What is everyone Thankful for?

  • yellowjacket
    Byron, MN
    Posts: 1013

    Inspired by a post by Mary…tis the season of holidays…let’s get to know each other a bit better….I’ll try not to be cliche’

    I am thankful for:
    1. A great supporting family
    2. Great health finally
    3. Ice fishing is right around the corner

    Northeast Iowa, Randalia
    Posts: 1536

    I’m thankful for….
    1- Having a loving wife who likes to fish open water and ice!!!
    2- To wake up every morning!!!
    3- To have three healthy kids and one spoiled little granddaughter !!!!
    4- And finally ice season is almost here!!!!


    Posts: 1027

    1. I am thankful to God for the following.

    2. For my loving wife.

    3. My three great kids.

    4. My 3 3/4 grandkids.

    5. All the rest of my family.

    6. All of the military personnel that give us our freedom!

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Watching my 12 year old hunt this year and take his first deer.

    Being able to still be here to fish and hunt and be with my children! I am almost through “Bonus year #2!”

    For renewing some old friendships, and starting some new ones.

    Here’s to all of yours!

    Malcom, IA
    Posts: 1939

    Oh the list could get way too long,
    1. family (loving wife, son and daughter, son’s fiance, daughter’s boyfriend and a grandson I am working hard to spoil , and my super sister, and some very fine in-laws)
    2. our good health
    3. our freedom to live where we choose and how we choose
    4. the many friends I’ve met through IDA, and the many more I feel I know just from sharing here


    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100

    1. United States Armed Forces… every single soldier!!!

    Posts: 405

    1)My wife whom is the most supportive person being
    married to an outdoor nut and putting up with the night
    hours working in law enforcement. It is not easy an
    easy lifestyle by any means!

    2)My wife and daughter again

    3)A family that showed me the great outdoors and took the
    time to spend with me creating all those great memories

    4)All the great people that make this website something

    Thanks to all

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    1> My family… Wife, children,parents and in-laws.

    2> My health…I quit smoking over 4 years ago and feel much better from it. Now if I could just lose the 40 lbs I gained.

    3> My closest freinds Neal and Chuck who are more like brothers.

    4> To have served with some of the finest young men and women this country has. God bless them all, past, present and future.

    Dubuque, Iowa
    Posts: 100

    I am thankful to God for..
    1. My wife and kids.
    2. My parents – especially Dad who takes me fishing.
    3. There is no ice yet in my fishing holes

    Mr Twister

    Posts: 163

    I am thankful for:

    1) A loving GOD
    2) Jesus
    3) My wife and 3 kids(4th on the way)
    5) Our armed forces and their families for the HUGE sacrifices they make on our behalf
    6) Health (wish I could say health care system)

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    This year, I’m thankfull for family and friends (new and old!)

    But I must state what I’m mostly gratefull for is my pal, Chris Tuckner. Here is why:

    My father of 82 years had a pace-maker put in a few months ago. He is right handed, but has shot a gun all of his life left handed, due to his eye being bad. Well, with the pace-maker on the left side of his chest, the doctor forbidden him to shot a gun left handed.

    It was going to be a very sad year this year, for deer hunting. My father who taught me everything about deer hunting 22 years ago, was going to sit out. It wasn’t going to be the same.

    Well, in BS’n with Chris Tuckner, he showed me his slug gun, with the Accu-Dot scope. See, this gun is set up to shoot with both eyes open. Chris asked me if I wanted to use it since I fell in love with the set up, but I love mine too.

    So, an idea popped in my head about Pops. This would work for him. With the gracious offer from Chris, he sent the gun home with me, for Dad to use.

    Dad was a little skeptical about it and had a hard time adjusting to the new gun setup. But come Saturday evening, it didn’t help out the doe that came out of the woods 70 yards from him.

    Thanks Chris, for giving me one more year hunting with Dad and Thanks for letting Dad use the gun!!!!!

    It made our last year special!!!!

    Mazomanie, WI
    Posts: 1099

    I’m thankful for…

    Da Bears

    Annandale Mn.
    Posts: 1260

    I am thankful for the following:
    My Family
    My health
    Our Country
    Our Freedom
    and last but not least this great site,
    and the people that participate on it.
    Thank you ALL!!!

    Columbia Heights,MN
    Posts: 38


    Sempre Fi

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