WI residents got a few things right

  • tonkacoys
    Posts: 3

    I seem to remember a time (2000 & 2004) when most republican talking heads were saying things like “What a bunch of sore losers, whiners, crybabies, victims, excusemakers, incompetent failures, bafoons, whimps, defeatists, unsuccessful duds.

    The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable.
    Quote from James Garfield who was best known for attacking political corruption and restoring faith in the presidency. A republican I could have supported. How ironic.

    By the way, the fishing for me has been terrible,,Duck Hunting excellent.

    troy seelhammer
    Chatfield, Mn
    Posts: 224


    I seem to remember a time (2000 & 2004) when most republican talking heads were saying things like “What a bunch of sore losers, whiners, crybabies, victims, excusemakers, incompetent failures, bafoons, whimps, defeatists, unsuccessful duds.

    The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable.

    Quote from James Garfield who was best known for attacking political corruption and restoring faith in the presidency. A republican I could have supported. How ironic.

    By the way, the fishing for me has been terrible,,Duck Hunting excellent.

    I am not exactly sure what or who that was intended for but ok. I have a quote for you.

    “The reason that democracy is great is because the people will get the government they deserve”

    I guess we are reaping what this country has sowed.

    Posts: 6259

    this really does come down to our children. My 14 year old daughter is quite the young republican and she speaks her mind in school, she is generally picked on in such political talk circles because of her views “differ” from 95% of her teachers and the kids that piggy back along and can’t think for themselves, children that speak about God in the class room are literally shunned for there views and ganged up on because of who they are, I know this first hand from the Eau Claire school district. My co-worker pulled his kids out of public school after one year and went back to home school because of the anti-God stand the schools have taken and the ridicule they put up with. The books that come home from school that teach that animals and trees are on the same plain as human beings. If you want me to go on and on I will. Being a Christian is becoming a mute point in school- if you keep your mouth shut you are OK- If not then suffer or get out. The battle for values is on, this is all pretty preditable if you read the proper book and it wont be getting better anytime soon…..

    troy seelhammer
    Chatfield, Mn
    Posts: 224

    By the way, the fishing for me has been terrible,,Duck Hunting excellent.

    Maybe we should have someone waiting at the dock to take 40% of the fish from the rich (good) fisherman and redistribute them to the poor (bad) fisherman and we could also have someone ready to take 40% of your ducks and redistribute them to the poor (bad) duck hunters.

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792


    By the way, the fishing for me has been terrible,,Duck Hunting excellent.

    Maybe we should have someone waiting at the dock to take 40% of the fish from the rich (good) fisherman and redistribute them to the poor (bad) fisherman and we could also have someone ready to take 40% of your ducks and redistribute them to the poor (bad) duck hunters.

    Isn’t that what Jesus would do? I get the feeling Jesus would be a fiscal liberal.

    Posts: 3

    give a man a fish he’ll eat for a day–teach him how to fish he’ll eat forever–BUT he who owns the pond determines who fishes.

    give unto ceasar that which is ceasars.

    you reap what you sow.

    whosoever shall diggeth a pit shall bury in it.

    Coon Rapids, MN
    Posts: 88

    I just do not trust our “political” district attorneys or our judges enough to trust the death penalty being tied into their careers.

    Know what I mean?

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416


    she is generally picked on in such political talk circles because of her views “differ” from 95% of her teachers and the kids that piggy back along and can’t think for themselves

    So any kid who agrees with the teacher automatically can’t think for themselves? Come on. You daughter is capable of thinking for herself, and has come from one viewpoint. I bet you it mirrors yours exactly. These kids who agree with their teacher might very well have come to their feelings the same way your daughter did. Don’t belittle their opinion because it differs from yours or that of your daughters.

    Mazomanie, WI
    Posts: 1099

    Religion is a personal thing and should be kept that way… to yourself. It has nothing to do with formal education.

    Besides, there’s a lot of gods out there. Your god is not the exact same as mine or anyone elses.

