German Short Hair with cat issues

  • pahaarstad
    Posts: 712

    I just got a 1 1/2 old short hair this week. We have a cat too. The dog will not stop tring to find the cat. If the cat is under a bed he will just sit there and point at it for hours if I let him. I have even taken him out of the house to run but when we get back in he start to look for the cat again. There is no giving up in that dogs mind. Any help with this issue would be great. They need to learn to live together. Getting rid of one of them is not going to happen. They are too love my all in the family.

    Plymouth MN.
    Posts: 1031

    Time is all you need. just be glad they are not fighting. if it come to that then your in trouble. He is just being curious. Have you had the two side by side yet. if they get along it wont take long and he will begin to ignore the cat

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    Get the cat in a crate, or somewhere where it cannot get away. Put the dog on a leash, and walk it around and around the crate, making corrections with the leash whenever he does something you don’t want. I prefer to use a choke chain, but only as a sharp tug and release, do not use it to choke the dog.

    He should start to understand the cat is just a cat, and not something you want him to point. I would also reinforce the pointing at the correct thing after this is done with a pheasant wing, or something simiar, and reward the heck out of him when he points that.

    Good luck. Training dogs is a really fun thing to do

    Posts: 712

    No we have not. I did not want to force the issue. I think the cat would get the best of the dog right now. The cat has wanted no part of him even when the dog is in the kennel. The cat will just walk past the kennel and not even snif it.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Sounds like an arse whipping is inevitable. Also sounds like cat will win. The dog will leave it alone then! Hopefully they get along eventually. I’ve seen many instances where they do. Even dogs and pet rabbits.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    Time will take care of it. We tok in a wirehairthat did the same thing.. eventually(week or so) they were good friends.

    Its the dogs instincts to hunt down the other animal that is evading it..

    Hopefully your dog doesnt go as far as the wirehair did.. they became friends(cat trusted the dog), the dog would pick the cat up by the head(like a tennis ball) and carry it around the house! Good humor, but it kind of freaks you out when the dog comes running by and ll you see is a limp cat body hanging from the jaws of the dog and you cant see the head.. once in a while the cat would look uncomfortable and wrap its front paws around the snout of the dog for support

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    Yep, give them time to sniff each other out. It took a good month before my 8 year old springer would accept my new pup.

    Plymouth MN.
    Posts: 1031

    putting the cat or dog in a kennel I dont believe is a good idea. seperating one of them with a barrier inbetween them will make the dog think whats on his side is his and vise versa creating a teritorial thing. years ago I tried itroducing dogs this way. That way if they didnt get along all I had to do was walk away and no prob. but it seemed if they never meet before they never got along. those of you that have fences around you yard and ajointing neighbors have fenced as well will notice the dogs alwasy run up and down the fence and bark at each other. Itas a territorial thing, put them together and all is good.

    I still say time will tell. if they aint fighting now you are good to go. If the cat has claws shell show him whos boss of the house

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Stick Boy & Farmboy are right time is all you need and they will get use to each other. We had a cat when I got my short hair but mine was just a pup she had a blast chasing the cat around the house. After awhile they got use to each other and would even play together.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 9

    I took in a 6mo GSP 3 months ago. He still gets excited about the cats, but dosn’t go much beyond chasing the female cat around the living room once and awhile. Its the genetic hunter in them. I don’t think it is somthing that will ever die. I just hope he can grow out of his puppyness, before the baby shows up in July.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607


    I took in a 6mo GSP 3 months ago. He still gets excited about the cats, but dosn’t go much beyond chasing the female cat around the living room once and awhile. Its the genetic hunter in them. I don’t think it is somthing that will ever die. I just hope he can grow out of his puppyness, before the baby shows up in July.

    Concerning the baby, here is what the Doctor told my son Nate to do and it worked. After the baby was born they were told to take something of the baby’s that would have the baby’s scent on it and take it home and lay it next to the cats food or place where the cat spends alot of time so the cat can get use to the scent before the baby is brought home. Then when the baby comes home the baby’s scent is already familar to the cat.

    Thanks, Bill

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