• dave-barber
    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100

    Thanks Gary and Rivereyes!

    As you all have seen… IDO has as second show coming out. If you are out of the viewing area and wish that you could see it, please send those letters! Let’s help James and Scott, and Matt, and everyone else at IDO get this thing going.

    Posts: 5130

    This is a great show of support and appreciation that you have done here Cletus
    I have to agree that we ALL need to show our support of the sponsors of IDO programs. So please, everyone take the time to get them letters sent and let our voices be heard. I hope to someday soon be able to watch the shows on t.v. in my area. If we ALL have our voices heard, we can show that there is definitely a demand for this program

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22911

    I just fired off more emails for the prizes my wife and I won at the GTG. She won a ReelWeeds double pac, and I won a Gamehide Stormhide outfit !!! Lets them know, they are getting exposure, and that the donated prizes are appreciated and will be used Everyone that won a prize, take the minute to thank the sponsor who donated them

    big g

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Back in the days of FTR/FTL [Fish The River/Fish The Lake] I heard about this website that gave fishing reports and talked fishing on the bodies of water that I loved to fish. So I ran out and spent 1100.00 on a computer for this reason. If it wasn’t for this site I probably never would of bought a computer. And now I’m typing on my 2nd 1100.00 computer. Fishing does strange things to fishermen. lol. This site grew by leaps and bounds over night it seemed. Then came the new name of EFN [Electronic Fishing Network] which was formed to combine Fish The River and Fish The Lake. The site kept growing and later a new website was formed and called In-Depthangling. It turned out that there were a huge amount of members who love to hunt also so to be helpfull to those that hunt a hunting forum was started. That also grew very quickly so now In-Depth Outdoors became the parent company housing both fishing and hunting under its umbrella so to speak. I have seen this website continue to grow at alarming speed over the years by giving what sportsmen want which is good reports, good products reviews/talks by both staff and members. People come here and find themselves amaged at all the free information there is here. They also find alot of posts that help people in other areas of their lives such as help from other members about a motor or boat problem, or maybe a car that broke down, a computer problem, or need to ask questions about how good a product is, or maybe even have a special prayer request. People feel at home here and thats why they spend alot of time here. We have all become a huge fishing/hunting family here and thats very special to alot of people. Alot of people learn about different ways to fish and about how to use certain products in certain situations from staff people or members sharing with them. To take that to the next level so members can really see with their eyes what is being shared to help them become better fishermen means video [DVDs] and TV. In order to go to that next level its going to take alot of money to make that happen. We have been blessed with some sponsors to help with the expenses for the first TV show. Its very important that these sponsors and even more sponsors continue to support In-Depth Outdoors to make the shows possible. Writing a letter or e-mailing a letter to these sponsors that are listed in this thread at the beginning and also other companies that you think might possibly be interested in sponsoring a show on how catch fish, that shows you in detail what lures and how they were used, and shows the viewers great underwater action of whats really happening down there along with showing you how to really enjoy your time on the water more by paying attention to the details they share with you. By writing/sending sponsors an e-mail about how much you really appreciate them sponsoring these shows will help to make these shows possible. And by doing so you plan to keep their products in mind when you are buying things. This is our way of being able to give back to all that James has given each one of us with this website, DVDS, and now TV shows. We come here to learn more about fishing/hunting, to have fellowship with our friends that we have made here, and to be able to enjoy our time on the water more because of what we have learned.

    Doesn’t it make sense that giving something back is only fair. E-mailing these sponsors and others that you feel would be interested in sponsoring a TV show that teaches people how to catch fish is needed to continue these shows. Also if you feel compelled to help out with a donation that would greatly be appreciated also. James did NOT ask me to make a post about this. These words are mine and only mine. If I get chewed out for somnethings I mentioned here all I can really say is theres alot of fat to chew through before he gets to the real me. LOL. I’m going to close, or maybe I should say shut my big mouth, but I want to say that any e-mails you are willing to send or any donations you are willing to give to help with keeping these show going and help the website with the expenses would be very much appreciated. THANKS.

    Thanks, Bill

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100


    Don’t see many replies. Anybody else care to see IDO go state/nation wide? With all the replies to the IDO posts… I don’t see why this post hasn’t been the most responded to topic

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Thanks Dave [Cletus] for caring enough and taking the time to try help get the TV Series of IDO off the ground. This is something that takes alot of money to do and is a very big leap to try to make it happen. Very much appreciated. THANKS.
    Thanks, Bill

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1208

    Done, just finished a personal note to all the sponsors…this is an easy thing to do and a very important one. It is a very small part I can do to pay back for what I believe is a fantastic WebSite and TV series. Thanks team for reminding us to do this.

    Isle Mn
    Posts: 953


    Thank again James for hosting this kick site I tell everyone I know about it!

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100

    Thanks Bucky and Lund!!! As an IDA member… I appreciate it. I am sure the IDA/IDO staff appreciate it as well!

    Let’s keep them coming guys!

    Annandale Mn.
    Posts: 1260

    Remember another thing the more people we tell about the IDO Sponsors and the shows themselves is the more people we will have calling there internet service providers asking why they dont get the IDO on there network.This will help push other networks to broadcast the IDO shows in the future. But don’t forget to let people know where they can find good deals and fast shipping right to there doors…(OUR SPONSORS)

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Its VERY easy to do guys and will really help for future shows be possible that will cover open water fishing secrets of how to catch fish that you can take and use on your own favorite lake or river.
    Thanks, Bill

    Bemidji, MN
    Posts: 154

    sent, glad i can help in some way

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137

    I think that sending e-mails is a great idea! I also think spending bucks with the sponsers is a good idea as well. I’ve hired guides from IDA. I’ve bought from BfishN. I just sent an order to Jollyanne. I spend lots of money at Evert’s (when Dean lets me ) I’ve got DVD’s, bumper stickers, and a hat from IDA. And I’m a site sponser. If you really like the site. Support the sponsers by buying the products.


    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100

    Thanks Guys! IDO appreciates your support.

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100

    Bringing this one back to the top. IDO staff have posted the intro to the newest in the series of Ice Fishing shows… Let’s use this as a reminder to keep sendinging those letters to the sponsors. For those that have, thank you. For those that haven’t, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR . Episode 2

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100

    Back to the top! Episode 2 is ooming out shortly. Please remember to thank the sponsors that make this all possible. Also, just because you are not in the viewing area does not mean you can’t send a letter. I am not in the viewing area. The whole reason I started this is to try and get it in my viewing area. Besides, once this show is bigger than the FLW shows, you can say that you helped make this possible!!!

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