    Posts: 6259

    Most kids at that age will go along with the gang mentality, if there views do differ they will keep quite or just don’t care or want to bother speaking up, I generally do not talk politics with my kids, at 14 years old I am just happy to get a hug out of her once a day. My 12 year old could care less about any of it. I am not belittling any of them- we all have a right to an opinion. Teachers in school sway atleast 80% donkey. That is fine but allow both views and don’t belittle her for her views. If you dont think this is happening in schools today, right now, then I’m sorry but you are out of touch. As far as having rielgious (Christian) views in public schools you had better keep your mouth shut or you will get it from all sides. If you are muslim or gay then thats OK because you are “different” and your views will be full protected if not encouraged. If you do not believe this then you should start poking your head around our public school sysytem and see what is really going on. This is fact, you are better off being gay or goth in school then Christian. This is an epic battle I am under going and I will not lose my children my children to this crap. Instead of teaching them about how to protect themselves from disease and preganacy, why not teach them that abstinence is the only way to not get pregnant or catch a disease? And we wonder why kids are shooting the crap out of each other and teachers. 30 years ago when God was still in our public school system how many shootings did we have? How many principals were shot dead back then? How many kids? This was before the gun control kick and safety locks and such. Please answer me if you can….

    koldfront kraig
    Coon Rapids mn
    Posts: 1830

    I didn’t realize that gays, goths and muslums were grouped together as bad influences on children.

    The gay thing can be debated.

    Whats wrong with muslums? I work with several and have discovered that they are better human beings than most christians I know.

    Including myself.

    Posts: 6259

    The point is this- it is acceptable to be those things in schools, yet if your Christian views are made clear then your chastised for them….

    Posts: 163


    Most kids at that age will go along with the gang mentality, if there views do differ they will keep quite or just don’t care or want to bother speaking up, I generally do not talk politics with my kids, at 14 years old I am just happy to get a hug out of her once a day. My 12 year old could care less about any of it. I am not belittling any of them- we all have a right to an opinion. Teachers in school sway atleast 80% donkey. That is fine but allow both views and don’t belittle her for her views. If you dont think this is happening in schools today, right now, then I’m sorry but you are out of touch. As far as having rielgious (Christian) views in public schools you had better keep your mouth shut or you will get it from all sides. If you are muslim or gay then thats OK because you are “different” and your views will be full protected if not encouraged. If you do not believe this then you should start poking your head around our public school sysytem and see what is really going on. This is fact, you are better off being gay or goth in school then Christian. This is an epic battle I am under going and I will not lose my children my children to this crap. Instead of teaching them about how to protect themselves from disease and preganacy, why not teach them that abstinence is the only way to not get pregnant or catch a disease? And we wonder why kids are shooting the crap out of each other and teachers. 30 years ago when God was still in our public school system how many shootings did we have? How many principals were shot dead back then? How many kids? This was before the gun control kick and safety locks and such. Please answer me if you can….

    Right on! I have a family member who works for the MPLS Public Libraries who is a christian. She works with people from every walk of life. They recently hired a Muslim employee. He complained about her necklace, which bears a cross,IT OFFENDS HIM . The next day she was asked to not wear it to work, or conceal it under her shirt! Yet every day when his watch beeps telling him its time to pray, he drops to the ground regardless of where he is and starts praying-IN A PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENT. I wonder if we could get the 10 commandments installed there? Another worker there is gay, and proudly wears his “rainbow flag” shirt to work, a complaint was made by a fellow employee, and the person who complained was told to be more “tolerant” and “open minded”. This all in a country, whether you like it or not, was founded on christianity. So why is it we as christians have to give up our moral beliefs to accompany those who are “different”.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 499

    Ok. That absolutely does not sound right to me that a Muslim can complain about a Christian who wears a cross on a necklace and be supported. I think to a reasonable extent, we should all be able to display some little forms of our faith. I cannot believe that this is happening in America. I think people need to have some sense in this kind of things!! No doubt the minorities should not be ignored, but it cannot be to the extent that the majority need to bend over backwards for them???

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416


    This is fact, you are better off being gay or goth in school then Christian.

    This is fact? What studies are you basing this off of? Or am I to assume that it’s fact because you said so? Why don’t you ask the gay kid at school if he is teased at all? Why don’t you ask the goth kids if they get any grief from people about how the dress or look? Or have you? If you have, than maybe at the school, and with those kids it may be a fact. What about a gay, goth, christian? Or can’t there be such a thing? You’re making generalizations about people, calling it fact. I am not out of touch with what is going on in MY kids school. I talk to them too. Just because my opinion differs from you doesn’t meant that I’m wrong, or that I’m right. It’s my take on things.
    As for the school violence thing, look around. It happens in all areas. Not just school. Do a google search on Church shootings. You’ll get back over 3.5 million hits. It happens. You can’t blame school shootings on God coming out of our schools. My son still says the Pledge of Allegiance every morning. He says,”One Nation Under God”. Maybe in some of the bigger schools they don’t but they are also a school with more diversity. Would you want your child to have to say One nation under Allah? You can’t have it both ways.

