Desperate For Ideas / Advice

  • rod-man
    Pine City, MN.
    Posts: 1279

    This is a tough post to write but, I’m at the point where I’m not sure where to turn anymore. I’m looking for ideas and/or advice from you, my fellow IDA members. I’ve been posting and reading on these boards for quite some time now but I don’t think many people here know my situation.

    I’m an insulin dependent diabetic and had my left leg amputated about eight months ago. Since that time I have been declared permanently disabled due to the amputation and other complications from my diabetes. I had surgery on my remaining foot in September and haven’t walked since then.

    My problem is this, with my wife’s income, we are above the below and below the upper and stuck in the middle where we don’t qualify for anything other than my social security (which just started) and I only receive $1,000 a month from them. So, I’m looking ideas and/or advice for where someone like me can go for financial help.

    It takes all of my wife’s pay just to keep us in our house and keep the lights on. We just about maxed our credit cards in the first five months after the amputation while we waited for social security to kick in. Between the medical bills and credit cards, we’re going down fast!

    Any ideas? I’m open to any and all suggestions on how to get us back on our feet after this challenge God has put before us.

    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921


    sorry to hear about your difficult situation! the only uplifting thing that I can give you is to keep on praying! where God closes doors, he opens windows. he knows your struggle and will help you in his perfect timing. did you bring this to your church, they may be able to help.

    hope this helped!


    Posts: 1027

    Rod-man, sorry to hear about your situation.

    If you belong to a church, have you approached them for help? That is what Churchs and Christians are supposed to do, help those in need whether you are in the church family or not. Also the Salvation Army. Do you have family and friends close by? Maybe they could do a fundraiser for you and your wife. I will pray for God’s wisdom for you in this situation.

    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 699

    Rod-man Have you checked the the department of vocational rehab. They are generally located the same office or building as the workforce center. I work in rehab as a job counselor and I have work with voc rehab for years Talk to one of the couselors there. If you waqnt you can send me a PM with your telephone number. I would be more than happy to talk to you futher about options to explore. Hang in there buddy. God has a reason for everything. I used to be a carpenter until I injured my back. Now I am a job counselor helping injured and diabled people get back to work.

    Pine City, MN.
    Posts: 1279

    Thanks for the posts so far. I should probably clarify my physical condition because I don’t want it to sound like I’m just feeling sorry for myself and not wanting to work. As of right now, I have to be off my remaining foot 100% until the ulcer on the bottom of my foot heals. In February I will be having surgery on my shoulder. We are talking several months before I can even get my prosthetic back on and attempt to walk.

    So, you see, I am really unable to do much of anything except sit here and wait for my body to heal. It’s very frustrating. That’s why I thought I’d throw this out there and see if anybody came up with anything because I’ve just hit a wall and don’t know what else to do!! Ugh.

    Milford IA
    Posts: 2178

    Theres an orginazation out there that help Hunters. Heres a link to their site. I happen to know they are looking for applicants.

    Posts: 1399

    I know it’s certainly not your favorite option, but have you considered a home-equity line of credit? Rates are still pretty good on them and you can use just what you need and make payments back as you are able. Of course there will come a date, usually around 10-15 years, where you have to be paid up, but by that time you should be back working and doing much better. Just an idea!

    If your heart’s truly open to God’s help then the earlier suggestions of prayer can not be overstated. I can recall many times on this very site where prayers have made a world of difference! Contact your church and see what type of assistance may be available to you! Just remember, through it all, that God works in His time and that may not be our time….be patient, keep praying, and it will all be alright. Things will get better, you just have to hang in there. I’ll do my part by saying a little prayer for you…just to get the ball rolling!

    Rogers, MN
    Posts: 330

    I only wish the best for you! Keep God on your side and he will be on yours!

    I hope things look up soon for you and your family! All the best to you!

    Posts: 2627

    Rod-man, my heart goes out to you. I have nothing other than what the others have said. I am off work right now and the disability paperwork is driving me crazy but your post reminded me it could be worse. I will say a prayer for you and your family in the coming days. When you are able to get out and about again if you want to spend a day on Pool 4 chasing walleyes shoot me a PM. I know it isn’t much but sometimes a day on the water makes the world look alot brighter.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    I hope things work themselves out before too long rodman.

    Financial difficulties always seem to come hand to hand with physical limitations.. in a hurry… and it sure doesnt make things any easier.

    The best thing you can do for now is to try to keep your spirits high, and keep your eyes open for options.. some will come along in due time, and so will healing. Times will get better, and from the sounds of it, possibly worse before they can get better.. Everything always seems to work out in the end, dont lose faith in yourself, or your beliefs.

