Interested in a gentle breed dog, adult is fine. Lab, beagle, bulldog…doesnt matter. Wont have to hunt. If it likes Hormel Chili, even better. Anyone knows of anything let me know!
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Looking For A Dog
December 19, 2006 at 4:52 pm #512920
Check out the post for the german wirehair posted a couple of days ago. I think the guy was from Chatfiel MN
December 19, 2006 at 5:51 pm #512943Check your local humane society. They are stuffed full of dogs on death row. They are suprisingly well screened for health and temperment issues.
Typically they have lots of bull breeds (pit bull terriers, bulldogs, boxers) because of the bad rap they get.
Posts: 973December 19, 2006 at 8:08 pm #512982Find a good lab and be willing to pay a bit. I have a German Shepherd but they are not for everyone and require a great deal of training. My son has two yellow labs, a pup and a two year old. My neighbor has a nine month old black lab. They are all very nice dogs, and the 2 year old is extremely gentle.
Avoid the pit bulls, rottweilers, etc. Some are very nice dogs, but I always figured if they loss it just once it would be a very bad situation.
The humane society thing is your call. They do have some very nice dogs, but you never know. Many pups are friendly, easy to train, etc. initially but when they hit 18-24 months old they can become disasters.
Finally, there is a guy in your area I would highly recommend; name is Tom Dropik. I don’t even know if he breeds dogs, but he is a great with dogs and could suggest a reptuable breeder. You should be able to find him on the Internet.
Good Luck
December 19, 2006 at 8:13 pm #512986I have a buddy who has an awesome 3 year old choclate lab. He took new job and doesn’t have the time to spend with it like he should. Dogs name is buddy, very gentle great looking dog. I would have taken him, but the wife said no. If you would like pictures, I can get them for you. Dog is in Eden Prairie.
Let me know if you’re interested.
Posts: 7December 19, 2006 at 11:38 pm #512924I know someone that is looking for a lab. Call my cell 612 369 5136 It would have a good home out in the country.
December 19, 2006 at 11:40 pm #513070I’m trying to get a hold of him, but he is on the road right now. Hopefully hear back from him soon.
December 20, 2006 at 7:04 am #510764My yellow lab of 19 years passed away in June. She was a great companion dog and I guess that is what I am looking for. Another lab would be nice as long as it wasnt a yellow. Ive been looking at pet rescue online and have seen a few nice dogs. Looked at a beagle today, he was pretty awesome too, but loud as hey!
December 20, 2006 at 12:24 pm #510643She is coming five and is black. She won’t win any competitions but she loves to hunt. The only reason I am getting rid of her is because she is an alpha dog–not mean at all but pushes my other dogs around a bit and my terriers stand up to her and it is not pretty. She needs a home with no other dogs–or atleast not dominante dogs. She is house broke, kennel trained and loves kids.
December 23, 2006 at 1:55 am #514569Got a new dog yesterday evening….a 15″ beagle. And its all beagle too! He spent the better part of an hour today humping my leg!
December 23, 2006 at 3:47 pm #514667Your going to have fun with that one…
I have a Bassett Hound and my dad has a beagle BIGGEST cry babies in the world but you gotta love them to death… Also both are chick magnets. I just drive down 94 with Bassett in passenger seat and every girl driving by waving,smiling and sometimes following for awhile.
But anyways hope you enjoy your new family member..December 23, 2006 at 8:00 pm #514714I have 2 beagles…They are little bed hogs (I didn’t know a 13″ dog took 4′ to sleep…oh well, my girls are worth it.
Have fun.
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