Lake Erie Get Together in April

  • Anonymous


    DeeZee and I have been talking and kicking around the idea of a Lake Erie Get Together out of the Port Clinton area in April.

    As of right now, DeeZee and his crew are coming out here the week of April 21st thru 28th. and I’m going to be up there the 23rd thru the 27th.

    The event would be something simple and fun. The date would be saturday April 26th.

    If you guys want we could do a dinner somewhere on Friday evening and have a simple tactics and hotspots discussion. Then saturday we could go out on Erie and catch some big eyes… We could even do a $5 a person tourney? After fishing on Saturday, we could have a fish fry or go somewhere and eat and have some cocktails.

    Let me know and we will take it from there..



    sounds great! would love a chance to fish Erie in april,


    This has been a tradition for us to go out to Lake Erie in April and take advantage of the walleyes that have migrated to the Western basin for the ritual spawning time. This trip is extra special every year because these fish seem to continue to grow larger and larger every year. Each year, the PWT shatters the previous years records. These fish are truly giants. If anyone is interested in coming out and taking advantage of these fish….do it now! You have one of the best chances of your life to boat several fish over the 10# mark. Including fish in the 11,12,13 and even a 14lber!

    This will be just a simple get together of fellow EFN visitors as Jason mentioned and welcome all to come out and experience this bite. The name of the game this time of year out here is trolling crankbaits for huge walleyes. As Jason mentioned, there will be a get together on Friday night before hitting the water and we will have been out there for a bout a week by then and should have the fish dialed in for everyone to take advantage of. We will discuss location, depths, trolling patterns, speeds, and any other questions that any one may have. This is just a fun filled weekend of fishing for all EFN FTL and FTR visitors and members. All are welcome.

    Jason, could you provide some lodging and phone numbers for everyone here.

    Here is a picture of the very first walleye caught by Jeff Hill last year on our trip. A true 12# huge walleye.


    Steve- about whats the drive time?
    10Lb’ers I ‘m listening.
    Lodging info would be appreciated.
    I have to try and pull this off.


    Big D

    If you drive thru chicago during off hours 10PM-2AM you can make it to Port Clinton in 13hrs.

    If you can Doug, do it you’ll love it!!!



    Drive time from the Twin Cities is about 12 hours pulling a boat. We normally travel through the south side of Chicago.
    Port Clinton, OH is the destination for walleye heaven!

    If you have never done a trip like this…its absolutely worth the trip! Get some buddies together and car pool to split costs.

    Jason, can you provide some lodging?
    Otherwise, I will get something on here shortly for everyone.


    Planning is in the works. Hook- don’t mention this around Sheri.
    I need the plan concrete before she starts to bust my balls. Just kidding baby! I forgot she reads this on occasion.


    Jason, I’m very interested in getting on Erie, never have yet. I am having problems posting in our staff site . I would haul my boat down if I had to but since I’m solo maybe I can split expenses with one of the other guys and just drive down. I’m about two hours North of Green Bay, up by the LBDN.


    When would you be coming out and how long?
    Lets wait and see how many anglers we get and we will find a home for you!

    Sounds like we have several interested parties so far.
    Who doesn’t like catching big walleyes?


    Ok guys, here is some info for lodging….

    Steve and his crew are staying at the Marlu Resort, I don’t have the number here at home, but I’m sure Steve will post it for me, thanks buddy. I’ll be staying at the Marlu or the Holiday Inn, depends on how many people I bring with me to fish…

    When I go up to the Catawba area its only for the weekend, so I usually stay at the Holiday Inn or the Fairfield Inn.

    Holiday Inn
    Clean, new motel, plenty of parking, McDonalds and Ponderosa next door, baitshop and gas station across the street. Right down the road from the launch ramp.

    Fairfield Inn
    Its about a mile up the street from the Holiday Inn, it’s a couple years older but very clean. decent parking.

    Here are couple of places that friends have stayed at. If you are going to stay for more than a couple of nights you may want to consider one of these. The rates are probably a little less and the beach cliff has fish cleaning facilities.

    Beach Cliff Lodge
    (419) 797-4553

    Hiway Lodging

    As far as Licenses, don’t worry about them till you get here. There are three baitshops within a 2 mile radius, they have just about anyting you can imagine.

    I hope some of you guys are able to come out here and experience this great fishery!! You will be amazed!!!



    Ok guys, here are a few more things that I should probably cover…

    Lake Erie is a fisherman’s dream. You can catch fish on just about any presentation imaginable. Drifting, Trolling, Jigging, Lindy rigging, Cranks, Spoons, Harnesses, they all catch fish.

    In the spring there are two basic programs and areas that are used to put fish in the boat. I’ll try to explain each of them and give you an idea of what to expect.

