Getting rid of Mice

  • DRH1175
    Posts: 160

    I have mice. I have caught about 4 already in my garage using Glue traps. But they seem to be never ending. Now I hear them in my attic. Does anyone know the trick to keeping them out for good. I have a 1993 house so it is pretty modern. I also have 2 cats which are effective of keeping them out of the living space but what about the garage, and attic? I have one of those sonic plug in things in the garage. Is there a trick to get these to work and is there actually a brand that works better than others? Thanks

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    Save your money and get some D-con. Death to all rodent varmits.

    Bloomington, MN
    Posts: 386

    You need to find out how and where they’re getting in the attic.
    They need only a hole 1/4 inch to get in.
    Get some of that spray foam (“Dow Great Stuff”) and plug every little hole around openings to outside. Vents, water pipes etc. This stuff works great. You just put some in the crack or hole and it expands to fill the opening and dries hard and sealed shut.

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    moth balls work well too ,if you can stand the smell ,it doesnt take many to do the job
    Good luck

    Madison, WI
    Posts: 1090

    D-Con make sure you put some in the attic too

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    I too get the annual move in of mice this time of year.

    For the garage I use a baited bucket trap. Get’s them all eventually…. The cat does a good job keeping them out of the house.


    Posts: 2294

    Mix up some corn meal and plaster of paris powder about 50/50 and set out in jar lids where they can easily feed on it. As soon as they get a drink of water, well, you can figure it out from here!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    moth balls work well too ,if you can stand the smell ,it doesnt take many to do the job

    That’s a common misconception as they won’t work for meesess. If you have kids around they look like gum balls…

    Be carful with the DeCon if you have pets around…I never did like the “open” trays.

    I prefer the “tin cat” style mouse traps. Not the ones that need winding…these are called Tin Cats…they walk in and are trapped.

    If I didn’t have dogs I would be using DeCon myself.

    The glue board work great until the temp gets to around 40 (in the garage)…then the glue gets stiff and all you’ll find on the boards is hair.

    Good Luck!

    Dubuque, Iowa
    Posts: 1030

    Pure oil of peppermint works as well as anything at keeping mice out. They do not like being around the stuff. I too get a few mice coming into my basement every fall when the weather cools. I spray oil of peppermint around the entrance to the basement and inside around where they run. Unfortunately I never seem to get the stuff sprayed until after a couple of the vermin have made it in and have left sign that they are there. I set a couple conventional traps and get one or two and then spray and don’t find any more until the following fall.


    Long Prairie,MN
    Posts: 402

    I live in the middle of the woods, and every year I get the fall migration to the warm house and shop. I just set my yearly trap run with peanut butter! Check daily and reset, damn I wish the fur buyers would take them!

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100

    I have found that indoor cats are pretty useless when it comes to mice. We have 2 outdoor cats (I am allergic… so they can’t come in). We used to have a mouse problem being that we live out in the country… but since we got these cats, we have not had a single sign of mice in the house. Though… we do find them dead on our doorstep just about every single day (sometimes find multiple dead mice sitting on the doorstep). Those outdoor cats are also good for those pesty birds, squirrels, gophers, moles, and the occasional evil little rabbits…

    Byron, Mn. Rainy Lake
    Posts: 144

    I used poisen and had it tucked way under a shelving unit so my dogs wouldn’t find it. The smell is very attractive to animals and after 5 minutes of not watching them they found it. $1,300.00 of vet bills later they are all OK. Don’t be a dumb s. like me, pets will find it.

    The Villages Florida
    Posts: 364

    I use a bucket with 3 inches of anti freeze in it. A metal rod running side to side within 1 inch of the top, a soda can on this, in the middle, with holes in the top and bottom so it spins freely on the rod. Cover the can with peanut butter and set the bucket next to something they can climb. They try to eat the peanut butter, the can spins, plop, they go in the anti-freeze and are pickled. No smell!!! I leave this type setup in my garage and my cabin and do not check them for sometimes months. No smell!!!

