WI residents got a few things right

  • fishahollik
    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    I am very dissapointed in the outcome of this election but I can at least take solace in the fact that my fellow residents got two things right.

    1)Bringing back the death penalty

    2)Banning Gay marriage.

    Posts: 1493

    This election just plain sucked. The people were so intent on not voting republican that they didnt care what trash was on the other side of the ballot.
    But, theres one bright spot here in MN. VETO POWER

    Eldora, Iowa
    Posts: 367

    Its hard to believe things are so bad, that people dont even care who they vote for, as long as its not repub. I wouldnt say Im repub or dem, but its obvious people dont like whats going on now, there wasnt hardly a repub that won any elections in Iowa, seems like. So if people want a change, they got it. I think a big part of the election was Iraq, and the repubs can thank mr. Bush for a lot of the voting that went dem. JMO

    Posts: 649


    I am very dissapointed in the outcome of this election but I can at least take solace in the fact that my fellow residents got two things right.

    1)Bringing back the death penalty

    2)Banning Gay marriage.

    Yeah, I’ll sleep better that gay marriage is banned, I’m so glad this is such a hot topic that requires gov’t time and money. Heaven forbid we worried about something somewaht meaningful in the average American’s course of life

    Dubuque, Iowa
    Posts: 1030

    I was beginning to wonder when somebody was going to mention yesterday’s election. Pretty sad IMHO. I think this is a huge step backwards for the country. Nobody likes war but the economy is good and the jobless rate is low. Now we’ll have higher taxes and bigger government to contend with down the road. Not to mention that the next speaker of the house is a far-left liberal from San Francisco’s most liberal district. We had better all hope nothing happens to both the president and the V.P. because Nancy Pelosi is next in line. I’m so sick of politics.


    Woodbury, MN
    Posts: 1039



    I am very dissapointed in the outcome of this election but I can at least take solace in the fact that my fellow residents got two things right.

    1)Bringing back the death penalty

    2)Banning Gay marriage.

    Yeah, I’ll sleep better that gay marriage is banned, I’m so glad this is such a hot topic that requires gov’t time and money. Heaven forbid we worried about something somewaht meaningful in the average American’s course of life

    Well put Bomber.

    Lauderdale, MN
    Posts: 93

    It is hard for me to understand why people are so frightened by gay marriage. The issues with our families today have nothing to do with gay men and women it has to do with unhealthy marriages and children being created by people who don’t know how to or care to take care of their children. Death is the one thing all of us fear, why is it such a great accomplishment to think that a state now has a right to force that upon someone who committed a crime. This is not advancement, this is a set back from what this country should be about. Fear is what the government wants and by taking freedom away from gays, criminals or those wishing to have an abortion is one way for us to have control over things that we don’t even need to worry about. It is called freedom and as long as your freedom isn’t messed with its fine and you right wing folks love to see it taken away from others. Just don’t get it.

    Posts: 163

    *Post not appropriate for this forum.*

    Posts: 1025

    I could care less about the gay marriage stuff, but the death penalty in my eyes is a must! An EYE for a EYE, fry um and send them straight to

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416

    The gay marriage ban is for an ammendment to the state constitution. That was approved, and now all of those gay folks who want to enter into a legal marriage don’t get to. Now they will be in a relationship where, since it’s not marriage, they will be able to hit on all of the people out there. No need for a legal relationship where it’s hopefully monogamous. Nope, now they have the freedom to go out there and spread their way of life to all of those unsuspecting heteros too. So, by the time this ammendment gets into place, this state should be pretty much over run by that “alternative lifestyle”.

    As for the death penalty, it’s not binding to the government. It’s merely an offical poll of what the WI voters want. It still probably will not go into affect.

    Mazomanie, WI
    Posts: 1099

    If you oppose gay marriage then you think divorce should be made illegal too. Right? RIGHT?


    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    married hetero folks cheat also….

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361


    Nope, now they have the freedom to go out there and spread their way of life to all of those unsuspecting heteros too. So, by the time this ammendment gets into place, this state should be pretty much over run by that “alternative lifestyle”.

    You must not watch much TV. There life style is already getting pounded down our throats

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100

    In the classroom:

    Teacher: “Hi little Johnny, what does your daddy do?”

    Johnny: “which one? I have 2 daddys since my first daddy left my mommy and married my other daddy”

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    Thank God we got another amendment to the Constitution on that. I know the LAW outlawing gay marriage wasn’t doing enough. Next election I hope we put a amendment in against DWI. Drunks are taking over, and LAWS against it just aren’t enough.

    More pointless crap politics aimed to further divide people.

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    THe only real problem I have with the death penalty is it costs more to kill’em than to leave’em rot.

