10 reasons to vote GOP

  • fishahollik
    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    Here are 10 good reasons why you should vote Republican come election day. You won’t hear about them on ABCCBSNBC News.

    Reason #1. The economy is kicking butt. It is robust, vibrant, strong and growing. In the 36 months since the Bush tax cuts ended the recession that began under President Clinton, the economy has experienced astonishing growth. Over the first half of this year, our economy grew at a strong 4.1 percent annual rate, faster than any other major industrialized nation. This strong economic activity has generated historic revenue growth that has shrunk the deficit. A continued commitment to spending restraint has also contributed to deficit reduction.

    Reason #2. Unemployment is almost nil for a major economy, and is verging on full employment. Recently, jobless claims fellto the lowest level in 10 weeks. Employment increased in 48 states over the past 12 months ending in August. Our economy has now added jobs for 37 straight months.

    Reason #3. The Dow is hitting record highs. In the past few days, the Dow climbed above 12,000 for the first time in the history of the stock market, thus increasing the value of countless pension and 401(k) that funds many Americans rely on for their retirement years.

    Reason #4. Wages have risen dramatically. According to the Washington Post, demand for labor helped drive workers’ average hourly wages, not including those of most managers, up to $16.84 last month — a 4 percent increase from September 2005, the fastest wage growth in more than five years. Nominal wage growth has been 4.1 percent so far this year. This is better or comparable to its 1990s peaks. Over the first half of 2006, employee compensation per hour grew at a 6.3 percent annual rate adjusted for inflation. Real after-tax income has risen a whopping 15 percent since January 2001. Real after-tax income per person has risen by 9 percent since January 2001.

    Reason #5. Gas prices have plunged. According to the Associated Press, the price of gasoline has fallen to its lowest level in more than 10 months. The federal Energy Information Administration said Monday that U.S. motorists paid $2.21 a gallon on average for regular grade last week, a decrease of 1.8 cents from the previous week. Pump prices are now 40 cents lower than a year ago and have plummeted by more than 80 cents a gallon since the start of August. The previous 2006 low for gasoline was set in the first week of January, when pump prices averaged $2.238. In the week ending Dec. 5, 2005, prices averaged $2.19. Today, gasoline can be found for less than $2 a gallon in many parts of the country.

    Reason #6. Since 9/11, no terrorist attacks have occurred on U.S. soil. Since 9/11 the U.S. has not been attacked by terrorists thanks to such programs as the administration’s monitoring of communications between al-Qaida operatives overseas and their agents in the U.S. and the monitoring of the international movement of terrorist funds — both measure bitterly opposed by Democrats.

    Reason #7. Productivity is surging and has grown by a strong 2.5 percent over the past four quarters, well ahead of the average productivity growth in the last 30 years. Strong productivity growth helps lead to the growth of the Gross Domestic Product, higher real wages, and stronger corporate profits.

    Reason #8. The Prescription Drug Program is working. Despite dire predictions that most seniors would refrain from signing up to the new Medicare prescription benefits program, fully 75 percent of all those on Medicare have enrolled, and the overwhelming majority say they are happy with the program.

    Reason #9. Bush has kept his promise of naming conservative judges. He has named two conservative justices to the Supreme Court, Chief Justice John G. Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito. In addition, he has named conservative justices who are devoted to the Constitution as it is written and not as activist liberal judges think it means. The strong likelihood that one or more justices will retire from the Supreme Court makes it mandatory for the Republicans to hold the Senate and have a chance to name new conservative justices.

    Reason #10. The deficit has been cut in half three years ahead of the president’s 2009 goal, with the 2006 fiscal year budget deficit down to $248 billion. The tax cuts have stimulated the economy and are working.

    In contrast to this stunning record of real achievement, the Democrats offer no real plans for the way they want to improve America or make us safer.

    Instead, issues like the Mark Foley scandal have been used to smokescreen their own lack of ideas in a public debate.

    The choice voters will make is whether they want higher taxes and less security by surrendering the tools used to combat terrorism or lower taxes and the continued use of tools like the Patriot Act, terrorist surveillance, terrorist interrogations and missile defense.

    Consider what leading Democrats are promising if they gain control of Congress.

    Rep. Charlie Rangel, D-N.Y., who would lead the House tax-writing committee if Democrats win in November, said he “cannot think of one” tax cut he would renew. That agenda would result in $2.4 trillion tax increase over the next 10 years.

