Important Message from the Democratic Party

  • troy seelhammer
    Chatfield, Mn
    Posts: 224

    I just heard on the radio they are urging all democrats, lefties, and libs to stay home tommorrow from voting. It is a huge protest against the republicans for picking on John Kerry. So hunker down and show those mean spirited right wing extremist what you are made of and support your favorite lefty from Mass!!

    Just Kidding- Get out and Vote on Tuesday!

    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 3213

    i honestly have no ambition or care to vote this year because of this crao going on latly bashing and all you hear ont he radio but when i spent a total of probably 4 hours home all weekend not in bed when deer hunting around my house i had 8 political calls and one at 638AM this morning!!!!!! sick of it big time!! ok i vented

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 467

    I am sure I am not the only one thinking this, but I would almost rather here someone bragging about what they are going to try to do then just trying to make the other person look worse then themselves

    It sure gives me a real bad feeling about what most of these people are truly about.

    Columbia Heights,MN
    Posts: 38

    JDEAN you said it.I want to know their stand on gun control is or what they are going to get done about wetland conservation.Anything on what “they” will get done in office.I don’t give a rats can about who did what 10 yrs ago.I think I spent the most time ever in a poll booth today,it just didn’t feel right voting for someone who never mentioned what “they”
    want to get accomplished.

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    unfortunatly the new trend is slam your opponent.. and say as little as possible about what YOU stand for….. its was a tried a true philosophy for one side… now they both are using it.. and I think pretty much EVERYONE is VERY sick of it… without the candidates saying much about what they actually stand for it does make it hard to make an educated decision….. takes a LOT more work thats for sure…

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    I would like to see tapes of all these promises replayed in two years and see how we are doing. (Both sides!)

    Channel 4 just had Amy K on saying people voted for her because they are sick of high gas prices. So just when are they going to start the downward trend, and by how much? If the Republicans controlled the gas prices, do you really think they would have shot up to $2.29 on election day from $2.07? SOunds to me like the Dem’s did it!

    Posts: 1027

    She’s got a plan for everything so we have nothing to worry about.

    troy seelhammer
    Chatfield, Mn
    Posts: 224

    High Gas Prices? People vote because of that? I have a hard time believing that minor of an issue would get anyone elected. I also have a hard time believing she is that shallow of a thinker to say that. We are in trouble folks.

    Minnetonka, MN.
    Posts: 493

    This is going to be very interesting how this will play out.

    Either way it is going to be very frustrating.

    Albertville MN
    Posts: 2019

    I hear ya guys, left the booth today feeling like every canidate was the wrong choice. Pretty sad when you have to settle for less than poor.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Ken, you nailed it a while back when your referenced the pendulum swinging back and forth from left to right. (I am paraphrasing…) This is a correction year. Right, wrong or indifferent. It is what it is. We will go down the democratic road and live with their ideals from 4 to eight years, and people will grow weary of that platform again and vote for change. It is probably a good thing. By doing this we may swing left to right, but still move forward. It keeps both parties in check.

    Good luck to us all! We will all be just fine in spite of ourselves!

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137

    Well the way I look it is if the Dems actually follow through on getting out of Iraq, getting rid of all the Bush tax cuts, starting the draft, and negotiating with any country (or organization) that wants to talk. The GOP will have back the reigns in 08.


    troy seelhammer
    Chatfield, Mn
    Posts: 224

    Getting rid of our guns, allowing abortions into the ninth month, funding cloning, anyone/anything can get married, repealing all the tax cuts, impeaching bush, etc, etc, etc…..

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    Keep your powder dry and break out the check book. This next 4 years is gonna hurt.

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137

    I give it two years tops. Are there any moderate dems to keep Pelosi, Reed, Kerry, Frank, Klobuchar etc., in line?


    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    it just might be only 2 years if the Ds take it as a mandate to do anything they want and that goes too far left…. its the center that gave them power.. the center doesnt want left anymore than it wants right… who ever “gets that”.. will remain in power longest….

    even so… its amazing how well our founding fathers understood how to bring balance to our democratic process.. in our system balance WILL be maintained…. the only thing that would stop it would be if some president someday declares themselves “president for life”…. and then we live in a dictatorship… that WOULD be a victory for the far right…. though even that might be short lived… afterall hitlers reich (reign) of 1000 years turned out to be a great deal less…. though to be fair.. he WASNT put out of power by the German people…. it was US and the Russians casting votes with our lives that did it….

    well.. anyway… what Im saying is.. dont like this setup? just wait.. it will change… sooner or later…

    but here is what the press is saying… which of course can be totally beleived right?

    the House leadership under the likely new speaker, Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), hails from the party’s liberal wing. But the Democrats’ victory was built on the back of more centrist candidates seizing Republican-leaning districts, and Pelosi emphasized that she will try to lead without becoming the ideological mirror of Gingrich.

    “We have learned from watching the Republicans — they would not allow moderates a voice in their party,” Senate Minority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) said in an interview as he waited to see if Democrats would take control of the upper chamber as well. “We must work from the middle.”

    ok.. as they say… Im from Missouri… (well.. actually the state just north.. but seeing is believing!)

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4539

    I love how the Dems ran on the need for “change”. The funny part is that they never said what the change would be. I have never seen a party get more mileage with less of a plan than the Dems this election.

    Amy K is a great example. “I want to take a more diplomatic path in Iraq”…..ok, but you never said one word about what you will actually support DOING.

    The next 2 years will certainly be interesting. Nancy P is one of the most extreme members of congress, it will be curious to see how she leads.

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    Often that which flies under the banner of ‘Change” is merely circular motion!

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    It is definately going to be a lollapalooza, er I mean a lottaPelosi!

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Swing voters were the key in this years elections. People that consider themselves “Independents” were the reason the Dem’s had such a huge showing in the polls this year. These are the people that are usually split down the middle, and both sides pick them up during voting years. This year it was reported that many of the swing voters drifted to the Dem side. The war in Iraq, energy costs, and terrorism cited as reasons. (From CNN) Again, showing that the ideals of America drift from side to side, but still move forward.

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    If the Dems head to far left, they will get hammered in 2008 and a Republican will win the White House again.

    I kinda like this new thing, were the Center has power. Now, if we can only get the power and money grubbing leaders of one party of both to realize it, things can change. I know, probably won’t happen, but it’s a nice dream for a day anyway.

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    I have always wanted to see the House and the Senate split, with one party controling one, but not both. It seems to my warped line of reasoning, that it helps with “checks and balances” between the two. I do think it is a hindrance to getting things done.

    Maybe someone will bring back the 3/16 bill

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    I see no difference between the 2 parties… and by that I mean.. both parties have radicals that need to be held in check.. both parties make promises they cant and wont keep.. and both parties are as ambiguos as possible when talking about issues… this didnt start with the Ds in this election.. this is political history… the hardest thing in the world is to pin a politician down to what they REALLY believe….. sad but true… the best we can hope for is to keep corruption to a minimum and keep the radicals on both ends in check…. thankfully the system is built to do just that… it seems to work….

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