LOL BFD! I know a gal on the 10th floor who looks just like the individual pictured! Only difference is in the ears!
Anyway, the issue. Ummm……………if it gets too expensive you’ve got two choices. Boycott or make more money. I’m thinking a $6 increase can be resolved by one volunteer hour at a local “Mickey D’s”. A half day and it’s all covered. As ecnook pointed out………….in the breakdown, it’s pretty insignificant.
One thing I think the states are trying to work on is becoming more self-sufficient. I’ve wondered for years why they haven’t charged more so the feds had little to no leverage in the state’s business and particular interests.
On the other hand, it’s sort of like taxes and we’re already WAY over burdened for the lifestyles we desire. We are the only ones who can really make a difference in it so if I were to throw out any suggestion, it’s this. Look at the big picture……… 5-10-20 years from now and make your projections. If you want to preserve your recreation long term, you may have to sacrifice some in the short term to build it.
Any time money and expense is an issue, the only thing holding you back is limited resources. If you can think, then there is no limit, only a decision. The rest will fall in with the time table you determine.