    If Democrats take majorities in the House and Senate, the average family of four can expect to pay an average of $2,000 more in taxes.

    The leader of House Democrats and the woman who would be speaker of the House, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said after 9/11 that she “doesn’t really consider ourselves at war … we’re in a struggle against terrorism.”

    By opposing the Patriot Act, terrorist surveillance missile defense and even interrogating the most dangerous terrorists captured on the battlefield, Democrats are in direct opposition to the vital tools we use to fight terrorism.

    Many Democrats, including the prospective House Ways and Means chairman, favor cutting off funding for the war in Iraq.

    Democratic leaders have made it clear that they see investigations and impeachment as viable options should they take control of Congress. They are therefore promising to tie the hands of the president and his administration in the middle of a war.

    Democrats want to reverse the president’s economic policies that have led to a historically strong economy.

    Enough said.

    Posts: 82

    Well Stated, it’s about time for the common man to stand up and vote for the best, rather than on the wishy/washy, more important, do not fail to VOTE, our country needs us.

    Back our troop’s or feel free to stand in front of them.

    troy seelhammer
    Chatfield, Mn
    Posts: 224

    I hope you don’t mind but I just copied and pasted that to over 100 people in my address book, many of them who have voted Democrat all their life because the union tells them to. That should get the “yah but’s” going.

    Posts: 1399

    yah but….”gas prices have plunged”? Hmmm, maybe from RECORD HIGHS! Ask yourself what you were paying for a gallon of gas 6 short years ago! “wages are at record highs”? Hmmm, maybe the kid working at McDonalds got a raise, but I’d venture to say that most of the middle-class’ wage hikes barely cover the increased cost of living. “The prescription drug program is working”? Perhaps it’s working for Grandma and Grandpa, but it ain’t working for me! It’s a program that self-sustains by placing a HUGE burden on the working class….most of who will probably never even get to reap the rewards of it.

    I may vote GOP, but not for these reasons. I will always vote, but I feel cheated in the fact that neither party will ever get over their partisn bickering and do the people’s work! Post whatever facts and figures you want, there is no clear-cut winner….nobody stands out as the “good guy” in my mind….just the lesser of two evils. SAD, and getting SADDER………..

    Posts: 1027

    Very well stated!
    Here are a few more Very good reasons.

    1.If the Democrats have their way gay marriage would be legalized!! What next being married to animals?

    2.We would be forced to pay tax dollars for abortions and the parents of the teenager who is getting the abortion would not even have to be notified that their child is having an abortion!!!!

    3.Infant stem cell research would be legal. All the hype over this is overblown as many of the medical breakthroughs related to stem cell research are from adult stem cells taken from cadivers.

    Yes,Bush has made some mistakes. He is human. But if the Dem’s get in control they will lead us down a moral slide.

    People say it’s not the govt’s job to legislate morality.
    How wrong they are !! Who wrote the laws about if you commit a crime you spend time behind bars. Government!!

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    sitting in a more central position (you know.. neither left or right) id say its easy to speculate on the veracity of those “facts”.. just a bit of thought on some of those statements makes my head pound (those darn halloween parties!.. now maybe THATS my party.. the halloween party! scary but not as scary as left or right.. lol)… well.. I dont suppose I will have to go to the trouble of coming up with 10 reasons to NOT vote GOP… (personally I just want to vote for the best person and to heck with their party!)
    anyway Im sure someone else will make the effort to explore a more leftist position so that we can have all the distorted “facts” right here on one page.. I just wish ONE side would try REAL facts for once…. Im always reading.. but OUR facts ARE real!… hmmmmm I see…. wish it were true…..
    as for me.. Im going for the tylenol.. more parties tonight.. and sunday…. *sigh*.. Im getting 2 old 4 this…..

    Posts: 82

    Some interesting reasons to encourage voting.

