HELP!!! Manufacture label on snowmobile???

  • father walleye
    Saskatchewan, CANADA
    Posts: 28

    HELP!!! Manufacture label on snowmobile???

    I need your help!!!

    More then 2 weeks ago I bought from one of our IDA members a snowmobile – 1998 ARCTIC CAT ZL500. Everything is working OK.

    This coming week there will be inspection of it.

    On the inspection form: -Manufacture Label
    -Certification Label
    has to be confirmed.

    I had looked all over at the places where usually there are and Nothing. Maybe they are covered in grease somewhere? but WHERE???

    Does anyone has a similar snowmobile or may know where to look for it?

    Hopefully, nobody removed those labels.

    Thanks so much for any advise.

    Father Walleye

    Bob Carlson
    Mille Lacs Lake (eastside), Mn.
    Posts: 2936

    I would look on the tunnel of the sled. In the area that your feet rest. That’s where I’ve located most of them any hew……

    father walleye
    Saskatchewan, CANADA
    Posts: 28

    You are right. This is a place where they should be but there is NOTHING.

    Are there any other places where it might be?

    Thanks Bob.

    Father Walleye

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    Under the seat maybe? I am not familiar with the ditch pickles but that is where they put them on the old Yammies.

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    have you contacted the seller and asked them if it was removed??..just a thought

    troy seelhammer
    Chatfield, Mn
    Posts: 224


    Under the seat maybe? I am not familiar with the ditch pickles but that is where they put them on the old Yammies.


    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    I would go here and tell your dealer what you have to do. They would have an engine serial number they could go off of.
    I could not find a “Contact Us” address. Otherwise, call the factory in Thief River Falls MN. I have had excellent success with them in the past.
    Good luck!

    father walleye
    Saskatchewan, CANADA
    Posts: 28

    I just return after two Sunday Services. Thanks so much for your suggestions.

    I looked under the seat – NOTHING.
    Yesterday, I spoke to the owner. They never remove these labels and they do not know where it might be. They gave some advice that it might be covered in grease or dirt close to the engine. I’m not going to take apart the whole snowmobile in order to find it out.

    Maybe someone has the same model and year which could give a clue where to search it.

    If not, tomorrow I’ll take Chris’s advice by contacting the dealer or the factory.

    Thanks again for your help.

    Blessings and prayers
    Father Walleye

    Minnetonka, MN.
    Posts: 493

    The Cat dealer in Thief River Falls is great place to start. RVSports.
    Click Here

    father walleye
    Saskatchewan, CANADA
    Posts: 28

    Thanks AQUAJOE,

    I’ll give them call on Monday. Blessings.

    with prayers
    Father Walleye

    Minnetonka, MN.
    Posts: 493

    Anytime!! and back at you.

    father walleye
    Saskatchewan, CANADA
    Posts: 28

    I went on GOOGLE and I find out the add of the similar sled in NY, USA. The person checked his sled and the labels are in the fannel where your foot rest, with engraved VIN #, the place where most of the snowmobiles have it. My arctic cat doesn’t have them at all.


    I spoke to the owner few minutes ago and he said that he bought it for his wife from the friend who has it from brand new ( they know him). SO, everything should be OK.

    He said that they never changed the fannel.

    I’ll contact the factory tomorrow and we’ll find out what’s going on.

    Father Walleye

    Posts: 1957

    Hmmm…No manufactur tag? Better drive it like YOU stole it!


    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 627

    Should be on the tunnel by your right foot. If not tunnel had to of been replaced! GOOD LUCK! If you call a cat dealer with the vin if you have it off a registration card they shoud be able to give you all info!

    father walleye
    Saskatchewan, CANADA
    Posts: 28

    No labels on the tunnel. I have a VIN# on the registration
    card and on the transfer of ownership form (of which I have the originals).
    The person I bought this snowmobile is IDA member from Hastings, MN.
    I got their ad of sale out off the IDA Classified Ads Forum.

    I ask him to contact the first owner from whom they bought it, in order to find out if he replaced the tunnel.

    Other then that I’ll call the dealer and the factory.

    Thanks for your support. Blessings.

