10 reasons to vote GOP

  • chris-tuckner
    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    I heard some things this weekend that scared the Bejesus out of me! Amy K and the Independent Hutchinson both stated we need to pull out of Iraq immediately! Without any plan as to how to do it. If you pulled out of Iraq without any back-up, the Separtists and others would roll over this country like a stampede, and the bloodbath that would ensue would be unbelieveable! The grab for power would be extremely bloody! Genocide in a large scale WOULD be the result! No, not my opinion here, but based on history of the region this WILL happen. We will be exiting Iraq. No one wants to be there. But there has to be a plan, not a statement without substance. We need to hold up that Government until they can stand on their own. The biggest disservice we could do to the Iraqi people would be to leave, and leave them to the devices of the terrorists waiting for us to do just that.

    To me statements like that show me that neither of these two are right or ready for service in government at a higher level. This is not a “Practice” position, this is for the US Senate!

    Republican, Democrat or Independent, I would have said the same thing. I made up my mind right then and there who I was voting for. If they make statements like that, what mindset do they bring to other problems like the budget, taxes and social programs?
    I don’t want to take the chance.

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 161

    We only have to listen to the lies and mudslinging for one more week. Then we get to sit back and watch years of broken promises from them all.


    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    I agree. With all the mudslinging on both sides, they give you very little information to base a sound judgemental decision on.
    They make it too hard for the average person like me to decide. How many people are going to take the time to look into someones background, how they voted, track records on the issues, how much and where is the PAC money coming from..? It would be nice if that information was offered or made available in an easy unbiased format. I do not see this happening in my lifetime.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22846

    Chris, where did you hear this from ?

    big g

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    They had a debate on KSTP that they have been re-hashing on TV.

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 161

    Chris, I think you are on to something here. There needs to be a place where one can go and see where all of the candidates stand on the issues. There are of course a couple of problems with that though. The first is that there are a lot of issues, so that would be a nearly impossible document to put together. The second problem is that they all change after they have been elected. So does knowing where they stand before the election do us any good anyways?

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    I don’t know if it is as much “Change” or get stuck in the quagmire of two party politics! It is the tug of war that we see daily that bogs the machine down. I imagine it is probably a little of both.

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 70

    The independent running for U.S. Senate is Robert Fitzgerald. Peter Hutchinson is the independent running for governor.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    I am sorry. Thanks for correcting me. I was not sure if I had the name right. This gent had red hair, and I had not seen him before.

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 1416

    The reasons to stay in Iraq are plentiful, and valid. The only thing that worries me is that after we do leave. After they do have a government that is in place, AND in power, what happens then? Realistically, they are going to have to be the same kind of totalitarian government that Saddam was. If not, then the different sects of Islam (Sunnis, Shite, Kurds) will still be tearing the country apart. This isn’t going to stop. The only thing that makes sense to me, would be for there to be 3 countries coming out of this mess over there. Much like they did when Yugoslavia was ripped apart. The differences over there run deep. They don’t just not like each other, they want to exterminate each other. So I don’t see another option to the genocide/civil war thing. There is no way one sect would let the other dictate to them.

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 161

    Chris, I will agree with your statement that they don’t change, but simply fall in to the system that is our government. This is the reason I have a hard time with politics. So many broken promises that I have a hard time trusting what any of them say.


    Posts: 813

    There is a great article in today’s Milwaukee Journal Sentinel about how this country is on a collison course with financial ruin. This is not necessarily a Republican vs. Democrat arguement but more of a tale about how are children and our children’s children are inheriting a huge deficit that nobody wants to talk about. The Republican party can no longer say they are the party of fiscal responibilty in my opinion. Why does everybody think that cutting taxes is such a great idea. I am like everybody else I don’t like paying taxes but tax cuts are like band aids on huge hemoragging wounds. Somebody is going to have to pay for it down the road. With baby boomers becoming eligible for Social Security in 2008 and Medicare in 2011 what kind of strain is this going to put on our limited resources. I have adopted the mentality that I have to save for retirement as if Social Security and Medicare won’t be solvent. The article I spoke about was very eye opening. Go to http://www.jsonline.com if you want some interesting reading.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    I agree that all parties can take their fair share of the blame for the debt. But who will jump on that platform when it states “I will be your candidate who will raise taxes to pay of the National debt.”

    Iraq, like I have said from the beginning, we did the fighting. We cleaned the “Head Rat” out of the nest. Where is the UN now that the humanitarian force is needed for rebuilding?

    Where is the world? Then, and only then will we get our troops back.

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    I don’t for a nonosecond think that China, France and Russia really wish to see the US succeed in Iraq. The UN is unable/unwilling to take any meaniful action. It has become irrelevant!