    The following senators voted against making English the
    > official language of America :
    > Akaka (D-HI)
    > Bayh (D-IN)
    > Biden (D-DE)
    > Bingaman (D-NM)
    > Boxer (D-CA)
    > Cantwell (D-WA)
    > Clinton (D-NY)
    > Dayton (D-MN)
    > Dodd (D-CT)
    > Domenici (R-NM)
    > Durbin (D-IL)
    > Feingold (D-WI)
    > Feinstein (D-CA)
    > Harkin (D-IA)
    > Inouye (D-HI)
    > Jeffords (I-VT)
    > Kennedy (D-MA)
    > Kerry (D-MA)
    > Kohl (D-WI)
    > Lautenberg (D-NJ)
    > Leahy (D-VT)
    > Levin (D-MI)
    > Lieberman (D-CT)
    > Menendez (D-NJ)
    > Mikulski (D-MD)
    > Murray (D-WA)
    > Obama (D-IL)
    > Reed (D-RI)
    > Reid (D-NV)
    > Salazar (D-CO)
    > Sarbanes (D-MD)
    > Schumer (D-NY)
    > Stabenow (D-MI)
    > Wyden (D-OR)
    >Now, these are the senators who voted to give illegal aliens
    >Social Security benefits. Regardless of political party, these
    >politicians need to be defeated in 2006, 2008 or 2010,
    >whenever they come up for office. They are grouped by
    >home state. If a state is not listed, there was no voting
    >Alaska: Stevens (R)
    >Arizona : McCain (R)
    >Arkansas : Lincoln (D) Pryor (D)
    >California : Boxer (D) Feinstein (D)
    >Colorado : Salazar (D)
    >Connecticut : Dodd (D) Lieberman (D)
    >Delaware : Biden (D) Carper (D)
    >Florida : Martinez (R)
    >Hawaii : Akaka (D) Inouye (D)
    >Illinois : Durbin (D) Obama (D)
    >Indiana : Bayh (D) Lugar (R)
    >Iowa : Harkin (D)
    >Kansas : Brownback (R)
    >Louisiana : Landrieu (D)
    >Maryland : Mikulski (D) Sarbanes (D)
    >Massachusetts : Kennedy (D) Kerry (D)
    >Montana : Baucus (D)
    >Nebraska : Hagel (R)
    >Nevada : Reid (D)
    >New Jersey : Lautenberg (D) Menendez (D)
    >New Mexico : Bingaman (D)
    >New York : Clinton (D) Schumer (D)
    >North Dakota : Dorgan (D)
    >Ohio : DeWine (R) Voinovich(R)
    >Oregon : Wyden (D)
    >Pennsylvania : Specter (R)
    >Rhode Island : Chafee (R) Reed (D)
    >South Carolina : Graham (R)
    >South Dakota : Johnson (D)
    >Vermont : Jeffords (I) Leahy (D)
    >Washington : Cantwell (D) Murray (D)
    >West Virginia : Rockefeller (D), by Not Voting
    >Wisconsin : Feingold (D) Kohl (D)

    Durand, WI
    Posts: 1364


    I will always vote, but I feel cheated in the fact that neither party will ever get over their partisn bickering and do the people’s work! Post whatever facts and figures you want, there is no clear-cut winner….nobody stands out as the “good guy” in my mind….just the lesser of two evils. SAD, and getting SADDER………..

    I agree with you 100%…no one is a winner. It would be nice to be able to just start all over again.

    Fish, I don’t know where you got this from, but you better do some more looking…Slipsinker pointed out several flaws in what you posted. Gas prices were at record highs until not so recently…these years all under GOP rule, wage increases…don’t even go there along with the Rx Drug program…is that why my health insurance went up 175%this year and my Rx co-pay went up $20?? I don’t know about other states, but a topic here is to cut spending the bill was once the Tax Payers Bill of Rights and has other names since. In WI, they want to cut police, fire, ambulance, educational institutes(Tech Colleges) and many other public service departments. The next time you whine that you can’t get an officer to take your theft complaint or any complaint for that matter, or it takes an ambulance or fire dept and extra 5-10min to get to your place because of the cuts remember that is what “you” wanted. In my department we are at minimum staff with record number of cases and inmates in our jail. They want to cut even more…where? I may vote democrate and stand up for them, but my job and family depend on them doing what they stand for. I have voted for both parties and continue to do so….It really doesn’t matter anymore because we all come out loosers.

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    yeah.. now theres something I can agree with…. there seems to be so much corruption… so many scandals… so much hyprocasy… its hard to have confidence in any candidate… and then in the publicity adds.. all they do is name call and go for personal attacks.. debates on the REAL issues seem to be a thing of the past… but even in the past the joke always was.. what a candidate “stands for” is just a pack of lies to get them elected.. and there was much evidence to support that as well….. I guess for tonights halloween party maybe I should dress as a politician.. what could be more scary than that?

    Durand, WI
    Posts: 1364


    I guess for tonights halloween party maybe I should dress as a politician.. what could be more scary than that?

