Favorite Concert of All Time!!!!

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Favorite Concert Of All Time??


    July 13th 2005….Pool 3, Mississippie River…


    OK…think about this for a moment…It’s 2 in the morning, your windows are open in your newly purchased condo on the river in Prescott, WI…

    From the fog and darkness of the river comes this noise that makes dogs howl at the moon and cat’s run scared….

    O Lutefisk, O Lutefisk
    How I luff your aroma.
    O Lutefisk, O Lutefisk
    You pute me in a coma.

    Putz…do you blame that cop for following me?

    The whole concert<<

    One of the many nights I’ll never forget!

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    This topic makes me think too hard!

    I’ve been to more shows than I can remember in my earlier days. Allman bros, pink floyed, grateful dead, metallica, kiss, kid rock, eagles, tool, Merl Sanders, Pantera… the list goes on and on and on….

    I think the most memorable were some of the outdoor dead shows… loved the band, and it never bothered me that there were always a few cute naked women around and then there were some with more hair on their legs than Brian K!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Ewww…that even gave me the hibbi jibbies!

    Minneapolis area
    Posts: 199

    traffic with Stevie Winwood about 1970…. several with Harry Chapin…a couple with Jim Croce one in la where i was close enough to set my drink on the stage….cheech & chong at the same spot

    Madison, WI
    Posts: 939

    I’ve seen a lot, but also there are still a lot to see. No particular favorite, just some great ones.

    Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young


    Chicago, the sound of trumpets and trombones

    Fleetwood Mac, Nicks doesn’t sound as good anymore


    Shane Hildebrandt
    Blaine, mn
    Posts: 2921



    yeah, I have also gotten into sesame street as well. they have some pretty good singers on that show as well.


    Just when I thought there was hope for a bass guy like you….

    hey don’t knock sesame street. my oldest likes elmo and the middle one likes cookie monster.the only problem we have is cookie monster is shy and well elmo is really loud and acts really silly.

    but I can say one good thing, atleast I didn’t say captain kangaroo or even Mr. rogers neighborhood. besides, you just wait, you know that you like sesame street, I just don’t know the songs like i did when I was a little kid, but still chris ledoux has got my vote hands up and down.


    Rogers / Grand Rapids
    Posts: 561

    Buddy Guy @ Soldier Field 7/4/01. He was better then Dave Mathews who he opened for. It was cool when they jammed on stage together.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Any of the General Admission concerts at the St Paul Civic center from about 1976 to 1979. RUSH, Ted Nugent, Alice Cooper, Kiss, Stones, Nazareth, Aerosmith, Segar. The mad rush for main floor center was a trip!

    Top memories were Ted swinging across stage and over the crowd on a rope wearing only a loin cloth. Steven Tyler running and jumping off a ramp and flying over the drum set and landing front-center stage to the beginning of the song Back in the saddle. Man that was some good stuff there.

    I thought that Pink Floyd concert at the Dome pretty much stunk! (Sound wise – way too much echo and buzz when I sat) One of the last concerts I ever went to and for sure the last I will ever go to at the dome….


    Woodbury, MN
    Posts: 1039

    I have a few to throw in the mix.

    The Black and Blue Tour around 1981. (Black Sabbath and Blue Oyseter Cult)

    Eric Clapton and Robert Cray at the Northrup in 1990.

    But, the best by far was Stevie Ray Vaughan. I had a chance to see him three different times. The guy was fantastic. The best show was at the “Prom Center” off University Ave. in St.Paul, around 1985. Paul Cebar and the Milwaukeans (sp?) opened up for SRV. When Cebar was done, the people in front of the stage went to mingle around the bars and get a drink or two, it was a great venue. The show was general admission, so once the people cleared out, we walked up to the stage. I stood 8-10 feet from SRV for the entire show. It was excellent.

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    Stevie Ray, Eric Clapton and Buddy Guy Alpine Valley WI. Performance the night of SRV’s death. Never forget it.
    Stevie Ray, Clapton and Buddy Guy’s rendition of “Sweet Home Chicago”. last encore number of the evening..

    madison, wi
    Posts: 44

    Summerfest baby!! Fogerty, Tom Petty, Mellencamp, Paul Simon.

    Fogerty is still the best

    Alma Wi
    Posts: 1303

    Lots of good ones but for overall personal debauchery I’d have to pick Willie Nelsons 4th of July picnic in Dripping Springs Texas. 85,000 long haired rednecks can throw one of a party. Chuck Berry and Bo Diddley at the Filmore East was right up there too

    Posts: 102

    I was at Guns N’ Roses last saturday night in Minneapolis, that was a great concert. Some of my favorites: Motley Crue last year in Kansas City, KISS at the St Paul civic center in 97 I think, Billy Joel at Target Center and probably the best live band I have ever seen was The White Stripes in Kansas City last year- for a 2 piece band, they blow me away.

