need some ideas

  • Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    hey guys,

    my wife and I are having a golden bday party for Lane, he is my oldest and turning 4, I am trying to figure out what we can do for his birthday that isn’t going to cost awhole ton of $$$$ seeing how it is his first party with other kids invited that aren’t family. I was thinking of getting a pinota (sp?), the wife was thinking of getting the bubble maker going with some tunes and let the kids run around. we are renting the hall here at the trialer park for the day. so if you have any ideas, please share them, his bday is sunday, feb 4th, so we kinda need some fast.



    p.s. I know what one of his presents is, it is a spiderman fishing pole to go out with dad.

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100

    Well, if it weren’t winter and our pony wasn’t so fat… I would volunteer to bring her over for “Pony Rides”. But, she is a little outta shape right now.

    Dallas, WI
    Posts: 1003

    Shane if you opt for the piniata let me know – I can bring my mother in law over, we can super glue candy to her and hang her from her waist on a 4 ton cherry picker – then the kids can smack her until the candy is gone – when that is over you can use her for pin the tail on the donkey.

    The pony thing would be more fun though.

    the better half
    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 336

    Hi Shane,

    We rented a inflatable jumpy for Tyler’s 6th birthday. The kids loved it. This was in May so it was outside but if the hall is big enough, I sure it would work. Here is a link to the place we used.

    The rental was $150 but they delivered it, set it up and took it down. We did have a piƱata too but in hindsight, we probably didn’t need it.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    The pinyota would be a hit…. pun intended. That young man shares his birthday with alot of cool people…

    big g

    the better half
    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 336

    Here is a picture.

    This was the easiest party we have every done. All we did was sit back and watch them jump.

    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108


    Shane if you opt for the piniata let me know – I can bring my mother in law over, we can super glue candy to her and hang her from her waist on a 4 ton cherry picker – then the kids can smack her until the candy is gone – when that is over you can use her for pin the tail on the donkey.

    The pony thing would be more fun though.

    Good one!

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666



    Shane if you opt for the piniata let me know – I can bring my mother in law over, we can super glue candy to her and hang her from her waist on a 4 ton cherry picker – then the kids can smack her until the candy is gone – when that is over you can use her for pin the tail on the donkey.

    The pony thing would be more fun though.

    Good one!

    Maybe a good game of pin the tail on the Mother in Law

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666


    Maybe you could hire Ben Garvers dog to come over and eat some poop I would think that would keep the kids entertained for a while

    Sorry, It’s a really slow day at work

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862


    Shane if you opt for the piniata let me know – I can bring my mother in law over, we can super glue candy to her and hang her from her waist on a 4 ton cherry picker – then the kids can smack her until the candy is gone – when that is over you can use her for pin the tail on the donkey.

    The pony thing would be more fun though.

    How do you get diet dew off your keyboard….thanks a lot!!!!

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    That is harsh!!!!!!!!!!! But funny!!!!!!! (4-ton hoist)……….

    We have been using Pinatas for a few years now. Go to Party City and you should find one for about $10 or $20. Most now have a pull string and not a bat, to open them up……it actually works better because the candy doesn’t get smashed by the bat.

    Then, go to Sam’s Club to get the candy……They have Pinata candy bags that run fairly reasonable for the quantitiy you get……..Makes the kids happy, because everyone gets something……

    You can get helium tanks too, along with balloons too…..

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    Alright, this time I really got it.

    Take an old dress from my Mother in Law. Stretch it between 4 posts. You have a custom made trampoline, and it can fit at least as many kids in it as the Better Halfs picture

    There is still problably some candy, donuts or something in the pockets for the kids to eat

    OK, I’ll shut up now

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Ya better hide the computor or it’s going to be real “cold” around your place for awhile!

    nora springs ia floyd
    Posts: 518

    I do not know how much one would cost but you could rent a clown or play kids games like pin the tail on the donkey with prizes

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    I’m used to it by now

    At least the dog has a nice kennel for me to share

    Dallas, WI
    Posts: 1003

    Brian, if my mother in law all of a sudden gets a computer, I am toast!

    Posts: 36

    How about sledding? Every kid likes that,then you could do hot chocolate and a pinata.

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    hey zew, it was a good thing that I was done eating before I read that post otherwise I would have more than Mt. dew all over my key board. we would have had water and hamburger helper everywhere. although it was a thoughful idea to volunteer your mother-in-law, I am sure that she woulnd’t feel all that loved from you or the kids.

    cletus, get that pony whipped into shape, we have another party in april, the 2 year old is turning 3. so if you can manage to get it thinned down, if not, not a big deal, i am sure that the kids chasing it around would definately make it loose weight. also if you remember, keep the beer cold, the hot dogs warm, and be sure that the bug zapper works.

    thebetterhalf, as far as getting a jumping thing goes, it wouldn’t work, the hall is too small and I am not sure how it would work inside. just curious though, was your little man in the video that Jon Jordan was shooting at the GTG? if so, he was sure quiet.

    keep the ideas comming, thanks, hope to hear more mother-in-laws bashing jokes.


