From my experience, you get what you pay for on guided black-bear hunts. Minnesota and Ontario don’t offer spring hunts. Manitoba does though!
Thing is, spring hunts run around $2500 or more….anything less probably isn’t gonna be that great of a hunt. As for fall hunts, if you are intent on an outfitted hunt I would suggest looking into Ontario for the simple fact that most outfits there have leased areas that other outfitters can’t guide in, and the resident pressure is light to non-existant….especially the further north you go. I like the Armstrong area north of Thunder Bay. I can recommend Bear Creek Outfitters there as being reputable with good service and high success…..awesome fishing too! They run $1500 for a week long hunt. And, you and your son can hunt prior to school starting if he’s still in school because the season starts in August.
Good Luck!