    One of the most important things is you nt give up, and remain focused on stabilizing your life or improving it as doors open in the future. You can accomplish just about anything if you keep your mind foused.. just get yourself healed up so ou can swing back at some of these punches life is throwing at you!

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    Am pretty sure your name is Frank, and we talked a few months back, something to do with a Trophy Smallmouth, and your living room wall… more about that in a moment..

    You and your family have had a very tough go of it lately, and probably more than your share. Just have to hang in there til things start turning your way, and they WILL. God has a divine plan, and you and we are all a part of it. I know there are a lot of prayers being sent your way, mine included.

    there have been some very good suggestions of financial ideas. If you have an IRA or a 401K retirement plan, and your age, you could probably draw on those accts.

    I did see a commercial the other day on Reverse Mortgages.. and I happen to write down the phone no. for free info. 1- 800-504- 4614.
    All I know about them is whether you are paying a mortgage or not, they pay you, am sure the house equity has to be in that equation. All that I know is, you still have to be living in the house.. and you get a monthly payment. Sure would be good to check into it, and hope that is helpful.

    As far as fishing goes, you let me know when you can get into a boat, and I’ll drive down to Kasson, and pick you up for some Pool 4 time on those Saugers.

    Two people in my life have Diabetes. 90 % of my time on Pool 4 I have my friend Steve with me. He has some Diabetes complications also, as a result of Pancreas and Kidney replacement surgery over 10 years ago. Steve is legally blind, but can not see the end of his fishing rod, and really enjoys our time on the water.

    My wife is Type 1, and uses a pump, and is doing pretty good with that for now.

    Now about your Smallie, we had talked a few months back about doing a mount of your Trophy. But I do not remember if we discussed a Replica, or a skin mount of your fish.
    If you have not already mounted it. I feel moved to do that job for you for FREE. Am sure I still have your phone number, and I’ll try and call in the next couple of days.

    I think a big Trophy on the wall would be a reminder of a Great Fishing trip. Happier times of heavy bending pounding rods, and just might draw a few smiles..
    talk to you soon.
    Jack Naylor

    Posts: 405

    Sent you a pm with a local assistance resource
    Wish you all the best!

    Rochester Area
    Posts: 27

    As you can see, my screenname is “fishermanswife” and rod-man is the “fisherman” that I belong to and I have to tell you that the posts you guys have left so far are awesome. There have been a lot of good ideas and so much positive encouragement.

    We have a strong faith and trust that God will provide as He always has in the past. Sometimes it’s hard to remember that when things are so overwhelming. We have a great marriage and so many things to be thankful for that I know we’ll endure and make it past this. In the meantime, we’ll look into some of the suggestions you guys have posted and keep the words of encouragement close.

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    Depending on your age, you can also do a reverse mortgage.

    Contact Gary Wellman

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1001

    Sorry to hear that you are going through a rough patch.

    A couple of ideas that could ease some of the current financial burdens.

    If your medical costs aren’t fully covered by insurance, try to negotiate with your clinic to reduce your current balance and their future rates. It may be a challenge, but they should be able to make some accomodations.

    Many pharmacuetical companies have programs for greatly reduced costs for their products for those that qualify. Check the pharmacuetical company websites or with your pharmacist for more information.

    With your credit card balances, many credit cards offer low, or no interest promotions for balance transfers. This could greatly lower your monthly interest charges and help to keep the balances from ballooning.

    Good luck.


    Posts: 1027

    There is a Christian radio station. KTIS- 98.5 FM that is a great source of inspiration, GREAT music, and encouraging words. Give it a listen, it helped me and my wife when we were dealing with the murders of her sister and brother in law a year ago. The radio personalities can make you laugh when that is the last thing you feel like doing. I strongly recommend it.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    If you need assistence in searching for government financial support for those who are disabled or on SS, please shoot me a PM or email.

    I have access to people who know “all” of the programs that exist. And let me tell you, there is SOMETHING for EVERYONE!

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    A few ideas. Your spouse is w-2, you should adjust her withholdings to match your tax obligation. Meaning, if you get a refund, and she is claiming married and one, you may claim up to 10 with out any problem, even if you don’t have 10 kids. Sometimes this can add $ to her check. I caution against using a consolidation loan, if you miss payments on your consolidation loan, they can foreclose, and you could lose your home. Lower interest on you current mortgage, refinance and stretch out your payments on car and home loans are short-term solutions. Shop your insurance, do you have the lowest home/auto premiums? Do you have a budget? If not, do it right away. There are things in your budget which come as irregular expenses, clothing, auto repairs, tabs for you plates,,,these are not expenses which happen every month. Set up a separate account to “escrow” these expenses, so when they come up, you already have the money. These “irregular” expenses are what kills a budget when you are not prepared. PM me if you have something specific, and trust your faith.

