Dock Talk

  • teamshady1
    Posts: 40

    I know its the middle of winter time, But how about we talk about dock fishing. Tactics, Methods, baits ect. that all of us have used in the years past.

    There is alot of different ways people are fishing docks. I just think its a great topic to keep us bass fisherman on top of our game

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I just put my cork over the side and wait for it to go down.

    Sugar Land, TX
    Posts: 609

    Unless invited, I skip the ones with people on or around them.

    I saw something on a video once. Gerald Swindle, referring to himself in the 3rd person all the time. “This is the way Gerald Swindle approaches a dock”.. It was funny. I disect starting with sides, in between boats, under then finish up with opposite side. Also tires. I love tires.

    Also, use great caution not to leave hooks hanging.

    Posts: 55

    Great Topic I could go on for hours on dock fishing but, I wont. I will keep it short and sweet. I think the first key is stealth, you must approach every dock as if there is a 5lb. bass on it. Second is where to place the first cast. I usually try to make a easy cast to the sides and front of the dock to get any fish that may be crusing(happens alot in the morning)then I will start putting my bait further inside the dock. The one major mistake people make in fishing docks is not being ready for the fish, always have your boat in position to land the fish. As far as secret baits or goto baits, I use any soft plastic I can skip. Like I said I could go on for hours so I will stop for now

    Markesan, WI
    Posts: 289

    Nice topic…and for as much as I hate dock fishing, JAllen is right, to sneak up on each dock like a 5 pounder lives there. I also think that the make up of each dock makes a difference also. I like the big wide older wooden docks myself. Or ones that offer or have more shade on them. And that is also a key. Fish the shady side first. And for fishing them, I like skipping a tube as far back as I can. Like I said before, I really hate fishing docks, however, I won my last 2 lake tourneys in 06 by skipping docks……so give it a try….Great topic guys

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