    You can’t steal my idea!

    Posts: 1399

    “Rivereyes once robbed a man of his halloween costume idea, can we trust a man like that? Vote for Krisko.”

    Sound familiar? Every once in a while it would be nice to hear a candidate say what they have done RIGHT, instead of what the other guy has done WRONG, wouldn’t it?

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    hey.. you can be my campaign manager at the party tonight…. well.. you can if you write a different add! lol…
    slipsinker.. a good man with a good word…. vote slipsinker for campaign manager….

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    I vote for the Party that supports traditional values,(i.e God, Country, Capitalism, Apple Pie etc.) not the candidate. Regardless of who gets elected and regardless of what they promised while campaigning, they all fall under the influence of the Party once elected or they are pretty much ostracized and become ineffective! The political domain is paved with good intentions and broken campaign promises!
    What is a Centrist anyway, what do they support? Can they lay out a comprehensive platform? I would sincerely like to know what they believe in.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Just remember, “Figures don’t lie if liars don’t figure.”

    Since the liars occupy both sides of the aisle I suggest using your heads and voting for the person you believe in the most, not a party.

    Posts: 1399


    hey.. you can be my campaign manager at the party tonight…. well.. you can if you write a different add! lol…
    slipsinker.. a good man with a good word…. vote slipsinker for campaign manager….

    I would consider it an honor and accept your nomination….just give me time to sweep a few things under the rug.

    Good Luck everyone trying to seperate the good, the bad, and the ugly. See ya at the ballot box! For now I have a halloween party to attend under force of my wife.

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    One may delude themselves into thinking they are voting for the candidate, when they are, in fact, voting for the Party platform! Candidates, once elected, get swallowed up in the system! This I believe to be especially true in state and national politics. Very few can stand up to the pressure to conform to Party objectives.

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    Well said……Judge’em by their actions!!!!

    Eldora, Iowa
    Posts: 367

    Ive got a brother with Multiple Sclerosis. He was diagnosed as a Sr. in HS. He has very limited use of his left side, and the doctors at Mayo Clinic keep telling us how stem Cell research could immensely help many diseases. So like it or not, Im voting for whoever will support stem cells. If you are put in a similar position, and would vote against helping someone you know, Id be surprised, no matter what the party. Pres. Bush just came to Iowa to support Dave Lamberti, as he said, only problem is his name is Jeff Lamberti. Im not sure that guy knows which way hes going sometimes.

    Posts: 525

    I mailed my Minnesota absentee ballot in this week–one Libertarian Party candidate, the rest GOP.

    I am not happy with the Republican leadership in Congress, for reasons I will summarize as follows: out of control spending and lack of fiscal discipline. These and other Congressional GOP flaws are, IMO, symptoms of a leadership that has gotten too comfortable with the perks of power in Washington DC. The Foley issue was an example of this: Speaker Dennis Hastert chose politics and networking over doing what was right, and did not get rid of a sexual predator who was abusing his power to try and exploit teenagers. (As a libertarian Republican, I couldn’t care less that Foley is gay.)

    I also think the GOP leadership has done a poor job of advertising what they have done right–the federal deficit has shrunk by 22% thanks to Bush tax cuts, for instance. Also, check out unemployment figures and what the Dow is doing. The mainstream media obviously will not publicize any of this, just as they will not report any positive news from Iraq or Afghanistan…but everyone in the Republican Party should know CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and most major newspapers are organs of the Democratic Party. Ronald Reagan knew this, and went over the heads of the media to make his case to the American people. Congressional Republicans have utterly failed to do this. Someone mentioned the stem cell issue–the Republicans have NOT, repeat NOT banned stem cell research–they only banned federal funding for stem cell research when those cells are obtained from abortions. Stem cell research remains legal, and is going on with private funding at this moment–but you would never know this fact because the GOP has made no effort to get that basic fact out there.

    I always toy with the idea of protest votes for the Libertarian Party as my way of showing displeasure with the GOP, and this year I acted on it in one race back home where the GOP incumbent is a porky demagogue.

    However bad the GOP has been at times, they are preferrable to the anti-Second Amendment, anti-hunting, tax-raising, United Nations-loving, surrendering to Al Queda, private property-hating, eminent domain supporting Democratic Party. The thought of “Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi” scared me into voting Republican in the Congressional election–I will just keep working away within the GOP to try and make the leadership more responsive to the people like me who put them in charge of the House in 1994 in the first place.

