I am lucky to be married to a great woman but around Halloween this normally level headed woman begins her three week campaign of terror. First it is the subtle suggestions like “Oh honey today is a nice warm day, maybe you could put up the Christmas lights” Yeah, yeah later. Then it becomes “when are those lights going up” The day after Thanksgiving it becomes “get those f!@#$%^ lights up today!!!” One year I held out until the 2nd week of December and so did my wife; if you know what I mean . Needless to say the Christmas lights at my house are up by the weekend after Thanksgiving; at the latest.
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I am married to the Christmas lights Nazi
November 29, 2006 at 3:25 am #504551
Know what you mean but mine are up before Thanskgiving but do not get turned on until after Thanksgiving. I would leave them up all year, but not turned on if I had a choice.
November 29, 2006 at 3:27 am #504553I feel your pain!
The tree went up the night of Turkey day. And the lights went up the day after.“You have the day after T-Day off right?” Yes honey. “Then you can get the lights up right?” Yes Honey.
Needless to say when we are in the car together it is the best of Cliene’s X-Mas crap Yuck
But hey TIS THE SEASON………..Seems to get a little earlier every year…….
shaylaPosts: 1399November 29, 2006 at 3:28 am #504554If Momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!
I keep telling my wife it’s a fire-hazard, but I think she’s getting ready to do a little “holding out” of her own.
November 29, 2006 at 3:30 am #504557Yep, we had the tree up on T-Day evening and the lights up outside the next day If the wife had her way, they would be up right after Halloween. Can’t we get through one holiday before starting the next I won’t even get started with the music
November 29, 2006 at 3:39 am #504559I hurt my back pretty bad this summer. Im better now, but I’ll be dammed if I let her know!!!
November 29, 2006 at 3:42 am #504560I’m lucky no outside lights and wife and kids take care of the tree, as far as the music
November 29, 2006 at 3:55 am #504562No lights for me this year!!
Even though I like when they are up….I just don’t want to do it!
November 29, 2006 at 4:04 am #504563We must be the only redneck family on the site… WE NEVER TOOK OURS DOWN!!!
November 29, 2006 at 4:18 am #504568The music caused me to get satelite radio in my work truck. Now nothing but 10 hours of right wing propaganda.
November 29, 2006 at 4:47 am #504571No lady around to tell me this year!@!@!@!
but I enjoy a nice spread of all white lights on the house and trees. If you gonna do it do it right can’t wait till ice fishing! I can come and go as I please to the big house!!!
for those up at hunters I hope to keep a board
3 blondes 2 brunnets and maybe a firecracker eh?! sounds like a good limitNovember 29, 2006 at 11:22 am #504594I have a neighbor next door that has so many lights outside I have to close the shades on my windows to sleep in the dark at night!! I have been working a lot of OT lately 11 days and nights straight 12 hour shifts, maybe next week get some time off and get the tree up.
November 29, 2006 at 12:35 pm #504601“….and if you elect me president, I will make it national law that no Christmas stuff be displayed until Thanksgiving night, at the earliest. And no more ‘shopping’ (if that’s what you want to call it) the day after turkey day either!!”
November 29, 2006 at 12:50 pm #504605We don’t decorate the outside, how ever my wife started on the inside Thanksgiving night, she has three trees up with one more to go along with a lot of what I call nicknack’s, I do really like one tree, it’s all outdoor related, hunting and fishing.
November 29, 2006 at 12:55 pm #504607So far I don’t see want any of you guys are complaining about. My wife and mother in-law are really into Christmas. Did I say they are REALLY into Christmas. I think we have enough Christmas trees to supply to whole city of Hudson with a tree. If we don’t have over 10 trees at home (all over 4 ft but artificial), we don’t have any. Then there are the 4 – 5 up at the cabin (fishing tree, Packer tree, Snowman tree, etc). They all have different decoration themes. I do my part by throwing away the icicle lights from last year, going to Menards and picking up new ones for a whopping 3.50 per box and putting them up on the outside of the house. It actually goes pretty quick, but I can milk it out for at least 3-4 hours one night (enough time to drink about 6 beers) and another hour to finish up the next night (another 2 beers that is). Since we had 2 little girls, its kind of cool to see how excited they get over the decoration thing.