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    I use a bucket with 3 inches of anti freeze in it. A metal rod running side to side within 1 inch of the top, a soda can on this, in the middle, with holes in the top and bottom so it spins freely on the rod. Cover the can with peanut butter and set the bucket next to something they can climb. They try to eat the peanut butter, the can spins, plop, they go in the anti-freeze and are pickled. No smell!!! I leave this type setup in my garage and my cabin and do not check them for sometimes months. No smell!!!

    Exactly what I do. Very effective trap.


    Holmen, WI.
    Posts: 160


    I use a bucket with 3 inches of anti freeze in it.

    Just be carefull with the anti freeze around pets – they find it very tasty and won’t live long after that. I had a cat that was poisoned from it – wasn’t pretty

    Posts: 160

    Thanks for all your help I will try a few of these tricks. Actually that bucket Idea I just heard about from my co-worker although they use just water works the same as is much safer. As far as decon I just called a home inspector and he said to put in sealed metal coffee cans some decon with a small hole only that a mouse can get in and put them around the perimeter of your house. They will eat it and die before ever making it in. Thnks for insight

    Dubuque, Iowa
    Posts: 1030

    For regular mouse traps the best bait I have ever used is uncooked bacon fat. Some people swear by peanut butter or raisens and I know strawberry preserves work just fine but there is something about the uncooked bacon fat that mice can’t resist. I was surprised just how well it works. Far superior to any other bait I have tried. I don’t know that it would work with the antifeeze trap but it works great on regular spring traps.


    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22908

    I would go with traps only. Rotting mice in the attic or walls, will eventually stink !!! I get them in my unattached garage from sept to nov, trap em with p’nut butter.

    big g

    Osceola, Wisconsin
    Posts: 2782

    worst year for mice Ive ever seen.. I started trapping them in august.. caught 40 out of my garage in 2 weeks!.. now Ive caught over 200… though they are spread out all over my property.. shed, sauna, garage and outside the house…..
    last year I tried poison… the dog ate the dead mice.. almost had a dead dog…. no more poison for me…. its just crazy how many mice there are this year… even today I caught 6 more… I average 3/day.. the tin cats are the most productive.. I can and often do get 2-3 mice in a trap… when one gets in.. the others follow.. the only down side is that bigger mice grab the doors from the side and bend them back down… once they learn that trick they do it again and again… and you have to use a kill trap to stop them…. they learn to lick the bait out those too.. but its a dangerous game.. and sooner or later they LOOSE….

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    I’ve got mice also, I choose to shoot them, house looks like swiss cheese, which of course the mice find attractive, more mice, more shooting, I think I may have inadvertantly discovered perpertual motion! Negative side, heating and AC bills are through the roof, floor, walls and windows! I Da’ Woman hates them also, especially the one attached to my computer!

    Posts: 1957

    I’ve been trapping them for the last few months, LOTS of mice. I have a dozen traps set in my old deer camper, nothing to get 6+ a day!! It seems I’ve taken care of them, got the holes patched up. No recent traps set off! This is the most mice I’ve ever dealt with!


    Minneapolis area
    Posts: 199

    I’ve observed on nightly walks with my dogs that here in a north suburb there is also a bumper crop of another rodent…the squirrel

    father walleye
    Saskatchewan, CANADA
    Posts: 28

    Thanks for your advices. I’ll take advantage of your help. I have to get rid of Mice in my cabin at the lake, too.

    Father Walleye

    Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3066

    Plunketts, haven’t had an issue since.


    Posts: 160

    Well after not catching any more in the glue traps because of the colder garage. I bought a 4 pack of the snappers. Put out 3 before bed in Garage and had 2 this morning. I also bought a tin cat and was wondering what the trick is to these? I put it along the wall but is there a best place to put them also do you put any bait in them to get them to catch more? Was wondering the trick. I am going to keep trapping all winter to get rid of those darn pests.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    I’ve had a few people send me PM’s asking for a photo of the bucket trap. So here it is, baited and ready for another couple days.


    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    These things work!

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Do you have a little mouse ladder to go with that???

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    I set it next to shelving in one spot and next to a wood stack in another.

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    You may have Brian K asking you to freeze them for Catfish bait.

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