    Posts: 6259

    The only study I have is the one that my kids are subject to every day, and my fellow Christians who have children the same age and attend public school. Also it is way worse in high school then middle school which is one step worse than grade school. Boy I cant wait for liberal profesor’s to get ahold of them in college. My point of view is strictly as a Christian. Not anything else. I am not telling anyone what is right or wrong, you can read all this and make up your own mind. It looks like there are a few other examples being written here to atleast show my point of view so I do not stand alone. Everywhere you look it is evident what is happening in this country, I brace myself and my family for the next 50 years because if the current trends continue it will not be good for people like me….I’m not being mean spirited here so please don’t take me wrong.

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416

    I know you’re not being mean spirited. It’s obvious that you’ve put some thought, and time into making sure your kids are being raised the way you want them to be. For that I congratulate you. If more parents did that I think that would solve more ills than all of our debating will. My only point to you is that your beliefs are no more valid than someone elses. They are to you, granted, but not to the kid who is being raised in the Jewish faith. Not to the kid who is Muslim. Do I think that any religion belongs in public schools? No. If you want religion taught at school send them to a private school. My kids have learned religion through church, and hopefully from us as parents.
    Hopefully, no hard feelings, I just like to debate things sometimes…

    Houlton, WI.
    Posts: 244

    Hey wheres the bonfire? Hartke like to debate around a fire most times.It’s fun even if he is always wrong.

    troy seelhammer
    Chatfield, Mn
    Posts: 224


    Religion is a personal thing and should be kept that way… to yourself. It has nothing to do with formal education.

    Besides, there’s a lot of gods out there. Your god is not the exact same as mine or anyone elses.

    Having sex with another man is a personal thing also- keep it to yourself- it has nothing to do with formal education.

    And- There is only one God, we could debate this forever, I believe the Bible is the inspired Word of the one God and it’s truth’s will indeed set you free.

    No hard feelings anyone, hope to see you at a GTG and have a debate on jig colors.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Chartreuse all the way!

    troy seelhammer
    Chatfield, Mn
    Posts: 224


    Chartreuse all the way!

    I can’t that with a guy who spends more time fishing than I do sleeping.

    Posts: 1027


    Right on! I have a family member who works for the MPLS Public Libraries who is a christian. She works with people from every walk of life. They recently hired a Muslim employee. He complained about her necklace, which bears a cross,IT OFFENDS HIM . The next day she was asked to not wear it to work, or conceal it under her shirt! Yet every day when his watch beeps telling him its time to pray, he drops to the ground regardless of where he is and starts praying-IN A PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENT. I wonder if we could get the 10 commandments installed there? Another worker there is gay, and proudly wears his “rainbow flag” shirt to work, a complaint was made by a fellow employee, and the person who complained was told to be more “tolerant” and “open minded”. This all in a country, whether you like it or not, was founded on christianity. So why is it we as christians have to give up our moral beliefs to accompany those who are “different”.

    I heard about this on the news a few weeks ago. Almost nothing Christian is allowed anymore in workplaces while other groups can openly wear their garb and profess their beliefs and can’t be “singled out” or you will get reprimanded.

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    If not chatruse, then green or orange get my vote.

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416


    Hey wheres the bonfire? Hartke like to debate around a fire most times.It’s fun even if he is always wrong.

    Didn’t need the fire, but I did have a beer in my hand during most of this debate. Just don’t tell my employer…
    As for being wrong all of the time, I won’t argue about that.

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890


    Didn’t need the fire, but I did have a beer in my hand during most of this debate. Just don’t tell my employer…

    And all along I assumed it was merely a convoluted mind, while all along it was an excess of !

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    Hear Ye, Hear Ye, the People Have Spoken, have they not???

    posted today on http://www.rivertowns.net

    Now in power, Dem launches effort to undo marriage amendment
    By Wheeler News Service
    A Wisconsin Democrat wants to trump the state’s new constitutional ban on gay marriage with an amendment of his own.
    Madison Democrat, Sen. Jon Erpenbach, Middleton, says the measure passed by voters this week amounts to discrimination based on sexual orientation.
    So now, he and some other Democrats hope to negate the new amendment with another one, aimed at prohibiting such discrimination.
    The amendment passed by voters this week defines marriage as being between a man and a woman.
    It also bans civil unions, which critics say will result in unmarried couples losing fringe benefits for domestic partners.
    With Democrats in charge of the Senate and Republicans having a much smaller majority in the Assembly Erpenbach says his new measure might have a shot when he introduces it in January.
    It would have to pass in two straight Legislative sessions, and then by the voters in a statewide referendum. 59-percent of Wisconsin voters approved the ban on gay marriage and civil unions on Tuesday.

    Extrapolating from this tortuous logic, then last Tuesdays election must be also be overturned as it most certainly discriminates against the Reps, does it not???!

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