Any chiropractors on board?

  • amwatson
    Posts: 5130

    Okay I need some advice and also to “vent” a little. I had another “incident” involving ice last Thursday. Nothing too major, but as I lost my balance and went through the thin ice (in very shallow water), I immediately had a very sharp and painful sensation in my lower back. It was so bad that I was basically stuck in the position I was in for a short while. Once I was able to move again, I continued on with a constant pain in the same area. So, here it is 4 days later and I can barely get around. It almost feels like there is something out of place. Once I get up and moving around it is tolerable. But, once I sit down, my back spasms and “locks” in place. Getting out of bed or up from a sitting position is a long painful process. My wife recommended putting a heat pad on my lower back and that helps a tiny bit. Do you think I just pulled a muscle or something more along the lines of the vertabrae itself? Any home remedies to alleviate the discomfort?
    No, on to my venting. This is the second time this year I have had to deal with an injury that I can’t just shake off I think I am starting to get old or my younger days of rodeo, and also my current job of a concrete finisher are starting to take their toll. One thing I can’t stand is showing or having any signs of weakness. At this pace, it could be a looong winter

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Member “DocFrigo” is a chiro and visits the site regularly. You might want to shoot him a PM.

    Albertville MN
    Posts: 2019

    Wats give it another week,…If once you’re up moving around it gets better,…then I’d suspect a muscle. I know when I fall through things tighten up a bit

    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603

    Probably a soft tissue tear I would start with icing it and some Ibuprofen “Advil” it coulld take a while to heal.

    Albertville MN
    Posts: 2019

    If you do go to the chiropractor,….Take this girl with!


    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    That looks like a LOT of fun!! Maybe Brian and Dean could build one at Everts. They could shoot people out over the river!

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Wats, do what Mat says for a week, if the tenderness and swelling does’t get better you might have a lower lumbar slighty out, this is very painful to the point you can’t walk if its really out. It might be a slight tear on the softer tissue and a week will tell. If its still bad after that go to a chiropractor, the backs pretty tender when the lower vertrebrae are out.

    Posts: 5130

    Thanks for the replies so far guys
    I don’t have any swelling, just pain and being stuck in the sitting or bent over position until I can slowly work my way back to a somewhat upright position. Sounds like I better just take it easy for a few days. I want to be somewhat mobile by Friday morning when we head to the GTG. That is another thing, I can barely get in and out of the truck. I can’t bend my neck down without sending the back into major pain I know, I am weak

    Posts: 1025

    Had my back go out on a similar type of a thing. Took me a half hour to get up to take a leak. Did the Ibeprofin thing and in 3 days I could finally get up and move.

    Atleast you dont have traps out this time!

    Posts: 5130

    That’s what I was doing when it happened I suffered through 3 days and couldn’t do it anymore. It hasn’t improved any since then, actuallu it has gotten worse

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607

    Wats, bone mover is a Chiro in holmen. I go to him and I am very happy with his work. His office is Holmen chiropratic

    LaCrosse Wi
    Posts: 306

    Mike. I would be on my way to the chiroprator asap. I have had problems in the past ansd tried to wait them out. Never did any good for me to wait. I found for me anyway, it pays to get it back in place as soon as you can. Usually a couple treatments will do wonders.

    Posts: 5130

    I thought about Ted as well, but I haven’t seen him on here lately Do you know if he is affiliated with the Skemp hospital? If so, I may go there since my insurance is from FS

    Fort Atkinson, WI USA
    Posts: 336

    Go to your family doctor he’ll probably put you on some type of muscle relaxer.

    Posts: 5130

    John-I think I am going to get the wife to sneak me in at the clinic when she gets to work. She should be able to find a chiropractor to get me in

    Mazomanie, WI
    Posts: 1099

    Consider your work boots too. Ask whoever you go to see.

    I had a friend who suffered from cronic back pain with an occasional major injury like yours. Turns out his shoes were causing most of the problems. Had bad foot support which weakened lower back muscles leading to major injuries.

    good luck

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Mike try a cold pac to see if it helps. A cold pac will numb the area some and helps gets the swelling down. Even though you don’t see swelling there probably is quite a bit. A med that will remove the pain will also help as if your brain isn’t feeling the pain signals then the injuried area has a chance to relax and not be so tense from feeling the pain. A Dr. would be needed for the pain med. Hopefully there is no herniated disk problems but there very well could be. Necks and backs are nothing to play around with. Injuries in those areas can be permanent and cause alot of pain. Don’t do anything that increases the pain. Be sure and get some medical help. Might be both a Medical Doctor and a Chiropractor. Take it easy.
    Thanks, Bill

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607

    Wats, I just got off the phone with Ted. Expect to hear from him.