    Annandale Mn.
    Posts: 1260

    Shane take them out ice fishing, invite Briank and tell him to wear what he had on at the GTG, Tennis shoes with ice cleats,and a nose warmer that made him look like a human mouse. Brian was more concerned about his nose getting cold then his feet.. All in all you would have a clown with some fishing knowledge and you could probably get him to do it at the cost of cookies and milk…

    Brooklyn Park, MN
    Posts: 529

    if you take them out ice fishing I know I will do my hardest to track you down, I would go just to the day

    New Brighton, MN
    Posts: 1107


    Shane if you opt for the piniata let me know – I can bring my mother in law over, we can super glue candy to her and hang her from her waist on a 4 ton cherry picker – then the kids can smack her until the candy is gone – when that is over you can use her for pin the tail on the donkey.

    The pony thing would be more fun though.

    kizew, that would be a win-win for you!

    Hey…is the pony available for a bachelor party?

    (I hope you all know I’m joking)?

    the better half
    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 336


    just curious though, was your little man in the video that Jon Jordan was shooting at the GTG? if so, he was sure quiet.

    Yep, that was Tyler. He isn’t normally that quiet. Both of my kids got the gift of gab – probably from there dad.

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    well that was cool, i thought that was him, just wasn’t sure, well it was good to see him in the video, sure wish I could have made it up and out for a day, had to work.


    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    so you dont’ have anymore ideas, comone guys, you are letting me down, i have told my wife how awsome this site is, she just don’t understand i guess. anymore ideas,



    the better half
    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 336

    Ok, Shane I will try again.

    The cheapest way to go would be to just play a bunch of party games. i.e., how many jellybeans in the jar, bounce on a balloon until it breaks, etc. Each winner could get a piece of candy or a pencil. $-stores have good things to give as prizes. Here is a website that has a lot of ideas.

    Instead of just eating cake, have each child decorate there own cupcake or cookie.

    Give each kid a piece of Shoestring liquorice (I found it at a candy store), Fruit Loops and Gummy Lifesavers and have them make a necklace they can eat.

    If either of you are artistic, do face painting.

    Have each kid bring outdoor clothing and go to a nearby park for playtime.

    Ok, that is all I can think of for now. I hope that helps.

    Oh, one more thing. Plan for more games/activities than you think you need. The games ALWAYS go faster than you think they will. It is really scary when you have a bunch of 4 years staring at you and you don’t have anything else for them to do.

    Bemidji, MN
    Posts: 154

    sledding is a good idea. if you were around the annandale area, i could tell you some good hills. I would say rent one of those parachutes that they have at the school. all kids love those things. (and it would work good inside)

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    Texas hold-em tourny?

    Maybe the winner gets some candy.

    How about a clean Shane’s boat contest.
    Install Shane’s bathroom floors contest.
    Shave Shane’s back contest
    Hot dog eating contest.
    See who can be the quietest
    How about a stripper, they are always good
    BrianK could give a demonstration on how to properly make stink bait

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921


    Texas hold-em tourny?

    Maybe the winner gets some candy.

    How about a clean Shane’s boat contest.
    Install Shane’s bathroom floors contest.
    Shave Shane’s back contest
    Hot dog eating contest.
    See who can be the quietest
    How about a stripper, they are always good
    BrianK could give a demonstration on how to properly make stink bait

    dane, that almost made me shoot mt dew all over the laptop. that was funny there farmboy, we will see what ideas you come up with for your 4 year old. the clean the boat thing would be alot of fun, but there is nothing for htem to clean, it is all packed away in the shed. the floor is getting done slowly, i am sure that child labor laws would come into effect on that one, and besides, who told you about my hairy back. anything to do with BK is definately out of the question, he would end up spooking the kids and scaring them for life. not a good plan at the age of 4.

    I will pass along the website to the Mrs. better half, thanks for that, I was just trying to get some other fun ideas then the ones we have already thought of.

    again thanks for the input. Ben Garves dog is definately out of the question, not going to stop the show just to watch him. sorry ben, maybe look towards the state fair, maybe the cow and horse barn would hire him to clean stalls.


    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    Sorry Shane.

    There always has to be on smart you know And I thought the stripper idea was good

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921

    you gotta save that for the next time we are out in the boat together.


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