I don’t remember how many I had on FTL……………but I’m pretty sure it was under 300. Like 250ish, give or take a few. BUT……….I know for a FACT that I wasn’t the “poster hound” on FTL. That crown belonged to Bill Cadwell………..who will, imho, take over on the integrated forum. That guy’s an animal!!! Before the integration, he had more combined posts than I did………….I think. Bill, do you remember what you were up to “back then”? I keep thinking he was over 600, plus he was over 1100 on FTR, for a combined contribution of 1700 posts!
You know…………..and this is trivial because I know it doesn’t matter a bit compared to the truly important stuff, but with all our FTL posts still being here, but only being credited for FTR posts, the counts are no longer accurate. I mean, no consequence, but for trivial entertainment……………like “Bob taking me down!” , I guess it had it’s place.
James, is this possible to correct and if so, would you prefer someone else did it so you could keep working on the important issues?