Park Rapids Fishing Info Needed

  • backlash
    Owatonna MN
    Posts: 220

    I am trying to plan our summer vacation for the Park Rapids area. We use to go up there years ago but we never fished for walleye (didn’t know to fish them, but I do now) so I am looking for a nice lake with good walleye fishing and a nice resort that the family’s will enjoy.
    Not all of the wives enjoy fishing as much as us guy’s do (go figure). But as I remember there are lots of attractions that I know they will enjoy (shopping, shopping and you guessed it more shopping). Any help leading me to that special spot would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks and Happy New Year!

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 467

    Maybe the Man Trap chain.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    Do you have kids?
    Enjoy golf?
    Not that it matters, try Brookside resort.
    Great fishing, lots to do, great fun.
    My family has been going there for the last 7 years and I really enjoy my time there.


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