Deer sausage fiasco…

  • chris-tuckner
    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    This happened yesterday…
    I brought 53 pounds of meat into Von Hanson’s in Cottage Grove last week to have sausage made and picked it up yesterday. Yep, I will use their name, because I gave them AMPLE opportunity to do what I thought was the right thing. You all can flame me here if you disagree.

    I chose 4 options of sausage, and the break downs would have been an easy 1/4 of the total weight for each type. My “Estimate” that they gave me for having the sausage made was $245. I understand that it was an estimate, and as the word implies it may be more, and it may be less…My bill was $345! My fuse was lit.

    So, I skip on in after work, and pick my stuff up, knowing I have a whole evening of taking it out of the freezer wrapping, and vacuum sealing it all. I noticed at the time that one bag was significantly lighter than the rest. I made it a point to tell these guys that I was very unhappy that their “Estimate” came in $100 more than what I was expecting. And that I was concerned that I was shorted. They ensured me that it was not the case. Wrong.

    When I got home I laid each package out. I had 2 batches at 18 & 19 packages respectively. The ring sausage was different from the sticks, so I was not concerned with that, and I weighed it and came up with the weight they listed. But, the Hot Cheese sticks (That my kids absolutely LOVE!)were half the QTY that they should have been. Only 9 packs! So I called them, and asked for the Manager. He put the girl who packed it on the line, and she told me someone made a mathematical error and that they owed me another 10 packs. Fine. Everyone makes a mistake now and then. I was told to come in (Tonight) and they would hook me up with another 10. So in I go with my kids, and they bring out this bag of 10 packs of sticks. He pulls out a bill for another $59.00!!! I said..”Excuse me?” What is this for? He said “Well you owe us for another 10 pounds of sausage! I said “No flipping way!!!” Customers (And there were many) were beginning to pay a little attention to this conversation. He went and got the manager who I spoke to last night, and he says that I was not billed for the extra 10 pounds!!!!! So, I told him to stick the sticks, and I would NEVER be back in their store. He knew I have been coming there for years, and acknowleded that fact. I said you just lost a customer for life! And my kids had to see that unfortunately!

    If I would have paid that, their estimate would have been $160 over!!!

    Is that right???? $87 for 9 packs of sticks? Now I have all this sausage, and I have very little of the stuff I wanted the most in the first place!!! I got half of what I paid for!!!

    I am hot.

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    Sorry to hear your bad experience.. Trust me on this one… Next time go to Meat On Mille Lacs.

    Dallas, WI
    Posts: 1003

    That sucks big time Chris!! I have been smoked more often than not at getting sticks and sausage made! I finally found someone I am tickled to death with about 3 years ago. 2 reasons – 1:I KNOW I am getting my meat processed, not a mix and match of a bunch of different deer to make weight. Why should I take all the care I do gutting and washing out the body cavity and skinning and boning to have someone else get my meat. 2: The price of $3.00 a pound for beer sticks is great. Small town USA is the only way to go for a meat locker/processor IMHO.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    I will be looking elsewhere. I have spent $THOUSANDS$ over the years at their place. I cannot believe that. I am still hot.

    Meat on Mille Lacs gets a big . I have bought stuff from there in the past. They have THE best bacon and ham in the world IMO.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Jez Tuck, I haven’t seen that much red since I balanced the favorite wifes check book!


    So I called them, and asked for the Manager. He put the girl who packed it on the line, and she told me

    I wasn’t there…but I have a hard time with a manager or owner pushing off his responsability to a employee. That sucks for he customer and the employee.

    Is there a general manager or was that the guy??

    Baldwin, WI
    Posts: 152

    Sorry to hear about your sausage problems. My remedy: I do my own processing of sausage and jerky. I just finished a 5 lb. batch of venison jerky to bring to deer camp this weekend. It is well worth the satisfaction that you have your own meat and that things are done as you want them. My only problem is that I can’t ever make enough!!!

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    I do my own too. Sticks I have done outside. Just last week I made a nice batch of rope.

    BK, the manager was there. These are all high school kids! The manager was about 23!

    Baldwin, WI
    Posts: 152

    Venison Sticks (hot pepper)!

    SDSU via Savage, MN
    Posts: 123


    I worked at Von hansons throughout high school and I completely understand your reason to be upset. I just wanted to bring up the point that each store goes through literally hundreds of orders which unfortunatley causes mistakes to be made. However, every season many deer hunters would come in and treat the employees with disrespect and would shout about the smallest mixups that could have been easily fixed(Not saying that yours was small by any means)but when the butchers work close to 80 hour weeks preparing everyones deer the last thing they want is a customer screaming at them. Like I said you have the right to be upset about your meat and they shouldnt have messed up, its just unfortunate you decided to give up your business with a good company.


    scenic tackle
    Bemidji, MN
    Posts: 727


    He put the girl who packed it on the line, and she told me someone made a mathematical error and that they owed me another 10 packs. Fine. Everyone makes a mistake now and then. I was told to come in (Tonight) and they would hook me up with another 10.

