FM is a good website. There is a lot of people there, sharing info.
But FM is different that IDA.
My opinion is that IDA is more about teaching people how to fish and our staff is more educated and leans more towards the “professional fisherman” status.
If you look at our staff and many of our members, their resume’s speak for themselves. From writing great articles for top fishing magazines in the country, or having a very “top-notch” fishing shows, to informative DVDs, again teaching people how to fish. Heck, we even have some FLW and PWT pros. We even have a Super-Pro PWT member who loves being here………All about teaching people how to fish.
FM is more of a place where fisherman and fisherwomen “hang out at”. There they chat about what lakes are biting good and your average fisherman chatting about what equipment works well for them.
I’ve been a member of FM for quite sometime, but I generally don’t post there much, because it really isn’t “much for me”.
There are A LOT of fishing websites. Truth to the fact is that many people here visit FM and many people at FM visit here. There are no “secret places or secret websites”.
If anyone can google search and find IDA, they are going to find FM or vice versa……That is why I personally think it is silly to “ban” the names.