Lake Erie GTG, Who is coming out???

  • Anonymous

    I am trying to get an idea of how many people are thinking or planning on attending…

    If you post here I would appreciate it…

    For example…


    26′ sportcraft

    Arriving evening 23rd

    Staying at the Marlu or the Holiday Inn

    Fishing 24th thru 27th

    Fishing with

    Tom Gursky



    Posts: 6

    I will be there with 2 others. Arriving late on the 23rd, fishing 24-26th and maybe a little on the 27th. Don’t know where we are staying yet, should have that settled by Mon.-Tues. of next week. We’ll be fishing out of my 1895 YarCraft. We may have room for one other rider for the trip there and back, so if someone needs a ride and has someone to fish with once there, let me know. We’ll be coming from Fargo, ND and leaving on Wednesday morning.


    Arriving the 23rd,
    Fishing with Jason 24th and 25th
    Leaving in the am 26th.

    I’ll miss the actual GTG date but hoping to at least meet everyone before I have to leave.

    Bought a pair of ‘Toggs just for the trip! Hope I don’t need ’em!!!


    I will be arriving with 5 others on April 20th at Mar-Lu and departing Sunday the 27th.
    I will be in a Ranger and others will be in a Ranger as well. I will have one other person with me and the others will have 3 in their boat.

    The guide wear rain suit is pretty much stapled to me night and day while I am fishing out there. That cool water temps out there are still very cool even if its 60 degrees out side. Bring warm clothes and dramamine if you think you made need some.

    Chanhassen, MN
    Posts: 4

    I am trying to make plans to go out to Erie. I know you don’t know me but I am friends of DeeZee and Ron Zimmermen. I have fished with them on a number of other outings. (Hi! Steve and Ron) I have never been to lake Erie but I have heard an read enough about it over the years that I have decided that if I can arrange it I will go this year. I have a new job and it will limit the amount of time I can spend out there. Here is what I have planned for now. I would like to drive out on Thrusday the 24th and return on the Sunday the 27th. That will only leave me with two day’s of fishing, but it is the best I can do this year. I will be bringing my 17’6″ deep-V spectrum boat which handles large lake’s very well. I have many years of experience handling all sizes of boat’s on large lakes, I have had this boat on Superior, so I know my boat and it’s limit’s. I have asked my father to come with on the trip but he has not commited yet. It might be that I would like to team up with someone. For now I will have to wait and see.
    Just for your information I have fished walleye’s since I could hold a fishing pole. I have been following the FTL and FTR website’s for some time but have never made a post until now. I am sure that I have seen many of the FTL and FTR guy’s out on the water in the past. I will let you know what my plan’s are once the date get’s closer I am very much looking forward to have a chance at moving up my personal best which currently stands at 31″
    Keep your line wet,
    Mike Auer


    Jason, I haven’t fished the “big water” we are fishing. I have a set of cold weather Parka/bibs and a cool weather goretex set. Is there any tackle I should bring? I have a couple of RipTide Line counter reels, 2 off shore planer boards and 7′ Daiwa trolling rods. All my other stuff is spinning gear. I have crank baits and some harnesses.



    Your boat should do just fine out here. The biggest thing is to know your limits and don’t try to stretch them to catch one more fish. I’m pretty sure that Steve and I are going to do a little mini seminar the night before the outing. We will share the hot spots and info that we found earlier in the week. If you have never fished Erie this is a great opportunity, I hope you are able to make it out. As for the 31″ mark, Erie is the best place to break it..


    If you have room in your vehicle I would bring both sets of foul weather gear. The weather around here can be real funny. One day it will be 70 and sunny, the next it might be 35 and freezing rain.

    Gear and tackle? I have all of the trolling rods/reels and tackle that we will need, BUT if you want to bring stuff to try feel free. You might want to throw a couple jigging rods in the truck, just in case there is a hot perch bite…


    Welcome aboard Mike,

    Glad you made it here and glad you are excersising the idea of coming out there this year. Should be a blast. I will let you know if things open up in our group for room in the boats.


    Mike, I’m glad your going to try to make it out. I would sure try to get three days of fishing rather than two. You just never know when the big blow can hit and keep you off for a day.

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