Gonefishing, you touch on a subject that I often wonder about. Why is it in the “Land of the Free” everyone jumps on the bandwagon of thanking vets for their service, but not many would become one themselves? Don’t get me wrong, as a veteran I appreciate every sincere word of thanks I ever get, but I don’t understand why so few choose to enlist?
Afterall, even if the chance to travel, or get free training, or free tuition, or 30 paid days off a year, or free medical and dental, or free housing isn’t enough of an incentive, shouldn’t pride in your country and the willingness to defend your people’s way of life not be enough? One could argue that in “Grandpa’s” day and age they had a draft, and now we do not, but in all reality MANY of those men enlisted of their own free will because they believed in the plight of America….especially in Minnesota and Wisconsin, who had some of the highest percentages of elistees in the nation!
Anyhow, makes me wonder if folks have just gotten too lazy and hope the other guy signs up, or perhaps they just believe that the threats of the modern world can’t reach them? Or, most sadly, maybe they just don’t believe America is worth fighting for anymore? Well, even with all the troubles and turmoil, it still is!
To all Veterans thoughout this nation’s history……here’s to you!
Thank You all for your service, we couldn’t do it without you!