I have never used the small Coleman propane tanks in my portable before this season. What is the proper way to dispose of these things when they are empty? I have a bunch just sitting aroud. Thanks for any help. John
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Could be a dumb question?
January 18, 2007 at 4:34 pm #524640
Thanks Derek- Where can I go to get the Adaptor? Once I get it do I just go to the old gas station just like I was filling the tank for the grill? See you this weekend, I can’t wait. By the way we did really well on Chisago the other day.
January 18, 2007 at 4:45 pm #524653I believe once you have an adaptor, you would fill it from a larger tank (20# etc.). You wouldn’t need to bring them to a gas station.
January 18, 2007 at 4:45 pm #524654Not sure where you get the fitting. You re-fill from your 20# tank.
January 18, 2007 at 4:57 pm #524659I’ve seen the adapters at menards and I think that cabelas sells them.
January 18, 2007 at 5:13 pm #524672Quote:
From what I have heard, they don’t recommend refilling them
I agree.
Correct me if I’m wrong here, but the new style tank valves do not work when you try to re-fill those small 1 pound tanks. You would need the old valve that allows gas to flow through it when the tank is tipped on its side.
I tried it a couple years ago and came to the conclusion it was not worth the effort and down right dangerous. The one pound tank valves would maybe take one refill before the valves failed and just slow leak till empty. So, if you do refill them, put them back on the heater or lantern right away. Both the 20 lb tank and the one pound tank must be warm, so they need to sit inside for at least a day before you try to refill. Always had problems with leaks which is not good. My advice. Don’t do it!
January 18, 2007 at 5:20 pm #524676not that you would get caught but, it is legal to fill them but, illegal to transport refilled 1 pound bottles.
i don’t know the reasoning but, that is the way i understand it.RochCop
Posts: 2January 18, 2007 at 6:21 pm #524718I too think refilling them is asking for problems. I asked the company that fills my homes tank about it (since they are the experts with gas) and they told me it is not a good idea because the one pound tanks wont seal properly and become a leaking gas bomb. They said IF they are EMPTY you can throw them away like your trash. You can find them for 2$ if you watch Fleetfarm/Walmart for sales, otherwise you should be able to buy them for less than 3$ anytime. Buy new, and avoid problems.
Posts: 1399January 18, 2007 at 6:30 pm #524731I’ve seen the adapters at fleet farm, plus I think Cabelas sells them…atleast out of the catalog.
January 18, 2007 at 6:49 pm #524753Be VERY careful if you’re going to refill the one pounders.
Weight a full one you just bought. Then weight the ones you just filled so they don’t get overfilled.
I’ve filled plenty with the new style valve on the 20-pound tanks.
The 20 pounder needs to be at room temperature. The empty one pounders need to be very cold. Put them in the freezer over night.
You should fill around 15 one pounders to a 20 pound tank.
Remember to weigh them after you fill them so they aren’t overfilled.
Keep the full ones in the garage in the cold. If they leak, put them outside. They will either seal up or leek out until empty. Coleman one pounders seem to seal better after a refill compared to the other brands.
I used to fill my own one pounders, but I figured for the amount of money I save, its not worth the hassle and safety issues.
To me it’s not worth risking an injury to save $20.00 a winter.
January 18, 2007 at 7:33 pm #524800Canadian parks (Ontario Provincial) won’t allow them in the garbage as the are considered “hazardous waste” and cost more to dispose them legally than they are worth new.
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