    Now the question I would have is who’s meat was this that they used to give you these 10 packs? That is the number one reason that I now make my own sausage. MANY of the sausage shops grind several peoples meat together and then just divy it up by how much weight is there to begin with. Well I have no clue how the other people have taken care of their meat but I know mine was fresh and clean when I brought it in. Don’t get me wrong as not all the shops are bad. There are some very good ones out there for sure.

    Three years ago I bought everything needed to make our own sausage. We make polish, summer, jerky sticks and our own hot sticks. I had a commercial smoker built that will hold approx. 150+ pounds at a time and it really does not take all that long.

    It is MUCH cheaper and I KNOW how that meat was taken care of. Our Summer sausage including casings, beef, pork and seasonings came to right around $2.20/lb.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Lardy, lets take VH out of the picture for a moment…because I have done the same thing with other companies that mess up and don’t make it right with the customer.

    Almost 100% of unhappy customers walk away happy by following this.

    Listen to the customers complaint fully (they have to vent)

    Apologies for whatever happened

    Satisfy …yeah the store will come out behind with a few people…but they will make it up in the long run.

    Thank the customer for bringing it to their attention.

    No business wants to lose customers…but there are times when managers will do exactly that, by trying to keep the $59. they are owed.

    Agian I (don’t think) I’ve ever been in that meat shop. But I do believe the owner would thing $60. is cheap advertising if Tuck would have walked out with his missing 10 lbs and not had to pay for their mix up.

    Tuck? What was your time and gas worth to you? Send them a bill.

    My point is the manager had the chance to make a unhappy customer happy…he elected not to and because of that decision lost a loud mouth customer. (sorry Tuck)

    Posts: 2294

    I’ve had issues with Von Hansons before as well, and as a result of those problems, I don’t go there any more either.

    I really like the sausages they make for me at Lang’s Meat Market in Gaylord. They’re very good and not that pricey either.

    SDSU via Savage, MN
    Posts: 123

    Brian I totally agree with your ideas, and our store would have done exactly what you said. Those were the same words my manager used when he described the subject. In the large scale $60 dollars is nothing to the company yet means a lot to the customer so why not just make the sacrafice? I just wanted to let everyone know that deer processing in the city is a little more complicated then what it seems. However, customer service IS NOT and its ashame things went the way they did.

    Posts: 405

    That really stinks, the whole deal!!! I have also had problems with meat lockers in the past, one thing is the price. I suggest to anyone, go buy a few processing tools and save the time, money and hassle with the shops. It takes a little while to do your own, but at least you know your getting your venison (all of it) and it goes from field to freezer in your presence.

    go-fish metro
    Posts: 119

    I know the owner over there,he is a pretty nice guy,he also is a huge outdoors man(pwt ect..)I think he would be reasonable to talk to if you have’nt already.( good luck)

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317


    I know the owner over there,he is a pretty nice guy,he also is a huge outdoors man(pwt ect..)I think he would be reasonable to talk to if you have’nt already.( good luck)

    I am done talking to them. Like I said, I was very clear in explaining to them what it appeared happened. And they still wanted to charge me more. How can your final total be $160 off of your estimate?
    They have my receipt. If they wanted to get a hold of me my number is on it.
    Like I said, I have made my own sausage and smoked meats for years. But there is a little I take in and have done. At $4 to $4.50 per pound, you expect it to be right. Brian, I agree with everything you said above. Like I said, I gave them every opportunity to make it “Right.” Maybe it hits a nerve harder with me because I am in the sales and customer service business, and my customers hold me to the the same level of service I expect.
    I am done with the rant. Time to move on. Live and learn I guess.

    Posts: 304

    IMO the best sausage maker is right in your back yard.Rother processing in Hastings.Unfortunately,I believe they are retiring after this year.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    I agree with you also Brian.
    Tuck, I hope they decide to fix what is wrong.

    One more thing that I would like to add is that when one gets poor customer service they tend to tell everyone that they see about it . When they get good/great customer service they normally walk away happy and tell only one or two others.
    Tuck’s post told hundreds if not thousands about a mistake gone terribly wrong. In my eyes, it had an easy fix.


