Desktop PC recommendations?

  • chris-tuckner
    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    I want to get a desktop for my kids for Christmas. (Keep them off my laptop really! ) and I am looking to keep it inexpensive, yet get the most bang for the buck. I am looking at the Dell E521 for about $329. No momitor comes with that, but Wally World has a 19″ flat screen for $138.

    Any suggestions? I don’t need all the graphics packages for video and gaming as they have the Xbox’s and PS whatevers..

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100


    If this is going to be just a computer for the kids (and not for you)… I would suggest just going with a cheap E-Machine. Reason being… they have just about all the same parts on the inside as most computers out there… They will hold up just fine. I have 2 freinds that have E-Machines and have had no problems for the last 3 years. I personally don’t expect any computer to last more than 5-6 years… especially considering how fast technology is advancing. Also, many people don’t realize this… but computers have moving parts. And as with anything with moving parts, will break after using it for a while.

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    Do some checking around for you can buy some Dells or E-machines for under $500 complete w/ CD burners

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    Got my E-machines for $299…..17in monitor and printer included…..Works great for normal stuff -got it @ Bestbuy…they should have all sorts of deals now.
    Now my flight-sim puter is a whole different animal

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 344

    Hi Chris,
    I would go with that dell E521, the quality is much better, plus you will get a 1 year onsite warranty. When I am not producing shows, I fix computers for a living and nothing against your guys e-machines, but I fix way more emachines with bad hard drives or motherboards than any other brand. But I do agree that they have a good price on them.

    atwater minnesota
    Posts: 13

    my 2 cents:
    if ya got a little time dell has some great deals!
    as far as cheapo’s go you get what you pay for.
    kids can be hard on stuff. i have had several hps and never spent more than 500.00. i have bought 2 dells one desktop and one laptop i have had far fewer problem with the two of them and they were about 900.00 a piece.. A little more spent in the front end saves on the back end!!

    Malcom, IA
    Posts: 1939

    I would think that is a good choice. I’ve had great service from my Dell’s since my first in 1995. In fact I just ordered a new laptop, as the new job is going to take me away from ma’s powerhouse system at home.


    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100

    Dwight… I respect your opinion… I am an IT Analyst professionaly. Though my first instinct would be to go with something better… Since this is just a kid machine… I think emachines are good enough. My mother-in-law has a $2,500 set up… from dell… and has had more problems than those with emachines. If it were me… I would buy “parts” from General Nano-systems and put it together myself.

    I think best advice would be to go with anything you are comfortable with under 400.00… piece of mind and doesn’t hurt the pocket book.

    Minnetonka, MN.
    Posts: 493

    That machine is just fine for the kids.

    On-site warranty thats funny!!
    Don’t waste your time or money.

    New Brighton, MN
    Posts: 1107

    What if you and the kids need to upgrade to something more powerful in the next couple of years?

    I’ve built 2 desktops from ‘parts’ from General NanoSystems. It is a very satisfying job to do and a great learning experience! GNS has good prices and are very helpful.

    I have had no hardware problems in 4 years…well, I did have a fan stop working…thats going to cost me $10 and 5 minuets. I’ve got viruses, but I was unprotected and it was a confusing time in my life. …?…

    My piece of mind is that I have name brand parts in my box: Western Digital, Sony, nvidia, ASUS, and so on. If I need to upgrade something, I’ll swap a part out myself, and won’t have to pay to have it done. Yes, the up-front cost is higher, but in the long run I’m sure I’m better off.

    Putting a PC together is fairly easy…just not a easy as going online or to Best Buy and picking up a system ready to go.

    I’m not a PC guru, just throwing an option out there. (And, I don’t know much about Dell or e-machines).

    PS Happy Birthday, AQUAJOE!

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    You can update Dell yourself. I updated the video card when I was doing some gaming. I also updated my sound card to go to surround sound! Dell Support is top of the line also. There techs. Can bring trouble shooting down to my level
    I have one of the Dell 8300 Series. It has been a very stable machine, even with 2 teens using it also. I however would not recommend running any PC without good Virus/Firewall Protection Software!!

    I would purchase another Dell in a heart beat


    Minnetonka, MN.
    Posts: 493

    If you wanna upgrade in a few years for what ever reason you do not have a lot of money in it. Also by then the technology will have changed quite a bit so then you can keep up. That pc will last 3 years and for the money and who it is for and the support it is a good buy.
    Building PC’s is for people that like to play with that kinda stuff. If you don’t want to messing around and just want them to fix it if it get hosed. Don’t build it yourself.

    troy seelhammer
    Chatfield, Mn
    Posts: 224

    Dude – your getting a Dell. (insert pot smoke here)

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