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100


    I don’t for a nonosecond think that China, France and Russia really wish to see the US succeed in Iraq. The UN is unable/unwilling to take any meaniful action. It has become irrelevant!

    I have to disagree a little here… the French are not that shallow… They know that if they send in some French troops as part of the UN faction… the UN would be completely destroyed… that, or the first bullet whizzing by would force the french contigent to throw up their arms, guns hit the sand… and I don’t believe those frech rifles hold up to sand very well.

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890


    I have to disagree a little here… the French are not that shallow… They know that if they send in some French troops as part of the UN faction… the UN would be completely destroyed… that, or the first bullet whizzing by would force the french contigent to throw up their arms, guns hit the sand… and I don’t believe those frech rifles hold up to sand very well.

    Ahhh yes, the French, with allies like them you do not need enemies. At least they only throw day old pastries at those they disfavor!

    koldfront kraig
    Coon Rapids mn
    Posts: 1830

    I wish my world was as cut and dry, black and white as your was. Life would be easier. And I’m not trying to me a wise [censored] by saying that Chief.

    I’m a firm believer in life is what you make it or if you want something get off your butt and work for it as opposed to asking government for it.

    This makes me lean towards the right for the most part, but to vote straight party lines? I don’t always do it.

    Dispite gas prices falling, I haven’t seen any other prices drop. Meaning every day items like clothing, groceries….???

    As for stem cell resurch?

    What about all the fertalized embryos that sit in storage that will never be used?

    Where do they go?

    Man I wish their was a viable third party alternative.

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792


    The reasons to stay in Iraq are plentiful, and valid. The only thing that worries me is that after we do leave. After they do have a government that is in place, AND in power, what happens then? Realistically, they are going to have to be the same kind of totalitarian government that Saddam was. If not, then the different sects of Islam (Sunnis, Shite, Kurds) will still be tearing the country apart. This isn’t going to stop. The only thing that makes sense to me, would be for there to be 3 countries coming out of this mess over there. Much like they did when Yugoslavia was ripped apart. The differences over there run deep. They don’t just not like each other, they want to exterminate each other. So I don’t see another option to the genocide/civil war thing. There is no way one sect would let the other dictate to them.

    Good analysis Steve. Makes you think trying to bring our government style to a people who culturally will likely not accept it would make trying to implement it there a likely futile attempt no? Was this hard to figure out before we invaded? No. I don’t think the quagmire in Iraq should have surprised a soul. There is no good answer on how to leave. The idea of a divided country is very interesting.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22846

    We had a conversation about this, in all places, while around the campfire up in Canada this past June. My taxman, who is up on all the political stuff, said that the illegal immigrants, who work in the US, have to pay into social security, by laws holding the employer liable, and the thing is, if they do not become citizens, they will never get one cent back from social security. He said there are millions of dollars generated for SS every year, which the immigrants paying in, will never collect. He said this is one reason that SS isn’t broke already. I trust this guy, to the point that I do not think he is making it up, and I know if your on payroll, you will have SS taken out no matter what. Something to ponder anyways.

    big g

    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    One last post on this from me, then I am done.

    I do not usuallyvote straight ticket, I admit I will probably vote that way this time because I do not care for any of the DEM candidates that are in my area. PLUS Doyle IMO needs to go, he is a failure. Time for a change.

    I am through arguing politics with people, most have their minds already made up and I doubt anyone here has been persuaded to change their mind by any of the rest of us.

    Tight lines to all DFL or GOP. I just hope someday we can all get honest and good leadership to run this country.

