Thoughts and prayers go out to the family.
Now. If he was using a rifle with a scope, no excuses!!!
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Thoughts and prayers go out to the family.
Now. If he was using a rifle with a scope, no excuses!!!
Now, when it appears we have the whole story……I feel the guy should be burned at the stake!
Such a sad, sad day.
If something like this happened to my son, I don’t know how I could proceed in life…….
If you read more of the article on the star website…it says he HAD blaze jacket and pants…with a baseball cap of some sorts. The prosecutor believes the shooter was drinking that day…this guy deserves what he gets and then some. Like B.Peterson said above, just to shoot and not know what you are shooting at…educate all you want, obviously some people cannot be educated!
I agree. It was not the fact that he had or didn’t have camo blaze. He never should have shot. Not to mention twice! It appears he was in a stand, and the young man was walking. I don’t know what to make of that. He should have been able to see.
Think about it, there are over 500,000 people deer hunting in MN every year. This is 1 incident. 1 out of 500,000. I do not think we need to change the law over this. You are going to find a knuckehead or two in a half million people. I do however like mandatory Adult Hunter Education. (It is required in some States already.) It was a great course, and very informative. I took the Bow Hunter and Hunter course. I am sure there are many out there who disagree. But I am speaking for me.
I know next year I am changing my deer hunting plans even before hearing this.
OPening weekend we had a party that has been hunting on thier property for about 8 years, we hunt on state land behind theirs and their has been sort a non verbal mutual agreement that they have honered till this year and they moved back to where we hunt, one guyin our party talked to them after he found him sittin g in one of typical posting spots, he was complaining that we shoot deer and they dont??
Well we hunt on public land so it is going to happen, the guy in our party was walking away and found a beer can on the ground that was not there the evening before
Time to move on to new grounds
I just started taking my 2 boys hunting this year 8 and 12
Chris I just knew that the guy shot a 14 year old boy in the head which could not have happened if all safety rules were observed. No excuses,no caveats, no crossed fingers.
This is just sickening, the shooter being charged prior with drinking violations not one but apparently multiple ones then on this day he is suspected of alchohol in his system, shooting at noises, not seeing what he was shooting at but knowing he just made a how did he say it? “My AIM was TRUE,HIS AIM? (B.S.) He did not AIM at squat he said he shot at noises! His sentence is WAY to light for his actions he chose that day!
Brandon and I have crossed paths a few times, he lived within 15 miles from me and he has stopped at my pizza shop and ate numourous times. Just SAD way way SAD!
I couldn’t agree more Mallard M.
However, we could educate till we are blue in the face, but that still doesn’t stop people from making “stupid” decsions.
You are right, all the training in the world doesn’t make a difference to some people. On the other hand, I know a firearms safety trainer who this season shot between my dad and his son from about 75 yards behind them and the other 2 were only 50 yards away!!!
Goes to show that some people just don’t have that self control when a deer is out there to know what is there before they even pull up their gun.
This is such a sad story. Come on people, Taking a noise shot????? and then on top bragging about your true aim If you knew you got what you shot at, how did you not see it was a teenager in blaze pants and coat!!!!
My thoughts and prayers go out to the family
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