
  • gundez-71
    South Minnesota
    Posts: 675

    I know this has been posted for. Advice on a digital camera. Nothing high tech. Just a good working camera.



    Mankato, Mn
    Posts: 296

    Couple days ago i bought a Canon PowerShot A530 at kmart in austin. 5 megapixels, 4x optical zoom. So far i really like it, Pretty simple to use although there are a lot of special settings and stuff like that (im sure if i read the user manual i would know what they are…) For a digital camera, It takes pretty decent videos with sound. It is a great camera for the price- target and kmart both have them for 149.99

    atwater minnesota
    Posts: 13

    my question is: for fishing or everything else? if both you want to look for a waterproof camera for fishing or a way to keep it dry

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    ok.. if your lookin for nothing speacial or high tech.. just “working”… just about any major brand will fill the bill…. so Im guessing low price is your main factor…. Ive not really checked out bargain basement stuff… but anything from canon, nikon, oly, sony, panasonic.. are all very solid brands… just check out stores where they are clearing out “old” models… these days digital cameras are ALL pretty good and the “old” models are darn near as good as the “new” which usually have jsut a couple new bells and whistles…

    Posts: 66

    What is it going to cost me to get a digital camera that will take the picture when I click? Mine takes good pics, but doesn’t snap the picture for a good second or two after I push the button. I was trying to take pictures of kids running through the kitchen last night and just kept ending up with a picture of an empty kitchen.

    South Minnesota
    Posts: 675

    Thanks for the tips. Yah, It is going to be in the boat with me. So the waterproof model sounds intelligent.


    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18985


    What is it going to cost me to get a digital camera that will take the picture when I click? Mine takes good pics, but doesn’t snap the picture for a good second or two after I push the button. I was trying to take pictures of kids running through the kitchen last night and just kept ending up with a picture of an empty kitchen.

    Good question! Mine is a few years old, takes great pics, but delays the same. Action shots or anything not posed are impossible. Do modern digital cameras offer instant pic?

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