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    You can claim up to 9 without explaination. If you claim 10, you need to include a letter of explaination. My gal and I have done this before when needed. Just remember you may have to pay in. Your basically spending your refund now when claming 9. It allows for quick cash. You wont see any state or Fed taxes taken out on her paycheck. Its legal but dont forget to change it back to what you are claming now. You can get into a hole with the IRS very quickly.

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1001

    A couple of more thoughts.

    With your out of pocket medical expenses and change in tax filing status to “permanently disabled” you and your wife should have lower taxes or a larger refund this year. Be sure to check with your tax preparer or research the IRS website at for more information.

    Has your doctor given you an excercise program to keep in shape until you are healed up? If the doctor has given you a program, be sure to stick with it. If the doctor hasn’t given you an excercise program, that is something that could be helpful both physically and overall.

    Good luck!


    Madison, WI
    Posts: 939

    I am sorry to hear of your troubles.

    You could do the unbearable and get divorced, then you could get better benefits. It may sound wrong, but I’ve head of some folks doing this.

    My wife found this, maybe this could be of help.

    Here are some web sites


    Here is a link to the Wisconsin Access system. By answering anonymous

    questions, an individual can get some idea of what services they may

    qualify. The link offers phone contacts at the end. I do not know of a

    similar computer program in Minnesota, but they may want to take a look

    at this computer program.

    Posts: 1399

    Impalapower, nothing against you personally, but get divorced?????????????????????? How on one hand can you pray to God for things to get better, and on the other suggest that which God hates??? If a person is so desperate as to break the bonds of marriage he has bigger problems than financial, and should expect nothing of God except disappointment.

    There, now that I got that off my chest let my post be deleted….it’s against the rules now, I hear.

    Posts: 1027

    Contact all of your credit card companies and any other debtors and explain your situation. Usually they will lower your interest rates to ease your burdon. My daughter had maxed out some credit cards and was barely making her payments. She called her credit card companies at my insistance and 2 out of 3 lowered her rates considerably. She said she had to be persistant and wouldn’t take no for an answer. One told her there was nothing they could do and my daughter told the person she wanted to talk to her supervisor. The supervisor lowered the rate. Maybe your bank would let you pay just the interest on your mortgage until things improved.

    Madison, WI
    Posts: 939


    Impalapower, nothing against you personally, but get divorced??????????????????????

    I merely brought it up, I didn’t say it was right. I heard of folks doing this. He asked for options and that was one of them. I understand where you are coming from. Its something I wouldn’t do. Don’t worry about the religion thing, you are right.

    Posts: 973

    Slip sinker, how silly. A divorce helps in certain circumstances. A friend of mine, Irish Catholic had a severe stroke in his late 40’s. The only way for John and his wife to retain any assets was to divorce. John lives in Illinois so the laws may differ in Minnesota, but I doubt God is standing by to personally help this family.

    There are so many posts regarding suggestions from a home equity line to a reverse mortgage. However, if is impossible to provide any constructive advice without knowing the entire financial status. I would hope before running up the credit card debt a home equity line would have been used.

    The reserve mortgage is an option depending on age and health.

    I just think there are a few of us and many others that could provide more useful advice if we knew the entire financial situation.

    Pine City, MN.
    Posts: 1279


    Impalapower, nothing against you personally, but get divorced?????????????????????? How on one hand can you pray to God for things to get better, and on the other suggest that which God hates??? If a person is so desperate as to break the bonds of marriage he has bigger problems than financial, and should expect nothing of God except disappointment.

    There, now that I got that off my chest let my post be deleted….it’s against the rules now, I hear.


    Madison, WI
    Posts: 939


    Slip sinker, how silly. A divorce helps in certain circumstances.

    Oh Jesus, Joseph, and Mary! Slip Sinker is going to get you too Fishy!

    Posts: 1399


    I’m not about to debate the difference of God’s Law vs. man’s law with you because it’s against forum policy and we’d probably both beat our heads against the wall trying to win the argument. So, let’s go back to the original post and read it……rodman and his wife don’t sound like the kind of people that would consider that route (divorce) and I believe it’s borderline disrespectful and offensive to even suggest it.

    I probably was off-base in suggesting seeking the Lord’s help in this matter, when it’s certainly financial help rodman is needing right now. If so, I apologize and I pray he get’s the help he and his wife deserve.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166


    So, let’s go back to the original post and read it

    Yes please! Back to the original poster’s question.

    You boys behave now. I’m off to bed and BrianK is taking over as hall monitor. You don’t want to be on the business end of THAT, do you?

    To the original poster, I’m sorry to hear of your troubling situation. It looks like you are getting some good advice here. You and your wife take care.

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