    If most of the polls are correct (I have no reason to think they aren’t), then the Democrats will regain the House of Representatives, while the Republicans will likely keep the Senate. In addition to cursing that turn of events, I will try and see some good in it. The Senate will be able to block anti-gun rights legislative initiatives coming from the Democratic-controlled House for instance. The Democratic Senate can block Republican legislation to keep spending my tax dollars. Both parties, once in power, love spending our money, but at least the Democrats are honest about saying they believe more government at the expense of individual rights is the solution to everything, and they admit they love raising taxes to pay for that bloated government. Fortunately, Congressional Republicans and Democrats like spending our money on different things, so they cancel each other out on spending, to an extent.

    I am also hoping that at the least, the Republican Party will be reminded that it was commitment to individual rights, honest leadership responsive to their constituents, and small government that put them in control of the House in 1994, and that it was moving away from that position that cost them the House. Two years out of power may cure them of the pork-barrel spending and insider deals that make House Republicans look little better than the Democrats.

    Also, the voters seem to voting against the Republicans, rather than for the Democrats. Two years of gun-ban legislation, higher taxes, increased government regulation, and calls to give the French and United Nations veto power over US foreign policy while surrendering to Islamo-fascism should remind people of what the Democrats stand for.

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    Im a bit confused about the national deficit.. its a numbers game quite akin to a shell game…. they hide whatever they want by shuffling just what constitutes the national deficit.. however the national DEBT is at a higher level than ever before since WW II… this is clearly NOT a good thing.. and could poise the entire world economy on the brink of disaster

    Posts: 3

    10 reasons not to!
    1. Whats good for the environment is good for a duck(fish). Republicans(Pro -business—Pro-Polluter.)corporate elites for years have worked to weaken environmental safegaurds. Mercury; Its whats for dinner.
    2.You like your pension–Republicans like it more. How many corporate CEO’s voted Dem–I’ll bet none.
    3.MORALS–Republicans like to talk about them–but thats about it–Can you walk the walk.
    4.Gasprices–EXXON just posted the second highest corp profit on record, the first EXXON 4th quarter ’05. Wait till after the election
    5.Security–A.Bush Knew
    B.Bush lied
    C.GOP followed and covered up
    6.It’s the economy stupid–Dow Jones at record high poised for collapse–I’m to poor to own any stock anyway–paycheck to paycheck with hopefully enough left over for bait. Record consumer debt. Record national debt. Record current account deficit.. Oh well so much for a balanced budget. GO NEWT.
    7.Not all DEMS are Pro-choice–but if you are to make a women go to full term then help her after the birth–for years REPubs have cut social welfare only to turn around and give the money saved to corp elites in the form of subsidies. Thanks for the min wage jobs. A spade is a spade and a crook a crook.
    8.Torture–Bad information obtained by bad ways.–Next time an American soldier; my brother or my friend, is taken hostage remember what we stand for–IT IS NOT THIS–In the past we could always stand on the high ground–where do we stand now?
    9.Civil Liberties–It’s okay I wasn’t using them anyway. It’s not God and Applepie that make us American; although I like Both. It’s that damn pesky Bill of Rights.
    10.Gun Rights–When is the last time you shot a Big Greenhead or a 12 point Buck with an Uzi.–This is absurd.
    ] IT IS THIS


    Winona,MN/La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 3667

    welcome to IDA tonkacoys, and nice post.

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972


    10 reasons not to!

    1. Whats good for the environment is good for a duck(fish). Republicans(Pro -business—Pro-Polluter.)corporate elites for years have worked to weaken environmental safegaurds. Mercury; Its whats for dinner.

    2.You like your pension–Republicans like it more. How many corporate CEO’s voted Dem–I’ll bet none.

    3.MORALS–Republicans like to talk about them–but thats about it–Can you walk the walk.

    4.Gasprices–EXXON just posted the second highest corp profit on record, the first EXXON 4th quarter ’05. Wait till after the election

    5.Security–A.Bush Knew

    B.Bush lied

    C.GOP followed and covered up

    6.It’s the economy stupid–Dow Jones at record high poised for collapse–I’m to poor to own any stock anyway–paycheck to paycheck with hopefully enough left over for bait. Record consumer debt. Record national debt. Record current account deficit.. Oh well so much for a balanced budget. GO NEWT.

