Question for HVAC Guys

  • drewsdad
    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137

    I would like to run a vent out to my garage from my main line. It would only be about 12 feet. Any reason I couldn’t do this? Do you have to have a return air line? Thanks for your input!


    Coon Rapids MN
    Posts: 163

    I would say that it probably isn’t going to do much.
    Secondly you might get odors to backdraft into your home when the furnace is not running.
    Per code you might need a fire damper at the penetration to the garage.

    Cottage Grove
    Posts: 122

    B. Peterson is correct. You would need a fire damper and fumes would be an issue.
    You would be much better off with a unit heater.
    If a gas line or venting is a problem consider an electric
    unit heater.

    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108

    I have a duct into my garage with a fire dampner just as you are wanting. I bought my house this way. My garage is a two stahl tuck under with a tool bench area. I usually have the vent closed off because it really doesn’t do too much. During the winter, my garage stays around 45 degrees all the time with the vent open or shut. I think the heat stays there just because it is a tuck under and gets most of the heat radiating through the walls. I have not had issues with fumes, unless I am working on carberators on the work bench. You can smell a hint of carb cleaner and gas in the bedroom if I am working on a project.

    I would say to get a heater just for your garage like those guys were saying.

    Columbia Heights,MN
    Posts: 38

    Yes ! Absolutely hook up a separate unit for the garage. You’ll get better heat and more control of the area you want to heat. Might save a little on the A/C bill in the summer time as well.

    BPETERSON I suspect your a local 10er. I worked for S/M connectors the last ten years. Who you workin for ? Just curious.

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137

    Thanks for the input gentlemen. I guess I should get a 240 outlet in the garage and get an electric heater.


    Madison, WI
    Posts: 939


    Thanks for the input gentlemen. I guess I should get a 240 outlet in the garage and get an electric heater.


    Why not run some gas out there and put in a unit heater instead?

    Do not tap into your house for heat ducts. Fire dampers may help, but carbon monoxide will enter the home when the vehicles are running. I don’t know of any code that allows you to do that.

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137

    Thats a possibility too. Thanks!


    Coon Rapids MN
    Posts: 163

    Greg I work for New Mech.

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