    Posts: 1493

    Why does everybody have a problem with gay marriage??? HMmmmmm Lets see… Its IMMORAL thats why. The fact that anyone would wonder why thats a problem is due to agenda pushing donkeys saying that anything goes. IF the donkeys have their way, this country will be one big high tax/spending orgy with no accountability and no consequences. Then in a few years the Rep’s get to inherit another mess to clean up, at which point theyll realize somethings wrong and put the blame on us. If you dont think gay marriage and the death penalty votes were justified, perhaps you may wanna talk to God. Ask him what he thinks…

    Burlington, WI
    Posts: 1417

    I thought it was Adam and Eve…not Adam and Steve?

    Posts: 6259

    God gave Adam a partner in the form of a woman, not a dog another man or anything else. Of course if you believe in the evolution crock then maybe it is Ok for men to act like animals and fornicate with no means of anything good to come out of it other than pleasure, because we are just evolved from an ape or whatever. As far as killing another human being because we feel that person dosen’t belong on God’s green earth anymore well that’s plain wrong, just like killing an unborn child. Only the child is innocent. This is one screwed up world we live in. On the other hand its a beautiful day just to be alive….One thing to keep in mind- this country rose to greatness because we stood for one nation under God, all our founding fathers were Christian men. A nation under God prospers, a nation that decides to write its own rules based on society gone wrong will in the end suffer and colapse. History shows this to be true. If not I challenge anyone to give me examples….

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416


    Why does everybody have a problem with gay marriage??? HMmmmmm Lets see… Its IMMORAL thats why. The fact that anyone would wonder why thats a problem is due to agenda pushing donkeys saying that anything goes. IF the donkeys have their way, this country will be one big high tax/spending orgy with no accountability and no consequences. Then in a few years the Rep’s get to inherit another mess to clean up, at which point theyll realize somethings wrong and put the blame on us. If you dont think gay marriage and the death penalty votes were justified, perhaps you may wanna talk to God. Ask him what he thinks…

    I can only assume you already have…

    Seriously, if you are that bothered by this because of morality, why no outcry against heteros who live a debauched lifestyle? There is a list of commandments that Christians were given, how often do we follow everyone of those? Ever take the Lord’s name in vain? Every dishonor your parents? Ever look at a woman and think, “She’s hot”? I suppose, only if she’s not married. Ever think how nice it would be to have your neighbor’s house?

    It’s about letting people live their own life. Does everyone have to live up to your Christian ideals? Isn’t this what everyone is complaining about with Islam? At least the fanatacal parts of it?

    This is just silly.

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416


    married hetero folks cheat also….

    I know. That wasn’t the point. My post was meant to point out the ridiculousness of the oppostition to gay marriage. I don’t care if they get married or not, why should I?

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    People need to spend more time worrying about how they lead their own lives and a heck of a lot less time and effort trying to tell others how they should live theirs.

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    Confucius say: “Whether you believe in Evolution or Creation, there is just somthings about gay marriage that doesn’t seem to fit!”

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416


    People need to spend more time worrying about how they lead their own lives and a heck of a lot less time and effort trying to tell others how they should live theirs.

    Thanks for summing up what I’ve been trying to say.

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666



    People need to spend more time worrying about how they lead their own lives and a heck of a lot less time and effort trying to tell others how they should live theirs.

    Thanks for summing up what I’ve been trying to say.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    That’d be great thing if it was like Iraq and do it within 30 day’s with only 1 appeal!

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854


    People need to spend more time worrying about how they lead their own lives and a heck of a lot less time and effort trying to tell others how they should live theirs.

    Well put James!!!

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Simple question:

    If marriage is defined as the bond between a MAN and a WOMAN and a person THINKS that should be changed.

    Then bar none……
    Beastiality and marrying a child of “ANY AGE” should also be OK’d, for marriage in no longer considered a “BOND” and what others do is NOT OUR BUSINESS.


    No-one is stopping homosexuals from uniting, other than pre-existing laws that state certain unsaid actions are against the law.

    Also, seperation of homosexual partners is statisically in the range of 80% to 90%. With that said, it is obvious that law makers are pushing this……..they are attorneys……HELLO!!!! Attorneys—-DIVORCE—–$$$$$$

    Posts: 6259

    Quote “People need to spend more time worrying about how they lead their own lives and a heck of a lot less time and effort trying to tell others how they should live theirs.”

    I dont get that James are we as citizens of this free country were our vote counts and majority rules just let everyone do what feels right at any cost to anyone? Was I just supposed to say yesterday “well as long as they dont bother me why should I care”, The process is there for a reason, the reason why these votes are happening around the country is because liberal judges in high postions were putting there liberal views into law- gay marriage laws….atleast I had a say in Wisconsin’s future not some liberal judge who feels he is way smarter than I could every hope to be and I am just a neanderthal who dosent know any better.


    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Comparing a homosexual relationship between consenting adults to beastiality or child molestation is a bit of a stretch.

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