I searched the forums about this and over the internet, but can’t seem to find a solid answer about taxes and used boats.
I think I understand that if you buy a used boat/motor/trailer that was MN registered, you will pay tax on the trailer. BUT, one posting mentioned excise tax depending on the value of the package. I can’t find this anywhere in MN DNR website info.
The other thing I can’t figure out is what happens if you buy a used boat/motor/trailer from out of state from a priviate party. It seems people’s experiences vary in how much they pay to the state.
For example, I think this is how it works, if I buy a boat from a WI dealer, I will pay WI taxes and then get a refund of WI taxes to MN where I pay MN taxes on the total pkg price.
If I buy a boat from a private party in WI, am I going to pay tax on the trailer only in MN?
I know this will open up a bunch of “this happened to me”‘s.