Underwater camera question

  • Johnie Birkel
    South metro
    Posts: 291

    I was looking at getting cheap underwater camera for mostly ice fishing (or just another toy). I have never used one, and don’t really know a lot about them. Under two hundred it looks like I can find two options, Menards has a 100$ “Aqua cam” and cabela’s has Aqua-Vu scout after rebate for 140$. Are these worth the money, or would it be better to just wait and get a more expensive one? Also, has any tried the Menards one, I was a little surprised to see it there. I couldn’t find a website for them (there are some on ebay), but if I remember correctly the box said it was made in MN.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22891

    I have the Aqua Vu scout. Makes ice fishing even more fun !!! I don;t know about the other one. The Aqua-Vu is great in daytime. Night, not so good. Mine was well worth the $199 I paid.

    big g

    Posts: 1530

    I got an Aqua Vu Z series at the Cabalas Bargain Cave in Rogers for $130. It’s not a MarCum but it’s OK. Swing by and see what they have. I can also Recommend Jolly Ann Marine on the site. They have outstanding service.


    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    don’t forget ebay either…I picked up my 1 year old aqua vu ZT (perch camera) for $183.50 ($20 shipping= 203.50) I thought it was a great deal, and everything works great. I’m loving the camera so far!

    Posts: 7

    I have the Aqua-Vu Scout and enjoy using it. It works for what I need it for. Someone was talking about the Menards camera on this site and said it was not very good. It is probably a get what you pay for thing. I would buy a flasher first, if you don’t already have one.

    Posts: 61

    I had the ability to use the MarCum underwater cameras (all types) this weekend filming.

    Here are the things I learned about the cameras:

    – Battery life was absolutely amazing!
    – Field of view is excellent (a very wide angle shot), which is exactly the type I need for filming.
    – Recordable: I hooked up commercial video equipment right to the video-out port. Now that made things easy.
    – flexability. Depth and direction are easy to dial in.
    – They worked extremely well in low light (a must have)

    And I’m a first time user and had no problem using them. Also I’m an outsider (not a fishermen) and would just as well rip them apart if something was bad about them. But everything worked great and I got some great footage.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    I have a slight bias here, but I would say the MarCum VS 250 is the best camera for under $200. The packaging of the unit is second to none. The padded soft pack the unit comes in is very nice and the picture quality is more than you would expect for the money.

    Check out the MarCum add at the left of the page, I think the VS 250 is only $159.00

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