    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22846

    Chris, in my business an estimate, by law, has to be within 10%, meaning a $245 estimate, could not be higher than $269.50, without your approval for the go ahead with work. You cannot short change the work that was estimated either, meaning, if you estimate for x amount, you get x amount, not something less to fit the original estimate. Great, now you won’t be so liberal with them sticks on the opener…

    big g

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    Sorry to hear about your problem. That does not sound good. Another place that does good work that I can vouch for is Hagberg’s in Lake Elmo. Family owned and operated shop, the guys in the meat room have been there for years.

    hastings mn
    Posts: 1525

    I agree with iceman. we make all of our own stuff. I cant make anything that they can and I like knowing I get my stuff. Im very perticular with my venison quality and want to make sure that I get my hard work back and not some door knob who left his deer on the hood in 70 degree heat while he was in the bar getting loaded.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 13



    IMO the best sausage maker is right in your back yard.Rother processing in Hastings.Unfortunately,I believe they are retiring after this year.

    troutman… shhhhhh!

    I love rothers… I have been going to them for years. When I brought my trimmings in last week, I asked the younger one about how many more years… he didn’t say next would be the last…he said he wasn’t sure. I told him I hope they keep going for a while and also I hoped they had an heir apprentice. I don’t know what i’ll do when they close.

    One thing is for sure, it won’t be VH!

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Just going to make a simple statement/question………

    (Cause I’m going to needle the snot out of you later!!! )

    Why, oh why didn’t you go to Greg’s in Hampton??? You get your own meat back if the sausage weights are high enough, you will never get short changed, and the quality can’t be beat???

    I refuse, absolutely REFUSE to take my venison anywhere else, if I can’t make the stuff myself.

    I worked at Greg’s during high school, butchering deer and making sausage. Some of the animals brought in where thrown in the trash and the customer called. The deer was rotten and could not be processed.

    Then, you got field dressed deer that still have the bung hole in them……..These deer are mixed with other deer that also have the bung hole in them……….

    Then you have deer that have dirt (yes DIRT, MUD, WEEDS, LEAVES, but mostly good old brown earth dirt) in them from being dragged 1/2 mile across a plowed field. These deer are mixed with the same type of animal.

    Then you just flat out get the deer that are gut shot but the hunter never-ever bothered to clean it up… you get “stomach matter” all over the inside of the cavity. The stench is enough to knock me on my butt……and for those who know me, I’m kinda a big dude…….Again, mixed with the same.

    you get the deer with another stench…….URINE……yep, people just whack off the “unit” and let the bladder spray all over the inside of the cavity…….that is a quality stench that builds by the hour, as the bacteria in urine attacks the meat and starts eating it away day-after-day….If you don’t know what this smells like, go pee on a steak in a pail, then come back in 3 days………..Quite the marinade!!!!!!!

    It is disgusting at what some people do, during their field dressing or handling of their animal from time of kill to the processing……

    Another example:
    4 guys went to Wyoming to hunt Pronghorns in early October…….It was 70 degree day with a nice warm sun and bright blue skies………They drove 2 days to get home, with their 4 trophy pronghorns on the top of their camper……..They came to Greg’s to drop them off and I went out side to bring them in…….When I dragged them into the slaughter room from outside (about a 40 foot drag)……..the was NO HAIR on the side of the animal that I was dragging it on……..The deer was rotting and the hair fell out…….it was balder than ME!!!!! We threw away all for animals and had a hard time explaining to the hunters that the deer were rotten and it was unsafe to eat…….

    I can go on for hours guys……..Take care of your deer. Do not let any stomach or bladder contents to reach the meat. If it does, quickly cut it out and throw that meat away…..AND KEEP YOUR ANIMAL COLD!!!!!


    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Hey Tuck;
    Lastly, pop has a DANDY home made smoke house in the back yard. He will let others use it for a small fee (share some of the wealth—–give up some sausage!!!). We can smoke about 60 to 80 pounds of sausage.

    Plus it is fun to smoke……gives guys a little bonding time to BS and have a few adult beverages!!

    Posts: 1552

    I will have to agree with Derek on the Meat on Mille Lacs shop. They write you a WRITTEN estimate when you drop it off and that is what you pay when you pick it up. They are also very nice and take care of their customers.

    Posts: 1493

    That is very unfortunate, especially because I go to Von Hansons myself and the product they put out is usually top notch. You did the right thing in letting them hear it, perhaps theyll reconsider the way they do their estimates. You may have helped the next guy.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940


    Hey Tuck;
    Lastly, pop has a DANDY home made smoke house in the back yard. He will let others use it for a small fee (share some of the wealth—–give up some sausage!!!). We can smoke about 60 to 80 pounds of sausage.

    Plus it is fun to smoke……gives guys a little bonding time to BS and have a few adult beverages!!

    as long as your not smoking pole…..

    Posts: 304

    Yes,it will be a sad day indeed when Rother closes their doors. I too have been going to them for years.I don’t know where I’ll go when they close.Might just have to try Greg’s in Hampton.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Zukes…….that is just flat out wrong!!!!!!!

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940

    Im so sorry buddy. I just couldnt stop myself…..

    All this talk of deer meat around lunch 3 days before opener has got me excited to say the least.

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