    The first program that A LOT of people fish is the area in front of the Davis Bessie power plant. The power plant is located west of Port Clinton by Fenwick Marina and Turtle Creek. There is a large reef complex that starts just offshore from the power plant and extends about 3-4 miles out into the open waters of the lake. Drifting this area with jig/minnow, lindy rigs, or blade baits should provide you with a lot of action and is good place for the small boat owners (17-18’) or someone new to Lake Erie. Most of the active fish in this area will be the smaller males; therefore the majority of the fish you catch will be in the 2-6lb range. The area is also frequented by spawning females, so there is a good chance that you will hook a fish of a lifetime….maybe even two or three!!

    The second program is one that the majority of tournament and trophy anglers use. They fish the area north of the reef complex mentioned above out to Islands. There is a set of cans (buoys) that define the reef and firing range areas. They are labeled “a can” “b can“ “c can” etc… The area around these cans to just north and northeast of these cans is deeper and flat (25-30’ deep). The post spawn females go out there to rest and FEED. It takes a little searching but when you find an active school the fishing can be amazing and sometimes unbelievable. There are days that just about every fish you catch will be over 8 lbs. The most effective way to fish this area is trolling cranks or harnesses, either directly behind the boat or off the sides with inline boards. The hot bait of choice the past couple of years has been Reef Runners, the deep divers, rip sticks, and deep lil rippers have all produced big fish. Now, I’m not saying that they are the only crank that will catch Erie pigs, Long A Bombers, Husky Jerks, and Thundersticks work just fine too, BUT I would suggest you pick up a couple when you get here… When it comes to harnesses, big blades trolled slow with snap weights and bottom bouncers..

    That’s enough about fishing; another thing that I want to cover is Erie safety.

    If you are thinking about coming out here with a boat less than 17’ or one that has extremely low gunnels, please be extra careful and know/stay within your crafts limitations. If you do have a smaller boat and want to attend please try to arrange for a ride with one of the big boat guys for the first day. I would rather be crowded on my boat than have to go pull someone out of the 40 some degree water. Erie is one of the Great Lakes, not some little pond you can swim across. We have real waves and sometimes they get REAL big. Plus the water this time of year is less than 50 degrees…

    VHF radio, I would suggest a fixed mount with at least a 4’ antenna. If you don’t have one, borrow one. A handheld is better than nothing, especially when you need it.

    Life Jackets, make sure that you have a GOOD life jacket for everyone on board plus one extra. Wear them, at least when you are going faster than trolling speed. The water is less than 50 degrees, if you end up in the lake you will be glad you had on one…

    Flares and Safety flag, make sure you have enough and that they are within the expiration date.

    It’s a good idea to bring a 5 gallon bucket or a modified milk jug. They can both be used as a bailer incase your bilge pump fails or you take a wave over the transom.

    Things to bring….

    Warm weather, leave the cold Minnesota weather out there, its cold enough here for me already, we still have over a foot of ice on the lake. Just kidding!!!

    Warm clothes and an extra pair of boots. If your feet don’t get wet on the boat, you will need them to walk thru all the B.S. fish stories at Friday night’s dinner….

    Camera… You will need it; your buddy that had to work and couldn’t attend won’t believe the stories you are telling him. A picture is worth a thousand words…

    BIG COOLERS…. See Steve’s picture above!! Enough said

    I hope that my safety comments didn’t scare anyone off, that wasn’t my intention. I just don’t want to see any of my fellow EFN friends get hurt. I know a lot of guys that fish Erie in boats less than 16’ with almost no freeboard and manage to do it over and over without incident. It only takes one time!!! If you have a smaller boat and really want to attend, PM me and I’ll see what I can do to arrange a ride for you. I’m sure we’ll figure something out…

    If the spring weather cooperates this is going to be an awesome week/weekend of fishing and I’m sure there will be some monsters and possibly a state record caught. I look forward to meeting you guys and hope that many of you will be able to attend and see first hand how awesome this fishery is.

    If anyone has any questions or needs any additional info please feel free to post questions or PM me here at FTL….




    DeeZee or Jason,

    If I were able to come down on the 24th, would we be able to fish the 25th? I’ve got something going in Stevens Point, WI on the 26th, and I can’t miss it. So I’d probably leave Saturday morning after you guys launch but is this something we can work in? LMK.

    The Pup


    Oh, man, I may have to get in on this. I could swing this on the 24th-27th. Jason, does the area around Lorain ever produce for you?




    Hey! Maybe we can make a little “wagon train” headin’ east!


    I see no reason why we couldn’t. I even know the way by memory!



    Thanks for the above posts concerning safety out there. Definately something that should not be taken lightly as it is Lake Erie and you must respect the weather and its conditions and know your limits.

    To all,
    Our crew is staying at the Mar-Lu marina in Marblehead, OH. Marblehead is right next to Port Clinton. The mar-lu marina is about 8-10 miles away from the Catawba state park where we launch most of the time.

