Boat reviews/opinions

  • perch_44
    One step ahead of the Warden.
    Posts: 1589

    i’m looking at getting a new walleye boat. looking at a 18-21ft console with a 200HP+ motor. i am looking at the ranger fisherman line – i have fished out of these quite a bit and know some about them. but, what about Warrior and Skeeter boats? anybody have any info/opinions on those two for me? the warrior’s look redone compared to years past, and skeeters look like a heck of a boat too. thanks for any info guys!

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    Don’t forget to look at Yarcraft also, they are a great company and make some great walleye boats.


    Posts: 387

    Looks like your not afraid to drop some cash, so id look into the tracker tundra as well. Im a Lund guy myself but the tundra is suppose to be the cats meow. Maybe u r set on fiberglass, but there is nothing wrong with todays welded or riveted aluminum boats.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22974

    Hey fearnofish, welcome !!! That Tundra looks HUGE !!!! Definitely for BIG water pounding !!!

    big g

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4082

    My vote would be for the Warrior. I regularly fish in a 20 ft. tiller, a 17 ft. tiller, and an 18 ft console Warrior. All of these boats handle fantastic in rough water. No worries about backtrolling with them either.

    Iowa City, Iowa
    Posts: 2

    It’s good you looked at the Ranger first. Once you’ve looked at the best it’ll be hard to buy anything else..If your a quality man..that’s your boat..Remember years down the road when you want to sell this boat nothing has resale like a Ranger, nothing…What model do you like? The 619 is now 19’6″ and 96″ wide. This is an awesome rig with some new features.

    One step ahead of the Warden.
    Posts: 1589

    how about the quality of the warrior boats? and not just the hull, but all of the latches, carpeting, trim, etc, etc. i was told that warrior resolved some issues in the last year that their boats were notorious for trim issues.

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    Another glass boat to look at is the Triton. They make a fine boat.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 499

    How about like a Lund Magnum Baron or something like that???

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4549

    My father just bought a Skeeter last year, he loves it. There is a ton of real nice features and storage ideas. I would definately take a look at one if you are in the market.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    In my opinion, and keep in mind, it’s just that. If you know the Ranger line, I would stick with it. Warrior, Yarcraft, Skeeter and Triton are all very nice boats. However, I think when it comes to fit and finish, the Ranger still has a slight edge on the other manufactures.

    That being said, the other boats offer some very nice qualities. The warrior is what I refer to as the working class boat of the above mentioned. Not real fancy, but definitely get the job done. The Triton is likely the fastest hull of the above listed, it’s what they are known for. The skeeter and the yarcraft fit somewhere in between. I do not think you can make a bad decision by choosing one of the above products.

    For me the Warrior doesn’t offer the storage the other boats do for my style of fishing. I also like the large front deck the Rangers offer. I spend a fair amount of time fishing up there and like the room to spread out. I have not been in the new Yarcraft’s yet. However Jon J will be resolving that issue for me come spring.(hint, hint buddy).

    Price wise, I think you will find Warrior the most expensive, then Triton, then Ranger. I’m guessing the other two will be close runners up to Ranger.

    What do I fish out of?? Crestliner for now. What will I buy next? One of the above mentioned, but I’m leaning towards a 620. However the Triton intrigues me also. Harder to find a good used one though given the market share Ranger has.

    Have fun shopping, I can’t wait til I’m in the market!!!

    North Central Wisconsin
    Posts: 459

    If you are going to look at glass boats, don’t forget to check out TUFFY. I have owned a Tuffy since 1997 and will take delivery on my third one some time in February. There are a lot of great boats out there to choose from. It all boils down to actually getting inside one, nosing around a little, and getting a feel for it. Decide which features and amenities are the best fit for you individually. If you have any questions about a TUFFY, feel free to drop me a PM and I would be more than happy to answer them. Good luck in your boat search.

    Posts: 4062

    I really like my TUFFY 1890, you said you where looking at a glass boat in 19′ range and 200hp.

    Very smooth and fast

    Happy to take you for a ride, West End Sports has a 1890 in their lot

    Bemidji MN
    Posts: 181

    To: Perch_44
    I own a 2003 Skeeter 1780 Walleye boat and I guess whoever you talk to, their boats going to be the best. Warrior guys like their boats, Ranger men like theirs, and Tuffy guys like theirs. They all give you a better ride than aluminum boats. I guess if I was looking for another boat I would take all the other guys’ advice, line them up and look at them to see which ones the best for your money. I couldn’t afford a Ranger or a Warrior but in rough water I can keep up with them in my Skeeter and I still catch fish. Skeeter is probably the cheapest of the 4 but I feel they’re just as good. Good Luck, go with a 4 stroke for sure. Check with Stubs Marine in Alexandria, MN

    Posts: 1514


    Ohhhh, man I wish I could go back in time. I’d take state. …
    Back in ’82, I used to be able to throw a pigskin a quarter mile. ….


    Woodbury, MN
    Posts: 1039

    If I had $60,000+ to blow on a fishing boat. The 2007 Triton 215X with a Merc 250 Verado looks pretty nice. Bass & Walleye Magazine featured this rig in their latest issue.

    Note to self: Remember to win the lottery so you can afford to buy the new Triton.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Some have said it perfect, review each and every boat for the floor layout that fits you best.

    what do you need in a boat?

    rod storage

    gear storage

    4 livewells/coolers?

    Are you going to do a lot of trolling? Back trolling?


    2 people casting?

    Is it just you or the family?

    My vote would be:







    I listed the 6 in order of quality of manufacturing and quality of ride. That is my opinion from my experiences.

    I’ve been in everyone of the boats listed above. Some, countless hours. All have good traits, all have their quirks. Some you couldn’t give me.

    What is most important is this:

    Pick a dealer that is going to take care of you. Dropping $40k to $50k demands a good dealer that is going to take care of you.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    I have not been in the new Yarcraft’s yet. However Jon J will be resolving that issue for me come spring.(hint, hint buddy).

    Got ya covered! Can’t wait to get ‘er in the water.


    koldfront kraig
    Coon Rapids mn
    Posts: 1830

    Don’t forget Lund will be coming out with a glass boat this spring.

    A Triton hull and Lund interior.

    Tritons are known for their fast hulls and good dry rides.

    I’ve always liked the form and function of Lund’s interiors.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    Gary said it best….get into them and play around and make sure the layout is exactly what you want. If you are looking to spend that much $ on a new ride it is really important that you get what fits your style of fishing best.

    I personally run a Ranger 620 and I love it. I looked at Warriors too but that was a few years ago and the price was higher than Ranger and the fit and finish was no where near the quality so that was a no brainer.

    Shop around, they all make good boats….it is just a matter of what fits your specific fishing needs best.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    I run a Ranger and have since 2002. My personal belief is they make the best boat for my needs. I have been in all of the boats mentioned here before. They all ride much different and fish/control really different. I have pretty good things to say about all of them other than Warrior. My experiences in Warrior were not good, unless you are looking at tiller boats.

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