My Dad and I are heading to Florida on Lake Toho over Spring Break from school (March)
. We’re doing this through a time share and will be hiring a guide. My boat is less than “reliable” so I don’t feel comfortable towing it 25 hours when it might break down when we get there. For this reason, we will be hiring a guide(s) for the 5 days that we’re there. Does anyone have any reccomondations for both guide services and lodging? Also, how is the fishing there at that time of the year? I know that the Classic on Toho took place in February and a lot of bass were in pre-spawn or on their beds so I assume in March, that they’re either in post-spawn or still on their beds.
Keep in mind that both my Dad and I are experienced anglers (more or less ) so I want a top quality guide that can put us on fish.
Any information would be appreciated!
(Has also been posted in Miss-Bass Thread)