    To everyone that is interested in coming out. Maybe we can PM each other to find and hitch a ride with others. As far as room in my boat, I may be able to accomodate one other person as I already have a person aboard. The other guys that are coming out with me have a full boats. Lets see how many people will be making the trip out first.

    I hope everyone can make it. And if there is anyonethinking that there is not enough room. Consider it and we will try our best to accomodate you somewhere in someone’s boats.



    This event is worth attending. A lot of big fish are caught this time of year, look at last years PWT records!!!

    As for Lorain… The fishing there doesn’t usually start to heat up until may or early june. This past year there was an awesome bite on the sandbar pretty much all summer. We limited out with 3 people in less than 2 1/2 hours. We would have finished sooner but we decided to throw back the smaller ones..

    I hope you are able to make it out here next month.


    This sounds great!
    An EFN get together is a great idea. If anyone is thinking twice about the big water trolling bite all I can say is don’t think twice. With the crew thats going to be out there you’ll never have a better oppurtunity to get the first hand information on the bite and tactics. DeeZee, If there are enough people interested maybe we could do a mini seminar on open water trolling for suspended eyes.
    I’m drooling over those pigs as I type …


    Jason, I got invited to come over there April 7,8,9,&10th. One of the guys has a condo spoken for during that time. Last year a couple of these guys were there and used sonars exclusively. I.m not a big sonar fan, probably because I don’t know what I am doing, but it seems that alot of fish get snagged. Wish we were coming over alittle later to meet all you guys.


    Jason, it sounds like I’ll have to make this one. I’ll probably be driving out there the night of the 23rd, possibly the 24th. Any special gear that is required or preferred for fishing Erie? Also, do you or Steve have any idea what the rates are at the Mar-Lu?



    The rates at Mar-Lu vary from motel unit to the rentable trailer and cabins. We are staying in the trailer unit and that price is $500.00 for the week.

    Mar-Lu Motel, Cottages, and Marina
    326 N. Steele Road, Marblehead, OH 43440. 419-732-3300
    I just got off the phone with Erica at Mar-Lu and she mentioned that the only thing that is opne that week is the motel units. The 3 person units are $69.95 total/night for the room. These are units with 3 single beds in them and she has 2 of these rooms open for that week.
    She also mentioned that she has (5) 2 person units that are $59.95 total for the room per night and this one has 2 double beds for each room.
    Hope this helps…..

    Posts: 6

    There will be 3 of us coming from Fargo, ND (will know for sure in about 10 days) probably leaving Wednesday the 23rd. Is anybody going to be fishing on Thursday?


    I’m planning to start fishing on Thursday. As of right now its just me, I’ll have a couple of open spots on the boat. If anyone is interested let me know.

    Chiefs, Special gear? Take a look at the post above and let me know if you have any additional questions… If you are drifting, basic spinning gear with 8-10# test. If you are trolling, linecounters and 10# or better test, cranks or worm harnesses… We will probably do a mini seminar on Friday evening…

    How many guys are planning or thinking about attending, i would like to get an idea to see if I need to reserve an area at a local resturant… If you haven’t posted here, please do so..




    I’ll take one of those spots for Thursday. I’ll be down Wed. night………….I’ll get directions and all that good stuff as it gets closer. I’ll be around for Thur/Fri but taking off on Saturday so DON’T plan me a seat for the big gathering.

    So, count me in for attending Thur/Fri. Thanks!


    East Central Ohio
    Posts: 51

    I’ll be there on any weekend other than that of the 26th. The SOWC Opener is that weekend. Let me know Jason!


    Myself and five others that are with me will start fishing April 21st and we will be fishing everyday all day until Sunday the 27th. All those that plan to fish during the week, you are all welcome to meet us at the ramp in the morning at about 6:30 am or so and we can discuss locations, presentations, colors, speeds, depths, etc…. before we all go out.
    Everyone make sure you have a good map with you and you are efficient with your GPS unit as Erie is no place to be experimenting a first time user!!

    Here is another pic of the rest of the guys and there first visit to Erie last year. Of course they are all making the trip again this year.This was the second day on the water!


    Tom, I sent you a PM about a ride.

    Jim C, I’ll be up there the 12th and 13th, I am booked up for the 13th, but I have openings on the 12th. Let me know…

    DeeZee, I can’t wait! Weather permitting, I get the boat out of storage of the 28th!!!


    Thanks Jason! I sent you a PM with a couple questions. Its still below zero up here North of Packer Land. We may still be on the ice then up here.


    Dee Zee,

    Those are awesome hawgs!!! I can’t believe the size of those monsters. I sure wish I was going, but it’s the busy time of year at work, so I’ve got to wait until mid-May for my first serious fishing trip of the year. Good luck to all of you, and I can’t wait to see all the pics when you guys get back.

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