    Ted Wedul
    holmen, wi
    Posts: 765

    Hey wats. Ted here. I have a clinic in Holmen. Holmen Chiropractic to be exact. I thought I told you I was a chiropractor when we were out fishing. Anyway, give me a call 608-526-3244 and I can let you know if you are in the right place or not. Ted

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 4977

    Can we change Wat’s name to “Ice breaker” or Custom title something like “thin Ice tester”

    Hey if we ever go out icefishing, I’m letting you check the ice for me

    Hope you heal up quick

    Posts: 5130

    Thanks Ted (bone mover) Ted is going to get me in tomorrow and see if I am need a chiropractor or something else
    I will just be happy to be able to walk in a staright position and not bent over and crooked
    As far as the ice this year. I have been through more times than I am telling you guys this year, It is crazy. Everytime I have fallen through this year has been while trapping. I am starting to get a complex with ice I think a lot of it has to do with me being a little heavier than I have been 230 vs. 165. That makes a heck of a lot of difference Good thing the wife is getting a family membership to the YMCA.

    Ted Wedul
    holmen, wi
    Posts: 765

    Hi again. Read a few more comments. Wats…definitely avoid heat for the first 72 hours. It will add time to recovery. I know a heating pad feels great at the time it is used, but with acute injuries it actually increases the swelling. It feels good because there is an increase of blood to the area. The bad part is the blood has a hard time leaving the area. Tissues have been damaged and pathways are altered. It basically acts like a traffic jam…easy to get there, hard as heck to get out of. Personally, I avoid anti-inflammatories and/or nsaids. The symptom is telling you that something has been damaged or is wrong. Swelling is there to allow the body to heal and to prevent or limit yourself from further injury. I use this analogy in my office…your warning light goes off in your vehicle…you go to the mechanic and he puts a little duct tape over your check engine light, taps you on the back and says there you go. It is treating the symptom and not correcting the cause of the symptom. Sadly, this is how a lot of our sickness and disease is treated in this country. Fun fact, if you take 365 tylenol in a year or 1000 in a lifetime you double your chance of end stage kidney failure and if you take 5,000 ibuprofen in a lifetime you are 8 times as likely to have end stage kidney failure. Don’t mean to get too deep into conversation here. Just pointing out a few things for people to think about. Ted

    Brooklyn Center MN
    Posts: 181

    Wats, Sounds like your a tough SOB but back injurys are not to be played with. Get yourself some help sounds like you have alot of friends here on IDA who want to hang out with you. Besides, you cant make money sitting in your chair, and that doesnt sound like the kind of man you are.
    Take care and get healthy.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    From the sounds of it Watts, you tweaked your L5.
    I know mine is out when: I have a hard time getting out of a chair but when I can finally stand up it’s not too bad.


    Posts: 1564

    Wats, Check your PM. Glad to hear your getting in to see bone mover. Hopefully your back on your feet soon cause nothing makes a back feel better than catching a big gill’er thru the ice!



    Posts: 5130

    Yep, I made it in for the preliminary exam this morning. While I was in there I also had a chance to meet “eyetroller” as well We didn’t get to talk much though
    From the exams so far, minus the x-rays, it looks like I am in for quite a few adjustments Ted and his staff got me right in this morning and got the ball rolling as quickly as humanly possible Ted’s new office was remodeled from a garage to an awesome office. The woodwork is really nice on the ceilings. I would like to publicly thank Ted and his staff for getting me in and starting the process to get me back in shape. From the looks of things, I am going to be making quite a few visits to get everything back in shape. My insurance doesn’t have Holmen Chiropractic as one of their network providers, but I am still going to keep going there.

    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 699

    You gotta love this site. I am glad you saught medical help Mike. I work in rehab and also have a perm back injury.
    It will take some time to get back to normal but you’re on the right track.

    Posts: 5130

    2 visits today fpr adjustments and I am already able to walk upright and not all hunched over Not ready to climb Everest yet, but I am feeling much better Thanks Ted

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    Let’s go trapping

    “Ever Wonder Why There Are No Democrats On Mount Rushmore ? "
    Posts: 1216

    Glad to see you doing better.

    I had back problems for quite a while off and on. The family doc always told me to rest it and it would get better each time. Finally it went so bad 2 years ago I went to see a local chiro. Turns out one of my legs is 16 mm shorter than the other and I have been out of balance most of life causing un-due degeneration in my lower back.

    I see a chiro on a maintenance basis now, and he keeps me in good working order.

    Personally, I stay away from heat, I go with ice all the way when it aches or I have a flare up.

    Go to wal-mart and buy the cold/hot pad (cannot remember the name) Throw away the hot part, and put the reusable cold pack in the freezer. It does a great job icing a large part of your back, and lasts a long time.


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