Then there is the Christmas music thing. From Halloween on, everytime I even look away from the TV, it gets shut off and on goes the darn Christmas music (and its not even cool music like the chipmunks).
How about Christmas shopping? Its a year round deal in our house, but still manages to be non-stop after Halloween. I’ve learned not to look at the credit card statement until after the first of the year. I’d rather not be considered the scrouge in our family.
Sorry to get so long winded. I’ve been saving this up for some time now. As you can see, I feel your pain.
November 29, 2006 at 1:00 pm #504611I have the Nazi at my house saying, “when is this damn hunting over, you gotta get the lights up” I have a feeling I will be doing it in the dark, in the evenings, lord knows I am not giving up my weekends to do it. She had both trees up by noon on the friday after T-Day Oh yeah, fake one downstairs, and I had to leave my truck home friday, so she could go to the tree farm and cut her own down !!!
big g
November 29, 2006 at 1:11 pm #504616Great Post!
If the Favorite Woman wants the lights up show her where the box is…
Man Law!
November 29, 2006 at 1:49 pm #504636BZZSAW.. what you have there is a christmas forest, not a tree.
Fisher Sherry used to get pretty crazy on the decorations too.. I am actually pleased that where we live this year we cant go crazy with the lights.
I feel many of your guys pain.. I have been through it before!
November 29, 2006 at 1:53 pm #504640Quote:
If the Favorite Woman wants the lights up show her where the box is…
and offer to hold the ladder…
November 29, 2006 at 1:55 pm #504641Quote:
If the Favorite Woman wants the lights up show her where the box is…
Glad to know you guys enjoy living on the edge
November 29, 2006 at 2:22 pm #504652I told my better half (and I mean that) years ago if I cant do the lights right, Im not doing them at all and I dont have time to do them right nor am I willing to spend the money. I challenge anyone to top what my wife does to the inside of the house with decorations and holiday trinkets.
November 29, 2006 at 2:23 pm #504653Mike wasn’t that you that told me she dances with sugar plums??
desperadoPosts: 3010November 29, 2006 at 2:54 pm #504661When the subject of Christmas decorations comes up, I just say “I married into a Griswold family”
November 29, 2006 at 3:34 pm #504680I put up a bunch of X-mas lights for my wife last year as a suprise and one of her presents. She had never really had X-mas lights outside when she was growing up and never had a lot of time for it when she bought her house. So the good husband I was I did it “right”. I was lucky and put up the lights on Thanksgiving night with her and her sister. Now instead of just the house…I have the yard and soon the garage to do I think I made a mistake thinking it was easy and a nice present the first year….now it is a lot of work and $$$. I love X-mas she loves Halloween…what can a guy do
November 29, 2006 at 3:40 pm #504683Quote:
If Momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy! :whistling
Amen to that
November 29, 2006 at 3:41 pm #504684Quote:
If Momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy! :whistling
Amen to that
November 29, 2006 at 4:41 pm #504712Quote:
Great Post!
If the Favorite Woman wants the lights up show her where the box is…
Man Law!
Was this before or after you were done with the fan Brian
November 29, 2006 at 5:01 pm #504721Guys, I have to disagree with you on this one. When I was growing up as a little , the one thing I would look forward to is Grandmas house at x-mas all lit up and looking lke christmas. Thus when I got older and started out with my own family I also had the light thing going on.
But times have change and alot of bad moves where made and there no long is much if any of a Christmas. From a house of my own to a 8×10 room. But the neighbors light show and many others still rekindle that feeling of the good ole days. My lowly suggestions to you all is go and give your special someones a hug and kiss. Tell them good job and merry x-mas….God forbid it can all disappear….
So to all your Grinches…… Merry Christmas…..Man Law
November 30, 2006 at 1:53 am #504984If you guys end up with old strings of lights that no longer work don’t throw them away. When my wife and I were camping a fellow camper stopped by 1 night and asked us if we had ever thrown old Christmas lights into our campfire. We gave him a puzzled look. He went to his camper and got some and threw them in the fire. In a matter of minutes we had some green flames. It was kind of cool. I think it is because of the copper wires. Try it sometime.
November 30, 2006 at 3:02 am #505020We have done that before also, kids think it’s pretty cool. I have also taken old copper pipe and stuck a piece of rubber in the copper tube, you will be entertained all night at the camp fire. With the price of copper right now though I don’t think I will sticking any in the campfire.
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