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    well one thing I get out of all this is a list of issues to investigate… there are many and they are complex… there isnt any easy answers to ANY of them… and politicians LOVE to play games….
    one SERIOUS problem with politicians is their love for quick fixes… they dont want to be seen as someone who does anything “bad”.. so what they fight about is just WHAT is BAD!..
    and I just REALLY love the games they play with economic figures.. what FUN!… one side says that lowering taxes is somehow magically paying for itself!.. what a cool idea.. lucky for them they are able to redefine just what the national deficit is.. too bad they cant redefine what the national debt is though…. we are really poised on being S C R E W E D….. we are right on the edge of owing so much money to so many other nations that just paying the interest on what we owe will take ALL the tax dollars currently collected! the next step after that is not being able to pay enough to pay the interest… then what? do they foreclose on the US of A? China and Japan practically own us…. this isnt even an issue that the candidates are talking about (too unpopular, they have to raise taxes and cut benefits, thats going to make us ALL happy..right?)! so I guess its not important…. but there IS a goverment agency that investigates how the current goverment is doing on economic issues.. and their recent report says we are on the brink of disaster……
    well. then theres the IRAQ situation…. should we stay or should we go? if we stay there will be trouble.. if we go it will be double….. (man I guess that old song works)… Id say its pretty easy to say we never should have went there… but we did…. so now what? if we leave and theres a whole bunch of people that dont like us at all that hope we do.. it could be disaster… its a very complex situation there… way more complex than I can grasp… I think the US needs to get out of there… and someone else RELIABLE needs to take over.. but with the current power structure of the world.. just WHO would that someone else be? sadly the UN really IS worthless for this sort of thing… IRAN is right there…. ready to stabilize IRAQ.. and they will step right into the vacuum if we depart…. you thought we had trouble before?… so there isnt an easy answer there.. sure we can leave…. I guess who knows what will happen… Id say it will be bad… but then I sure dont know it all…
    then stem cells.. wow.. theres a subject that is REALLY misunderstood…..
    then health care… boy.. that whole issue is just crazy… who isnt being affected by the price of insurance.. or the lack of it…. or the cost of medical assistance…. sadly for me.. Im VERY affected…..
    well.. theres a whole lot more issues… you really cant listen to what the candidates say in their adds…. their adds are mostly just character assasination anyway.. or grossly misleading at best…. it really does take a LOT of time to see where a candidate stands…. and then to reach some sort of minimal understanding with the issues… maybe we need a political internet university that allows you to take classes to prepare for election…. wow… dont everyone sign up at once!
    ok.. I think I have a headache now…. its not hard to see why people vote a party line…. but I still rather keep my freedom of choice intact.. and learning the issues and being able to address them and to help pressure politicians into doing the right thing are all important things to do….

    Posts: 3835

    two questions. If there was nothing the republicans or Bush could do about high gas prices for months on end while their campaign contributors got fat on Joe taxpayer why should the masses use that as a top ten reason to vote that way? Wade you have made it known that you dislike your current gig. Why would you stay in such a situation if the economy were so great?

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    I am thinking about buying a new Suburban or Excursion because I know that gas prices will plummett as soon as a democrat is elected as president.
    If the federal government has so much to do with gas and gas prices, how was it that Jimmy Carter (D) was in office during one of our most agregious gas shortages ever?

    I say this tongue in cheek, because I know that neither side has that much pull that they can dictate what the markets and OPEC can charge.

    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 129

    Keep givin’ it to ’em Tuck!! You speak for a lot of us on here, that just don’t have your “gift of gab”!! It isn’t that we don’t have opinions, we just don’t have time to express them. My opinion, for the most part, is the same as yours. I’d bet we’d be hard pressed to find much of a difference. If we did, I think we could come to common ground very quickly.


    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22846

    The shortage of the 80’s, has little to do with the price issue at the pump this past summer driving season. There is no shortage today, meaning, I see no stations with signs out saying “out of gas” like we did in the 80’s. The only sign we are concerned with today, is the one with the price, which differs from tuesday to thursday night, as much as 10% on a holiday travel weekend. Gouging.

    big g

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    It was the 70’s there young fella! And to your point..Are you telling me that it is the Republican’s fault that stations gouge on holiday weekends?

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22846

    Chris, it all started in ’73 with the embargos, the yom kippur war and the whole friends of Isreal, OPEC actions, that was during Nixon’s term. It spilled into the early 80’s, which you pointed out in your Jimmy Carter post. I am not saying that it is the republicans fault, but a little thing called “investigation” could have been thrown out, and the oil companies would have maybe backed her down a little.(meaning the price increases that seemed to hit on thursday before the holiday weekends) which contributed to record profits for oil companies. But of course, you cannot deny, Bush is a friend of the big oil companies… can you ?

    big g

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22846

    Forgive me if my dates are a little off, I was 10 years old… and history wasn’t my favortie subject, but that is not my point. You cannot compare them today… 2 totally different scenarios.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    No offense to anyone here, this is directed to the media spins……. I wish those who don’t know how the gas operations work, would go to the doctor to remove the constipation from the ears and fix the diarrea from the mouth.

    How ironic it is, that the Oil companies can make money, but the same “political party” that condems the oil company, cries for the farmer who “can’t” make the same monies…….

    Yep, some companies made millions, if not billions. But those people who surface those claims need to do their full homework and list the gas companies that “broke even” during the high price times.

    I’ll do my own homework to find out what each candidate stands for and research their voting history on capital hill.

    I refuse to follow the media, because their is such political spin, that you can’t see through the B.S.

    Good luck to all who vote. All I ask is that you vote from your own feelings and not how somebody else tells you how to vote/think.

    Do your own homework and your own research on the candidates. If you know how to surf IDA, you can find this information out and avoid the political and media spins

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22846

    Exactly Gary. So it goes to say that #5 on the 10 reasons, really makes it only 9 then.

    big g

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