    7.Not all DEMS are Pro-choice–but if you are to make a women go to full term then help her after the birth–for years REPubs have cut social welfare only to turn around and give the money saved to corp elites in the form of subsidies. Thanks for the min wage jobs. A spade is a spade and a crook a crook.

    8.Torture–Bad information obtained by bad ways.–Next time an American soldier; my brother or my friend, is taken hostage remember what we stand for–IT IS NOT THIS–In the past we could always stand on the high ground–where do we stand now?

    9.Civil Liberties–It’s okay I wasn’t using them anyway. It’s not God and Applepie that make us American; although I like Both. It’s that damn pesky Bill of Rights.

    10.Gun Rights–When is the last time you shot a Big Greenhead or a 12 point Buck with an Uzi.–This is absurd.



    ] IT IS THIS



    Well it’s my turn to do a long post…in answer to your 10..

    1)..You act like there are no Dem-run buisnesses -they are in it for the money too Besides too many times these environmental laws are either A) way too expensive for the benifits recieved or B)just plain wacky.There have been plenty of rep sponsered evironmental laws.

    2)What about the dems buddy George Soros & The Kennedys or Wi’s Sen Herb Kohl….There are a whole BUNCH of Dem richies –

    3)Pretty broad statement….there are a whole bunch of rep.members here…so we are all immoral??

    4) We went thrugh that discussion awhile back….it’s the MARKET that determines the price of everything-not just gas

    Exxon made record profits because they sold MORE gas we(the US) cannot seem to get enough.

    5) This has to be the most worn-out mantra of the left these days- and I for 1 think it’s all bull- esppecially if what your saying that Bush KNEW the Towers were to be attacked.

    6)If anyone here has a union or penison plan at work or has a 401K 501 ect.. They own stock….

    I would be willing to bet that even the teamster pension my dad gets has (gasp..) oil stock in their portfolio’s far as the nation debt…our current debt ratio with the GNP (gross national product) is about 25%….In WW2 it was 48-52%. so it’s a record in numbers only.

    7)Not all are so but…. if they are in power- unlimited abortions will go on…and that’s not cool at all

    a murder is a murder -plain and simple.

    8)If making these dirtball terrorist tell us when and where they are going to attack next…then GO for it’

    These people are tring to KILL US ,kill you,kill your family,kill you neighbors and their familys too.

    And what about our 2 servicemen that were just kidnapped in Iraq–They were found dead with HOLES in their knees ect that were DRILLED with a power drill!! from all signs on the bodies they had suffered for DAYS.

    Torture’em hell…Kill’em all

    9) No attacks since 911……Nuff said.

    10) Ya nobody hunts with an Uzi…but they are a blast to shoot at the range (they do make a semi-auto) A gun is a gun is a gun -you take one “kind” of gun away the rest are sure to follow. Mr. Kerry signed onto a bill that would have banned auto-shotguns?? anybody you know hunt with one of them????

    Lastly….There is PLENTY of DEMOCRATIC corruption also!! IT”S NOT A ONE PARTY DEAL

    That all being said…it’s been a good discussion…hope we can talk fishing sometime

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 2063


    Hmmm, maybe the kid working at McDonalds got a raise, but I’d venture to say that most of the middle-class’ wage hikes barely cover the increased cost of living.

    Hmmm… Whenever we’re talking about the minimum wage that ‘kid working at McDonalds’ is a starving family of four. In Bob Kratchett style, his eeeeevil corporate boss comes over just to kick the dog (Christmas Carol).


    doctors at Mayo Clinic keep telling us how stem Cell research could immensely help many diseases. So like it or not, Im voting for whoever will support stem cells. If you are put in a similar position, and would vote against helping someone you know, Id be surprised, no matter what the party.

    Don’t be surprised if I don’t vote to murder a stranger for a one in ten million chance for a possibility to help your friend (or any of mine). Maybe you should kill Grandma and use the inheritance money to buy a Ferrari so you can take him for a ride. That will do him infinitely more good than infant stem cell research.


    It’s not God and Applepie that make us American; although I like Both. It’s that damn pesky Bill of Rights.

    Apple pie is a European invention. Pecan pie, however, is uniquely American, and is superior in every way.

    As for God and Country, good luck finding anyone from the founding era that agrees with you. Consider when we, as a country, first became “Americans” – then look at when the BOR was ratified. What the hell made those people “Americans” during that 15 year period?