    Father Walleye

    father walleye
    Saskatchewan, CANADA
    Posts: 28

    Today, I spoke to the dealer at Thief River Falls.They said
    that the tunnel while was replaced should have a factory stump on it or should be put one afterwards. They advice to contact the first owner and call them when the dealer – owner will be at work tomorrow.

    Thanks so much for all your advices. Blessings.

    Father Walleye

    koldfront kraig
    Coon Rapids mn
    Posts: 1830

    If I remember right, the tunnel should have a stamped number and the motor should have a metalic sticker with the motor info on it.

    If they are both missing, something doesn’t sound right????

    father walleye
    Saskatchewan, CANADA
    Posts: 28

    You are right. The motor have a sticker with the # on it and it is OK. The funnel doesn’t have one on it.
    When I spoke to the family I bought from (they were the 2nd owner, I’m the third)they said that they know the first owner and they will contact him.
    It sound like he replaced the funnel by himself.
    We’ll find out where he got that part and more info….

    Father Walleye

    father walleye
    Saskatchewan, CANADA
    Posts: 28

    Tonight, I spoke to the first owner of the sled. He bought the brand new snowmobile from RV Sports Inc dealer at Thief River Falls, MN. About 6 years ago, after the accident he bought a funnel from the same dealer and replaced it by himself. Tomorrow, I’ll talk to the Randy – the owner of RV Sports asking them to help us to finalize the case.

    Father Walleye

    Minnetonka, MN.
    Posts: 493

    HA, Coincidence I sent you to that dealer from the get go. Small world.

    father walleye
    Saskatchewan, CANADA
    Posts: 28

    I would like to pass my sincere thanks to all of you on IDA
    for your help and advice.

    After so long journey I just got the right documentations
    from Arctic Cat Dealer in Winnipeg with no recall paper and the manufacture and safety documents. Also I have the document from DNR Licence Bureau in Minessota with the rest of the identification info. So, we are home.
    I can sleep well. Thanks again. Blessings.

    in prayer
    Father Walleye

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    What’s really amazing is that no matter what question is asked…someone here has the answer…or at the very least, point in the right direction!

    Now it’s time to do my normal hijacking of a post…

    Does anyone know what the fishing is like in Poland??

    Do they use the same type rods/reels?

    Posts: 1027

    My daughter was the owner of this sled. When she bought it 6 years ago we didn’t even know or think to look for the tag on the tunnel. This transaction has turned into a real nightmare. I have spent probably 4-5 hours on the phone with Father Walleye, the previous owner, the DNR, etc. trying to get him the proper paperwork to transfer the sled from Minn. registration to Canadian. 9-11 didn’t help this type of transaction either. Fortunately I was even able to get ahold of the previous owner as he moved and now only has a cell phone. If it wasn’t for him and his contacts at the Arctic Cat factory and the dealership in Thief River Falls I don’t think we would have gotten this resolved. 1 more piece of paperwork to get to Father Walleye and it should be settled. He has been very understanding and a real gentleman thru this whole thing. It helps to have connections to the One in charge of the the universe, right Father Walleye.

    father walleye
    Saskatchewan, CANADA
    Posts: 28

    My sincere gratitude to you, your family and Roger.
    We have learned a lot of lessons form this case.
    I’m almost ready to open a dealership.

    The Lord helps those who walk in the path of truth.
    Thanks Tom for the grace to walk with you on that path.

    with prayers and blessings
    Father Walleye

    father walleye
    Saskatchewan, CANADA
    Posts: 28

    Fishing with my brother, Fr. Dariusz-who is the priest, too. The pic from our June 2006 fishing trip in Poland.

    And … here is nice moster freshwater fish, 58.5kg SUM which will be a similar fish to a Cat Fish. We use very ofter a mouse as a bait. . Enjoy this pic:

    Father Walleye

    father walleye
    Saskatchewan, CANADA
    Posts: 28

    This week , I finalized all the documentation needed for the Transport Canada inspection including “no recall letters”.
    So, everything is ready for the registration.
    We can sleep well. Thanks so much for your support and prayers.

    with gratitude and blessings
    Father Walleye

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    Do you have any fishable ice in your neck of the woods?????

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