    Posts: 29

    In the mid 70’s I saw the Man in Black aka Johnny Cash. It was awesome. One can only truly appreciate what a true legend this man was and still is by the fact that he is probably more popular now-after his death-than he was then.

    Eden Prairie/Mille Lacs
    Posts: 228

    …but I saw Ray LaMontagne a week or so ago and MAN is he an incredible artist. Not exactly personality plus, but what an incredible musician.

    I thought it was a great show even though he’s not the jumping around and dancing type – his music is more than good enough for my entertainment purposes!

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100

    Micheal Bolton…..

    Just Kidding

    Would have to say Poison with Warrant opening for them. What can I say… haven’t been to too many concerts. George Straight tour was cool when it came to the metrodome. Best part about that was getting to party with Jimmmy Bedford… head distiller of Jack Daniels. Before that all day concert, he showed up at a cowboy bar I used to go to. I tell you what! That guy can drink shots of Jack better than any cowboy in the bar. He is a really cool guy.

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    1978 Mary E Sawyer Auditorium LaCrosse Wi.

    VanHalen and Journey !!!

    Oronoco, SE. MN.
    Posts: 771

    Loverboy,Quarterflash,something something and 1 more 1980 something Iowa fairgrounds (Iowa Jam) help me fill in the missing bands and year please.The eye candy was so good I was distracted and drunk.

    Posts: 163


    1978 Pablo Cruise, Steve Miller, and the Eagles all in one night at the Old Met Stadium

    Man!! What a show. I was 10 at the time, tagging along with my brother and his friends-kinda wish I was older then.My Bro won tickets on the radio.

    As for the best concert it a draw: Metallica @ 1st Ave back in 1983-Kill em all tour
    OR Scorpions/Iron Maiden 1984

    Dysart, IA
    Posts: 595

    Brad Paisley and Chris Cagle in Spencer a couple years back. Outdoor concert and it had rained the whole day before the concert. We didn’t even know if they were gonna hold the show but we drove up anyways and good thing we did. They couldn’t get all the equipment to the stage so all they had was an amp, guitar, and stool on the stage. Chris and Brad both joked with the audience during the whole show and it was a lot of fun. Found out that the fair organizers were ready to cancel the show when Brad said that people paid for the show and he was going to give them the best he could…and he did.

    Saw him last winter do his whole show and it was a really good show, but nothing compared to the show at the fair.

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416


    RUSH, Ted Nugent, Alice Cooper, Kiss, Stones, Nazareth, Aerosmith, Segar. The mad rush for main floor center was a trip!

    I’ve seen Rush 7-8 times. They always put on a good show. One of my favorites would have to be the Evening With Rush. THey played for 3 hours or so. Awesome in concert.

    I saw Van Halen, Iron Maiden, Motley Crue, AC/DC, Kiss, Guns N Roses, etc back in the day. One of the best concerts I have ever been to is when Godsmack opened for Metallica a couple of years ago. Both groups put on an awesome show. The highlight was Godsmack doing a battling drum solo. The lead singer and drummer went toe to toe battling back and forth. Simply awesome.

    Crystal, MN
    Posts: 683


    1978 Pablo Cruise, Steve Miller, and the Eagles all in one night at the Old Met Stadium

    YEP that was it!!!! We’ve been to ALOT of concerts but that one was the BEST

    Posts: 2294


    I’ve seen a lot of groups in concert through the years. Many great shows…Allman Brothers, Alice Cooper, Zepplin, Stones (jamming with Lamont Cranston at the Cabooze), Eagles, Springsteen, and many more, but in hind sight, probably the best show I ever saw, and I didn’t even appreciate it at the time, was when I was young, and was taken to a concert with my parents. The band was some new young band from England…the Beetles!! Met Stadium, Bloomington, Minnesota. 1964

    I forgot to mention Lynard Skynard, the original band before the airplane crash. They were true rock’n rollers!! Hearing them play “Free Bird” was really something!

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137

    I saw The Replacements with The Geardaddies at the Orpheum back in ’90 or ’91. Great concert and was the last time the Replacements played the Twin Cities before they broke up. Also saw Ted Nugent with 707 in ’81. Ted was awesome!


    Posts: 6259

    Buddy Guy at the House of Blues at Mandalay Bay Las Vegas, last year. If you ever want to see a true Blues guitar hero I would suggest Buddy Guy but you better do it soon he is getting up there, wow can he play. A close secound would be Hank Williams Jr, opened by the Kentucky Headhunters, 1991- at Summerfest. Both bands were in there prime.

    North Central Iowa
    Posts: 187

    I’ve been to many but last years lineup at the Clear Lake Ballroom of Cinderella, Ratt, Quiet Riot was good

    Posts: 179

    Guns n Roses, Use your Illusion II at Rosemont Horizon

    zachary fries
    Central Nebraska
    Posts: 1435

    Cross Canadian Ragweed at Billy Bob’s was freak’n awesome!!! And Uncle Ted in the fresh outdoor air at Comstock Rock here in NE was kick butt entertainment!!

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