    10.Gun Rights–When is the last time you shot a Big Greenhead or a 12 point Buck with an Uzi.–This is absurd.

    Uzi’s are rediculously ineffective for waterfowling or deer hunting. It’s not what they’re for. It’s obvious you understand neither the origin nor the purpose of our rights.

    troy seelhammer
    Chatfield, Mn
    Posts: 224



    There have been some very deceptive ads and comments made about stem cell research. I wanted to send you some information so that you could assist us in setting the record straight.

    We are NOT against stem cell research. We are against research that uses stem cells that originate from an embryo (which is the first form of life). An embryo is not a potential human being but a human being with potential.
    The cures for diabetes and Parkinson’s disease are not being halted by people who oppose embryonic stem cell research. ALL of the medical advancements on human trials have been with adult or umbilical stem cell research. There has been NOT ONE disease or physical malady that has been cured by the use of embryonic stem cells. On the other hand, there have been at least 72 advancements using adult stem cells in human trials or human experimentation.
    No one is stopping ANYONE from doing embryonic stem cell research. Any private company may do embryonic stem cell research at any time. Any family may chose to give their left over embryos to any research facility they chose for study on embryonic stem cell research. So if an ad is telling you that Republicans or any candidate is keeping us from having embryonic stem cell research – they are lying!
    The real question is – Should the government be able to use the money of the taxpayer to FUND something that so many of the population is opposed to?
    Adult stem cells have had positive proven results in cancers including: brain cancer, skin cancer, testicular cancer, ovarian cancer, Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukemia, Multiple Myeloma, breast cancer, and many more. The advancements in Auto-Immune Diseases have come in Lupus, Crohn’s Disease, Rhematoid Arthritis, Juvenile Arthritis to mention a few. There have also been advancements in Acute Heart Damage, Chronic Coronary Artery Disease, Corneal regeneration, Parkinson’s disease, Spinal cord injury, stroke damage, Sickle Cell Anemia, Red Cell Aplasia, Chronic Epstein-Barr Infection, Surface Wound Healing, Jawbone replacement, skull bone repair, Hurler’s syndrome, Osteopetrosis, chronic liver failure and end-stage bladder disease. The advancements in adult stem cell research are fantastic and our funds should be placed in the area where advancements are being found. The full list and wonderful explanations of the wonders of the stem cell are found in the link below.

    The link below will give you scientific information about stem cell research.


    South Range, WI
    Posts: 1776

    …and the truth shall set you FREE!

    and I am still shocked that there are any rich liberals..wow, Kennedy, Kerry, Kohl, Clinton just to name a few..really? Who knew?

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    you see.. for me it STILL boils down to there are rotten apples in every cart.. and if you people on both sides of the fence want to take pot shots its an easy target to hit… I personally DONT think you elect a party… you elect a person.. why bother with elections then? how stupid.. we dont even have to campaign and waste all that money… other than just vote R or D… really short ballot…. someone said not MANY evade party politics.. maybe so.. thats where OUR choice comes in.. and the ones that ignore what WE want.. we dont RE-elect… the ones who actually are true to what WE want.. we DO!… and yeah.. know the issues is great.. but really tough.. even just that one.. stem cells.. Ive read and read and read on that one…. the opinions sure vary…. and the whole thing about liars is all to appropriate.. it seems everyone has a great tendency to hear ONLY what they want to hear… and they use that to support what they want to think… sure makes life tough.. no wonder so many want to vote party tickets and see things in black and white…. sure makes life easier…. but I refuse to allow my thinking to be stripped from me.. and therefore my choice…. I always have been a stuborn basser….(or something that sounds similar to that…)

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137

    I still can’t find a copy of “Great Moderates in History” Perhaps you can help me find a copy?


    Posts: 484

    I’m voting mixed…both parties are corrupt.

    Some of the Republicans have done a pretty good job.
    Some of the Republicans are outright corrupt liars.
    Some of the Democrats have done a pretty good job.
    Some of the Democrats are outright corrupt liars.

    I’m going to vote based on a couple criteria…
    1. Who has maintained an upbeat, positive campaign message?
    2. Who puts the country in the best position to provide a counter-balance to the party controlling the White House?
    3. Who has not done anything to screw up while in office?

    Answers…There are persons in both parties who generally fit my personal criteria. I’m voting for those persons.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22846

    RiverEyes, we see eye to eye. Well scripted responses. Seems like something I heard about as a kid, common sense.

    big g

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