. I for one do not guide and find fishing with myself, friends or family the only true way to forget about the real world issues.
    I was not pointing fingers at you OR anybody. My point was that not just one web site will be perfect for everyone. I still surf FM, NYbass, along with many others. When I think that I have learned everything about fishing it will be the day that I sell my fishing things and look for another challenge. Untill then I learn from others and hopefully teach them somethings as well.


    Posts: 973

    “On FM I at least can exchange info with others about the fishing in the area where I live. Since I no longer live in Lax and there is only 1 other poster on this site that post anything about lake superior or the very northeast corner of WI, I find it more useful to frequent FM. I find both sites useful but there are plenty of “holier than thou” personalities on both site.”

    I remember raising this issue a few years back. The response was I was free to provide whatever reports I wanted regarding the Pools I fish (5, 5A & 6). Since I have provided periodic reports and if a few more of us would do that in 2007 it would be great.

    As for the quality of the site, it is great. Whomever designed this site did an outstanding job and it ranks right up their with sites like Charles Schwab and Mastronet.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370


    I bet 90%+ of the fishing reports you claim to be coming from “pros”, are from guys like you and me who work a 40+ a week to pay the bills.

    Nort, try 50-60 hours and still get out fishing. I give out as much information in my posts as possible , with out hurting a fishery. Fish, sorry you feel the way you do. One thing I have learned here at IDA is; There is a ton of information on here about everything you want to know about anything. One can sit back here and takebits and pieces of information and make it useful. However, if anyone wants a better return on your investment(time here @ IDA). Share some useful information, what ever you put into this site you will get it back 10 times as much. So if people are not giving any information in, I’m guessing they are not getting as much useful information back out as they could be.

    Also a site is limited to so much it can do. The thing that makes any site great, is not only their staff, but there members also. The members make this site called IDA the best fishing/hunting site on the net.

    Just my $.02

    Coon Rapids, MN
    Posts: 88

    We could have a “I got booted from FM” get together. Send a photo to “Rick”, the man at FM.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106


    . I for one do not guide and find fishing with myself, friends or family the only true way to forget about the real world issues.

    well I guess I know what category I am in with you. . hopefully 2007 will get to change that and get out fishing with you . but agree with your post totally Ron .

    I was going to fish a lake I had never ice fished before and after posting a few questions I was told I was asking to many questions and to do some research on the lake. . kind of got under my skin.


    Posts: 341

    lol Everyone must be kicked off FM seens there website doesnt work!!! Tryed goin to it today and there is nothing but ERRORS!!! IDA

    Burlington, WI
    Posts: 1417


    I was going to fish a lake I had never ice fished before and after posting a few questions I was told I was asking to many questions and to do some research on the lake .. kind of got under my skin


    I for one do not guide and find fishing with myself, friends or family the only true way to forget about the real world issues

    I, Like you Fisholic, do not guide nor do I want to. I agree with you and find satifaction and joy in finding my own fish. This is why I do not get bent out of shape if guys here (or any fishing website) aren’t willing to hand out what is putting fish in their livewell, on the wall, or in the money.

    However, once in a while we need help so this is what I suggest if you want details… Try PM’ing a certain individual if you have specific questions about a fishery or technique. You’d be suprized what you can get from PM’s.

    BTW – I don’t believe there would be a reason to get upset if I was on a drag racing talk forum and the top guys would not tell me how they are the fastest. I can only hope they will point me in the right direction.

    Mayer, MN
    Posts: 593

    Here is my take….

    I have been a member on FM for some time and have recently joined IDA.

    My first impression with IDA was “quality” and FM I look as “quanity”. This goes for members and forums.

    IDA has excellent fishing reports from serious anglers, many posts on FM are either negative, or terribly repetitive, “how is the bite?”, where are they biting?”, at times there is not much for content.

    Fm has become an infomercial in many ways, pimping products. I was once moderated and told that FM was not a money maker for those involved, righttttt.

    IDA comes across as passionate and hardcore anglers. IDA also comes across as fun and light hearted, mostly fun!!!

    I’ll never forget when FM asked its users about how when opening there home page a video would automatically would load and how we felt about it. Well many of the dial up people suggested to kill it because it was killing their loading of the page and many others suggested that if they really wanted to see it they would click on the link. Well, they basically blew everyone off and decided to leave it as is, it is a “take it or leave it” atmosphere. From what I understand many people have decided to leave it as they become informed and experienced.

    Pay for FM classifieds?? Has anyone else noted how few classifieds are the site for as many users as it has? Either drop the charge or do away with them all together. I may change my tune when I attempt to sell my fish/ski boat this year, but I imagine IDA will do the trick.

    I have met some neat people on FM, many of them are no longer around on that site either, many are here or just no longer available.

    I have to thank Kooty. He welcomed me to the site and from phone conversations and private messaging is a quite the guy. I have seen it with others this site also from there commentary on topics. Looks like a bunch of good guys. I just hope I can find my fit in here also. My reports are lacking, but I am hoping to make up for it this summer and fall chasing fish in the west metro. I am not much of an ice fisherman, it is pretty new to me, unless you need some insider info on 3″ perch and 5-6″ sunnies and crappies.

    Take care guys and thanks for this great web site.

    St Cloud MN, Leech Lake
    Posts: 416

    WOW this thread will not die…

    It getting to sound like a group hug

    I changed my mind, lets go back to the bobber discussion.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    One of my jobs is also to protect the fishery.

    Ron…I don’t agree with that!

    Changing it to “One of OUR (all fisherpeople) jobs is also to protect the fishery” is much better.

    Anyone that wets a line can post a “report” in the area they fish and many do.

    When Rob says “what ever you put into this site you will get it back 10 times as much.” I couldn’t agree more.

    From meeting the first guy that I went out fishing with Mike W… to catching my first Muskie….Steve O to fishing for trophy walleyes at night with James and Dean.. to meeting people at the BfishN tackle booth last year Koonce.. to getting catslime in my blood Dirk W

    The list could go on and on!

    I’m a member of FM (I_Da Man). There are some very good guys over there…in fact some great guys..course I never get out of the cat forum. If you follow thier rules and just like this site…you agreed to them when you signed up..there shouldn’t be a problem…Except for Broncesguy…not sure what to say there.
    Although the search tool works amazingly. I found a couple people that I knew fished alot and did a search. I was AMAZED at the info that was shared at differant times…like spot on info. Styles of fishing that I never would have guessed. I spend a week of nights reading up on this area…it’s just amazing the amount of info that’s in IDA’s history.

    Check it out sometime!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Jack…you ever fish cats with a bobber?

    How’s that?

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